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GFY Link Exchanges
Locating porn on the internet can be a fun, though often perilous, experience. I remember the good ol’ days - before I had built the digital empire I now rule - of trying different search terms to find fap media using Google’s image search feature.
At first, it was fantastic; experimenting with keywords and discovering new niches of naughty nudity was a thrilling time for me. However, I soon ran into a few different problems. First, especially back in the day, the levels of quality were all over the place. Sometimes pictures would be in the (relatively) high quality of 720p when it came to videos, and a decent number of images looked good, at least sometimes.
But I ran into all sorts of problems when it came to safely downloading shit, getting stuff in decent quality, and found I was spending way too much time searching blind. Of course, it didn’t help that back then; much like it is now, there is a lot of shadiness going on when it comes to certain sites.
So, I found a solution: just (virtually) congregate on all sorts of internet forums, and I think it is fantastic. There are several of them out there – some are super, others are shit. Then there are those out on the web that have a lot going for them with a few things that could be brushed up here and there.
To find out what is to be found on, then keep on reading. Despite the seemingly simple focus on one aspect of this website, this review is one for the ages.
You’ll see why as we go along.
Why Use A Forum To Trade Data In The First Place
Okay, before we get into what this part of the website is about, I think it is needed to explain why you should even give a damn about looking up this or any other resource.
1. Difficulties in finding so much material
For those who aren’t terribly savvy when it comes to the internet, it can be challenging to find resources to get or trade adult material. And while I cannot say I know from experience, I know of people who have gotten into some hot water over sending or demanding unsolicited nudie pics.
2. Legal concerns over pirated content
Another problem with exchange media between randos online is the issue of internet piracy. There is no shortage of stolen content floating around out there that it can be hard to determine what is novel and what has been taken from someone else’s website.
Sure, there is no guarantee that you’ll face legal consequences. Still, with more jurisdictions cracking down on pirated content (and increasing violations of privacy by governments), it’s increasingly likely you might be in for a world of legal hurt if your hard drive has pirated porn. I’m no lawyer, nor do I pretend to play one on television, but I’m pretty sure the lawmen aren’t going to care if whether or not you knew what you have is stolen.
In my opinion, taking the risk is not worth it.
3. Torrents are handy but dangerous
If you’ve seen some of my other projects, you know that I’ve covered several torrent websites and generally had a positive opinion of many of them. However, I should note that you really should consider downloading exemplary anti-viral software and updating your firewall.
Even then, if you are visiting the wrong torrent platform, you might end up getting a mammoth amount of malware.
4. You don’t know where some content comes from
It’s not too hard to find someone who will send you nude pics of themselves (supposedly) or someone else on a mobile phone app or a chatroom. But a problem persists, and that is where they come from.
Sure, it might be tempting to assume that this was an ethically taken photo, but there is no way to verify that. It is entirely possible that you are being sent revenge porn or something even more insidious.
For these reasons, you’ll want to consider a platform with mediation to ensure that you can (most likely) get safe and ethically acquired adult links and media.
This Is What I Think Of The Forum’s Design in This Section
If you have not already seen it, I have already done a general review of GFY on my flagship website,, and it is certainly worth looking at. I’ve also done other, far more specific reviews of GFY elsewhere on this site.
In both cases, the TPD general overview and the others on this platform, I didn’t hyper-fixate the data trading to be enjoyed on Go Fuck Yourself, hence this particular review. So, to start where I usually do, I’m going to look at this website section’s aesthetics.
Like the rest of GFY, there is a not too commonly seen theme that uses a black background with plenty of pleasantly contrasting yellow and white text. All elements are well-organized and functional.
That may not seem like something worth mentioning, but as with many forums that I have seen with a terrible design, it needs to be brought up. It is also worth bringing up since, for one, I can’t stand being on a website, no matter how great the content is, when the webpages are an eyesore to look at.
Can any of you?
Anyway, besides that, there isn’t much else to comment on regarding this forum’s look other than it’s great.
The Frequency Of Uploads And Friendliness Of Users Is Nice
When it comes to responses, you’ll get to your posts; it tends to be all over the place. It looks to me that the posts that seem to get the most responses are the ones that provide several or dozens or sometimes even a package providing hundreds of links per post.
I would add that you should probably add a decent amount of well-written text to attract ideal respondents. Of course, interacting with people after they reply to you a day or so apart can not only be a good way to get interaction, but it will also push your thread to the top of this part of the website.
But let’s get into how often link posts are made. Again, this is not typical, but to me, it looks like there is a link post made about once a day. Further, I have seen fresh responses made about three times a day at a minimum.
From What I Can Tell, The Users Are Friendly
It’s always nice to see a friendly face when you are out and about in the real world, and the same holds when it comes to surfing the web. Well, not literally, obviously, but you know what I mean. Everyone likes being welcomed into an online community and greeted when they come back.
Of course, no one likes being harassed, flamed, or spammed either.
Fortunately, between the attitude of the community members, the terms of service, and, if need be, the intervention provided by the webmasters, there don’t seem to be any issues with aggressive assholes. Moreover, it seems everyone here has a positive attitude and gives encouraging feedback to the other users.
Before You Start Posting All Over The Place, Read The Rules
Alright, I do constantly go over this, and the general rule is, of course, valid: read the rules before signing up for a forum.
Each one’s policies are different, so you will want to be informed and pay attention to what you agree to.
The general policies you see everywhere are indeed enforced, but there are some specifics that we need to go over that are especially relevant to this part of the GFY forum. So, without further ado, let’s do a breakdown of the major policies.
This might seem rather obvious, but it’s worth pointing out that Go Fuck Yourself has a big ass problem with spamming. I’m sure you would have thought that, but, as they say, the devil is in the details when it comes to this policy.
While you can post links to just about whatever you like, spamming would consist of links to other forums or another GFY board. Also, be careful of any behavior that might be considered questionable, as determining other forms of “spamming” are at the discretion of the forum moderators.
To quote the website directly, “abuse will not be tolerated” – violation of this specific rule can result in a user being permanently banned.
2) Be careful about the URLs and text that you drop
To be real, at first, this seemed a bit strange when I first glanced at this rule. But when I thought about it, it did start to register with me as to why they would mandate this series of rules.
Again, you can post links on this part of the website but be damn sure that you are careful not to include certain things you shouldn’t. To give you some specifics, do not post in such a way to draw attention to your profile’s signature or take people off-site to your own website.
You also don’t want to be accused of using search engine optimization tactics to draw search engines to your thread. Violation of this rule or others can lead to being booted from the forum forever.
Also, if you are trying to sell something, put it in the Buy and Sell Forum, not Trade and Galleries section. I’ll add here that I have reviewed the Buy and Sell part of GYF as well, which you should look up after this.
3) Signature rules are taken seriously
Personal signatures are perfectly good and well, but you don’t want to make it too big. Only three lines of text are permitted, and the button itself cannot exceed 120x60 dimensions. There is an exception to this where you get a GFY top banner sponsor wherein “you may use a 624x80 instead of a 120x60.” Violators will be deleted without warning.
4) As Google says, “don’t be evil.”
This is a forum, but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want in a literal sense. You can private message people, but only for business purposes. That does not mean that I would contact a business partner outside of the forum unless you are deliberately asked to.
Of course, there is zero tolerance for attacking people on racial, gender grounds, etc. They also don’t like it when you start posting – either seriously or as a sick joke – to do harm to yourself as well.
All of the other usual, “don’t do this or be banned” stuff applies like doxing, leveling false accusations, and the like, so just don’t be evil.
5) As I say, don’t scare the horses
This should go without saying, but having been around the net so long, I’ve seen some shit that freaks even me out – and I am not talking about splooshing or pony play. And to get to the point, illegal shit (you all know what I mean) is not to be posted along with depictions of animal cruelty, bodies being mutilated (even if it’s that freaky consensual shit), and anything that could be considered questionable.
Even if you accidentally post a link to an illegal website or contains banned content, you will be reported by the webmasters to authorities in your area. Since they require your personal information, including your address, they know where to send the Law to come and talk to you.
So, make sure you check the source of your links rather than simply copying and pasting after glancing at a webpage.
6) No one likes sock puppet accounts
I thought that no one had used these since 2012 on YouTube, but apparently, there has been a problem of people setting up multiple accounts and just sitting on them for ages on end. Sometimes people do this to get around the ban on anonymously contacting or harassing people.
Other users seem to be hedging their bets if they get penalized for violating the rules in other ways. Whatever the reason, you are allowed only a single account, and sockpuppetry is not approved of.
By the way, if you try to get around any onsite penalty by setting up a new account by a different name, you will (most likely) be found out and fucked up by the website staff. Once they do, your original account will have an additional violation strike added to it, or you might be permabanned outright.
As GFY says, rather than try to skirt the rules, take your temp ban like a man…or woman, whatever you are.
7) Virtual Private Network use might get you into trouble
I know that after the Cambridge Analytical scandal and the glut of advertising for VPNs after that debacle, everyone either has or had plans to get a virtual private network. Speaking for myself, I think they are fantastic and have a lot of excellent advantages.
But in pulling a bitch ass Netflix move, GFY does not like their users employing a VPN. If you try to sign up while using one, your account will most likely be denied. Technically, you can attempt to reach out to the site’s staff and explain why you need to use a VPN. But without an account, I’m not sure how you could and if they’d take you seriously.
If you are in a sticky situation like that, you might want to try the email option provided in the Contact Admin link. Good luck to you, I guess.
Those are the basics, and the additional rules and suggestions are easy to understand. Read up on the additional Fansign Rules, but those are pretty intuitive. The biggest thing you should adhere to is how many posts you can make in a time frame for certain other parts of the website.
I Have One Big Ass Problem With This Forum’s Policy
All things considered, I do not have too many problems with this forum. After checking around probing for issues, I come up empty for the most part. However, I did find that there was one thing that got on my tits – guest users are by what they can view.
If you check out any of the forum pages, you will see the poster’s names (which I think is weird) and the text convos between users. However, you cannot see any of the picture posts or link URLs.
Sure, I guess it makes sense to entice people to sign-up by keeping certain things away from public view. Still, I think it would make sense to give people an idea of what they are in for by giving them some preview.
Should You Join Up?
When it comes down to it, I do have an overall positive appraisal of this part of the website.
In and of itself, this is a decent forum all around, as I have documented before. When it comes to the link-sharing section specifically, there is an astounding number of threads, many of which have several helpful posts that’ll keep you entertained for days on end.
There are all sorts of materials to be seen, which will appeal to just about everyone. Seriously, get an account and look up what I’m talking about. There is a deficit in the more, shall we say, chocolate – and leather-themed smut – but seriously, how many people are into that (?) All the same, you’ll find just about everything else that you are looking for.
While I’m not convinced that you’ll see a high percentage of successful deals, this part of the website can facilitate business deals. Everything is free to join, and the terms of service aren’t too long and are easy to understand. And as with the rest of the forum, everyone seems to be pretty chill and nice when it comes to interactions.
It has got its problems, for sure, but none that make me want to hate on this particular aspect of
(To find out what I think about the other services on this platform, search my site for other GFY reviews.)
In my opinion, this website deserves four hands out of five. Do you disagree? Then go fuck yourself, lol jk. And now onto the final section of this article.
This Is How Registration Goes
When it comes to getting started on this website, you won’t have to put up with too much bullshit with a couple of exceptions.
To get going, you’re going to need to come up with a unique username and password, of course. (By the way, if you lose login info, you can request to get your password via email in a matter of seconds.) Unlike most other internet forums, you’ll have to input what sector in the adult industry you operate in, your specific job role, your website’s domain, and how you found this website.
It’s not clear why this is considering many – if not most of the users – are on this forum for entertainment, not entrepreneurial purposes. Whatever the reason, though, it’s just something that you have to do. Oh, and they want to know your time zone as well. Weird, eh?
Anyway, the thing that I’m not a fan of is the anti-robot registration mechanism. While it’s not impossible to make out, some people who don’t have strong vision may have to refresh the CAPTCHA box a few times (or several) before making out the string of characters they are supposed to submit to get in.
With that, I end my overview and encourage you guys to check this site out and sign-up. Lastly, look up my other reviews and share them with all of your buddies.
PornDude likes GFY Link Exchanges's
- Get access to an impressive number of links and pics of an adult nature
- I think the diversity of content will please most visitors
- There are at least a few new additions daily
- Navigating around this section is easy, and everything is organized
- Besides exchange media with average users, there are business offers, too
PornDude hates GFY Link Exchanges's
- Being a registered guest does not give you full access to the forum
- Some of the rules and regulations are a little strange to me
- Getting past the anti-robot registration CAPTCHA can be a pain
- Signing up while using a virtual private network is forbidden by the site
- I am not confident that you will see consistent success on business deals