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Whale Cash
WhaleCash! It’s time to talk about yet another marketing affiliate network that’s supposed to help you turn visitors into dollar signs. Every person that visits your website and stays for long enough to get their rocks off is in fact potential for you to make mad money, if you play your cards right. On the SEO side of things, you optimize for clicks and traffic. On the monetization side, you’ve got WhaleCash.
They’re supposed to cover damn near everything you might need from your affiliate network, leaving you to decide where the actual ads will be placed on your site. Beyond that, you’re good to go. The money’s just going to pour in for every visitor. Well, it’s not like they pay you per exposure, but once you crunch the numbers, you should be able to figure out your average profit per visitor, then try your best to crank those numbers way up. WhaleCash is a relative newcomer in the industry.
They’ve only been around for a few years. Still, I’m seeing a lot of good offers on their site. They seem to be marketing themselves really well. This could just mean they’re blowing smoke, but I wouldn’t trust an affiliate marketing company that can’t at the very least market itself. They do a great job of looking legitimate and successful, so let’s just go in with an open mind and assume they’ll hand you some quality offers if and when you sign up with them. But, before you get ahead of yourself, let’s go through their offers with a fine-tooth comb first.
PPL, PPS and Other Acronyms
I hate acronyms. I wish all of these marketing companies just used my kind of language to describe their offers. They’re forcing me to look up technical jargon. It gets in the way of my fap time. Ok, let’s take it from the top.
PPL and PPS stand for pay per lead and pay per signup. There are two kinds of PPLs. One is single opt-in, the other is double opt-in. WhaleCash only requires a single opt-in. That means that when a person you refer signs up with their e-mail, that counts as a lead and you’ve done your job. A double opt-in would require them to actually confirm their e-mail. That’s an extra opportunity for the client to bounce, so you should be glad that this responsibility isn’t put on you. For a single opt-in, you make $6.5. They also make it a point to note there’s no cap on any of their offers. All righty then.
Let’s move on to the PPS offers. These are a bit harder to nab, but that’s why they pay a lot more. You get a cash payout when one of your referred users buys something. In my experience, this is either going to be a subscription to a porn site or coins for a porn game. That’s roughly where we are with current trends. They might also purchase a video on demand. Anyways, you make up to $35 per signup. When the user pays, you get paid. They say it’s up to $35, because they cater to countless different clients who have their own prices, so there’s some percentage calculation that goes on behind the scenes. Either way, $35 is good money, provided the marketing copy they provide you with actually rakes in the clicks.
They Claim Their Ads Work
WhaleCash goes out of their way to boast about how careful they are in vetting the offers that they accept under their network. They apparently run them through more than $100,000 in traffic to make sure that they convert well. So, you won’t be peddling any snake oil any time soon. I mean, unless that snake oil gives people boners and encourages them to click through and convert, in which case, peddle that snake oil, boy and make money like a mad man.
There are many similar boasts on their site and normally, I’d throw shade on the fact that they’re kind of full of themselves, but it kind of works in this case. The problem with affiliate networks promising too much is that normally they overreach and they underprovide. I don’t think you’ll have that problem with WhaleCash, because they go out of their way to boast about specifics.
Those specifics are exactly the information you’re looking for. Any company that flat out tells you the numbers you can expect on their fucking landing page is a company worth checking out. If they had made these promises without actually stating numbers, that would be shady as fuck. But no, they actually list the actual offers. You don’t have to go digging around their terms and conditions for the fine print. You can find everything you need on the home page. It’s fantastic.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Reviews
WhaleCash has an extensive collection of good, bad and confusing reviews out there from all kinds of customers. On the one hand, I found a bunch of satisfied affiliates who are happy to be working with WhaleCash. They say they make a lot of money and I have no reason to doubt them. I’m happy that they’re happy.
There are also quite a few negative reviews saying that WhaleCash isn’t what they claim to be. These users are just not satisfied with the value they got for their time and effort. Then, there are the dissatisfied users who eventually came back to comment on top of their original complaints, saying that WhaleCash has turned it around.
Here’s why all of these reviews are a good thing. A bad affiliate network will have nothing but good reviews, because they’ll spam review sites with paid reviews. A terrible affiliate network will have no positive reviews at all, anywhere. The best of the best are always controversial and that’s what I’m seeing here. I think that the main reason people actually complain is that they see some quick success in the first couple of weeks, then they experience a falloff in numbers.
This is entirely normal and it has nothing to do with WhaleCash. You always see spikes in profit and traffic when you first signup with an affiliate network, especially if it’s the first network you’ve rolled with. I can’t guarantee that WhaleCash is the best or whatever, but they seem to be perfectly legitimate from what I'm seeing. I think they work hard and play hard. I also think they have every incentive to help you become a successful webmaster.
A Network You Can Cooperate With
I don’t know if they should have said this openly on their website, but WhaleCash has a little section that states that you’re welcome to ask them for help in case you’re confused about any part of the process, including lack of performance. They seem to want to give you advice and suggestions on improving your sites. This is … great news for you; not so much for them. I’ll bet my left nut that they get thousands of requests for assistance from all kinds of people, including ones that have no business being webmasters. But hey, it’s their funeral. If WhaleCash wants to spare the manpower to help you become a successful webmaster, I say, take it.
Just by signing up on their site for an opportunity to talk to them, you give them a ton of your contact information, including your phone number, ICQ, Skype name, e-mail and, of course, the website you intend to use as the first point of the referral network. They really seem to be invested in the process. They want you to succeed and they have every intention of helping you climb to the top.
I’d like them a lot more if they actually showed me some examples of their marketing materials in action, like a link to some of their more successful affiliates, but I’ve had no such luck. They show you none of the actual advertising that you’d end up working with. I guess that client privacy is really important to them. Still, they could, at the very least, create a dummy site for themselves to show you what their verticals look like. The most you get is a short description in the FAQ saying they’ve got banners, landing pages, e-mail creatives and the option to create new types of ads for you if you request them.
I guess this means that WhaleCash is a bit more than an automated network. They seem to be more concerned with custom optimization and interaction than automated platform integration. So, they’re not a platform; they’re an affiliate company of individuals who work hard to streamline the process.
The fine print states that their minimum payment is $100, over Paxum, Wire or check. That much is standard. They also have a 3% referral program, which is on the low side of things. I’ve seen significantly better referral programs with other marketers. Still, it’s a lifetime hookup and opportunity for a ton of passive income, so good on them for giving you the option.
PornDude likes Whale Cash's
- Custom promotional tools available
- Tons of verticals
- High payment for PPS and PPL
PornDude hates Whale Cash's
- No specific advertiser information on their site