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Alfa Content! What’s a porn site without porn? Pointless. AlfaContent is to your porn site what supermarkets are to your fridge. You have to stock up on groceries. You need to get your hands on that bread and butter. Instead, it’s videos of people putting bread and butter up their assholes, because that’s what people get off to these days, I hear. AlfaContent is a standard ass site. It’s so vanilla it hurts. They don’t even offer lesbian videos for fuck’s sakes. That aside, they’re a perfectly serviceable site. I have some complaints and I’ll get into them down the line, but I can indeed confirm that this is a legitimate site where you can get videos of pussies getting plowed in exchange for money.
In case you’re an end-user and you stumbled upon this site, get the fuck out. You’re allowed to buy videos just as much as anyone else, but it’s a terrible idea. One video will run you at least $30, though they average around $45 as far as I can tell. On top of that, they’ve got pictures for every video at $35, or a $60 total bundle. At those rates, you’d go broke if you fap once a week. Fuck that noise. This is clearly a site aimed at webmasters.
Now, I know that, because I’m a webmaster too. I’ve done my research. But, we’ve already run into a problem. You understand that this is a porn supply site with commercial licenses, thanks to me. But, what if I wasn’t around? How would you find this site otherwise? And if and when you found it, how would you know it was doling out commercial licenses? How would you know anything about this site at all, if you were to find it on your own?
Terrible Lack of Information
There’s a ton of smut on AlfaContent. That’s good, since we’ll cover the smut further down. First, I want to point out the obvious problem with their website. There’s nothing but the smut on this site. I’m not being hyperbolic here; there is literally nothing on this site except for the smut and one tiny page that lists their legal information. There’s no terms of service page or an FAQ. There’s no splash page that states that this site is aimed at webmasters. There isn’t even a description of the package that you’re purchasing when you check out a particular video.
There is nothing on this site except for the smut. That means that you literally have no reason to believe that this is a commercial supply marketplace. In theory, they could sue you for running these videos on a commercial site, since they never outright state that you get a commercial license. Now, I’m sure they wouldn’t do that. I’m sure that the commercial license is included in the purchase. But, they don’t make that obvious anywhere on their site.
This is a terrible business practice. My advice to you is that you point-blank ask them in an e-mail if their licenses are commercial, so you have some kind of evidence. You could also purchase a video as a test and see how it arrives, but I wouldn’t spend money on a website that isn’t honest and direct about what they offer.
Getting in Touch
Oh, in case you can’t find their e-mail address, check the bottom of any page and click their 2257 compliance statement link. That’s where they put the damn contact e-mail. Granted, it’s not for customers; it’s there for legal purposes, but fuck me, you have to get in touch with them somehow. I don’t care what they say – if you’re paying tens or hundreds of dollars for products that they’re reselling, you deserve a fucking e-mail. It’s not like I’m asking for live phone support here. I just want to reach a human being to know that I’m getting what I paid for.
Conversely, if you want them to reach out to you, check the left-hand side of any page for a Contact section that lets you put your message into a form. You don’t call them; they call you. They also list their ICQ and a personal Skype for some reason, but they note that that’s for corporate. You need sales, not corporate.
The Content is Weak
It does not inspire confidence. These are all smut videos made for and probably by dudes. I don’t mind the lack of chick friendly content, but I am a bit peeved about the lack of a lesbian section. Seriously? Not even one lesbian video? What if I’m really not into cocks? I’m shit out of luck. Oh well, I guess dude on chick porn is fine too. There’s also a gay section, naturally. They even have a tranny section. One thing all of the sections have in common is that the pornstars are … how do I put this? They’re ugly. They’re B-listers at best. You can find a few cuties here and there in the straight section and I guess the gay section doesn’t really matter. But, the tranny section is just a dumpster fire. These t-girls are not worth shaking my boner at.
The main pornstars under the straight section are also kind of … meh. They don’t make me horny; they make me sad. It also doesn’t help that most if not all of these videos were made by one production house that really likes blasting night lights at their pornstars. Half of the videos are filmed in a bedroom, with the kind of lighting that makes the whole thing look more like a crime scene than a fun pastime. None of the screenshots actually show people having fun. All the chicks look like they’re regretting their past life decisions. All the dudes look like they’re just waiting for the clock to run out.
The other half of the videos are filmed outdoors and they have some potential. If anything, the sets are hotter than the people in the actual videos. The dudes are all buff and standard, but you know I ain’t here for the dudes. Neither are the people that are going to be fapping to this content on your site. They’re here for the titties. The titties are either fake or ugly, and sometimes they’re both.
The girls take cocks up their asses in a lot of these vids, but there’s always a condom in the way. This just screams B-tier porn. Big companies can afford to have their performers on birth control with regular STD testing, so there’s never a need for a condom. But, if you see a condom in every single video across the entire production, you know that these are amateurs and I don’t mean that in the hot sense. They’re broke ass bitches; that’s what I’m trying to say.
Not Worth the Price
$60 for a full set of video and pictures is a good deal, except… These are B-tier videos. Plus, they can’t be bundled as far as I can tell. I’ve seen significantly more expensive sites offer A-list pornstars for the same price, but they let you bundle hundreds of videos together. Normally, you’d buy up a ton of these kinds of third-world porn products to pad out your porn tube. Variety wins over quality every time. Except, all of these videos look almost exactly the fucking same and none of the bitches stand out. On top of that, you can’t bundle them, so they’re literally treated like they’re the caviar of the porn world.
As a webmaster, you should be trying to turn a profit and undercut as much as possible. You should be spending upwards of $100 on a single video for the killer vids from famous faces, whether that’s Valentina Nappi, Angela White or Remi LaCroix. It doesn’t matter what type of A-lister you shell out the big bucks for. What matters is that your visitors see the best of the best on your primary landing page. So, you put the expensive stuff in your recommended section and pad the rest of your site with B-list garbage.
If you’re considering AlfaContent as your secondary or main source of smut, I don’t see how you could possibly break even. You’re free to try. I just don’t see how you could earn $45 back on a $45 video that looks like this. I guess you could try reselling these vids at a premium, but you’d have to find someone even dumber than you to buy them for an even higher price. They’re already overpriced.
If AlfaContent bundled these bad boys together in packs of several hundred videos and it came out to around $10 per vid, then I could totally recommend them to you. But, in their current state, you should probably just buy a single video from them if you manage to find something that really sticks out. Other than that, just bookmark them for the future and wait for them to come up with a better offer.
PornDude likes AlfaContent's
- Tons of videos
PornDude hates AlfaContent's
- No bundles
- Too expensive
- No A-list content