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Something loads of you webmasters have probably come to realize is that you can’t be everywhere at once. Let's say you have a massive network with many different audiences or have a single fetish site that is visited by people all across the globe. Well, then you’ve likely struggled to keep track of traffic, analytics, SEO, and other important bits of data from all of those regions. It’s fucking difficult. It’d be like trying to creampie a dozen sluts in a row. At some point, you’re going to start stretching yourself too thin. But, of course, I wouldn’t bring this shit up if I didn’t have an easy solution for you guys.
And it may not be the solution you expected. I’m talking about a site called It’s full of P2P proxies and places where you can allocate your IP. Now, I know what you fucks are thinking. How does a proxy site help you do anything but torrent video games and watch region-locked content? Well, this isn’t your normal proxy site for watching porn you don’t want your ISP to find out about. But I’ll get into the nitty-gritty of all of that nerd crap here in a minute. What you webmasters need to know now is that this site has been around since back in 2014. They have nearly seven years of experience keeping you and your network protected and cloaked.
Peer to Peer Proxy Solutions with a Failure Rate of Less than 1%
The site design is sleek and fairly simple. It’s about what I’ve come to expect from business-style sites like this. You get a few flashy graphics and animated charts to help you understand some of the more complicated aspects and features of this site and what it does. And, well, it might be a little overwhelming for those of you who aren’t super versed in proxies of this scale. This isn’t some personal proxy where you can simply turn it on and get going. There are a wide variety of services that I’ll help you fucks to understand.
Let’s talk about the basic way this service works. Instead of getting assigned a proxy IP that sites can detect, you are assigned a residential IP that doesn’t ping sites as being cloaked or fraudulent in any way. Since this is a peer to peer (p2p) solution, your exact location is shrouded since it’s never in one exact place for too long. Think of it as a torrent. Instead of getting pieces of a file from many different users, you’re getting your location scrambled together from a bunch of different places.
All Sensitive Data is Securely Encrypted Using a Proprietary Algorithm
Plus, Luminati backs that shit up with encrypted traffic between any relay points. Suppose you’re trying to send some sensitive material like, say, unedited footage for your bold new face fucking porno. In that case, you can make sure greedy competitors don’t intercept it along the way. But I’ve simplified the process a bit here. You have a varied selection of options when it comes to setting your proxy. I’ll hit you with a quick list of them as follows: static home proxies, rotating residential proxies, mobile residential proxies, and data center proxies.
Fuck, talk about options. Looking at everything this site offers makes me feel like a horny virgin going to the red light district for the first time. And your options don’t end with proxies. They have a browser extension that allows you to flip your proxy on and off for manual data collection. They’ve got a proxy manager, search engine crawler, data unblocker, and an automatic data collector. And all of those services have different plans and price points. So, I won’t be able to give you the scoop on every single plan unless you want to see me list numbers for the next five or six paragraphs. I know you poor cucks would miss my banter.
Get Valuable Market Data & Crawl Search Engines Anonymously
But I do want to talk about the data unblocker. This service has a 100% success rate in connecting you to your target sites without getting blocked. It has a fingerprint service built-in that allows you to manage a fuck ton of profiles at once without needing to worry about memorizing a bunch of passwords. This tool and the proxy makes it easy to do market research and keep an eye on your competitor’s rates without having to worry about getting the wrong numbers.
Say another site is selling hot lesbian movies for $50. That price might fluctuate depending on the region you are in. Or your home IP might have cookies or trackers that shift that price. Seriously, it’s possible that you could be overpaying on tons of sites! But going through Luminati’s data centers makes it, so you’re getting the raw data for every site every single time. It’s especially valuable when trying to set your prices on an e-shop or when trying to get your hands on plane tickets. Airlines love to jack shit up based on your browsing history. If you’re going to fly out to pound some pussy, then you need to do it for the right price.
A Wide Variety of Differently Priced Plans to Fit most Budgets and Networks
Alright, I’ll go over some basic prices and plans to give you nerds a basic idea of how much dosh you’ll need to dish out. Most plans are based on per GB rates. The more data you use from their data centers, the more it’ll cost—simple shit. You can pay as you go if you don’t anticipate using too much data and don’t mind a hiked up price of around $0.10-$42.00 per GB, depending on the type of proxy you want.
Alternatively, you can grab package plans that include data caps for every single type of proxy offered that will run you anywhere from $500-$30,000 a month. Holy fucking shit, that’s a lot of cash. But, hey, that might just be a drop in the bucket for you if you’re running a massive enterprise-level server network. You definitely need to be bringing traffic in by the millions to warrant some of these crazy expensive packages.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
You won’t be disappointed by this site’s selection of quality proxy tools. Holy shit, you run as much traffic through any of their tools as long as you’ve got the dosh to back it up. You can do basic proxy shit if you are an individual or small site owner who just wants to download some porn or check out your competitor’s rates. And you can do all of that for fairly reasonable prices, especially if you pay by the GB. But you can also whip out your dick and spend a fuck ton of dosh to manage a ton of traffic or get mountains of data. Though that shit will cost you upwards of 30 fucking grand a month.
I was also a fan of how succinctly and clearly this site explained its services. You can check out the FAQ to get detailed explanations and animated graphics that showcase how all of their tools function. You can go from zero knowledge about proxies and data centers to having a fairly robust idea of how they work just by reading about them on this one site. So, yeah, you can make use of the tools on here even if you’re a complete and utter noob on the topic.
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
I wish they had all of their pricing plans on one page. It’s not a huge issue, but you have to go back and forth between all of the different tools to get an idea of the prices. Just list them out all on one page! But, really, I can’t think of anything else to gripe about. This site kicks ass and offers a ton of great services that you won’t find elsewhere.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, is one of the best sites to visit for unique p2p proxy services that can scale to any sized porn network or website. Seriously, you can do shit for cheap with an individual service as well as spend big bucks to run entire networks worth of data through their services. And the fact that they have well under a 1% failure rate on their rotating p2p residential proxies is enough for me to give these fucks a glowing recommendation. All webmasters looking to encrypt data, do market research, and protect their brand should check this site out right now.
PornDude likes Luminati's
- P2P proxy solutions
- Rotating residential and mobile proxies
- Pricing plans suitable for any sized site or network
- Sleek site design & detailed FAQ page
PornDude hates Luminati's
- Pricing page is a little clunky