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Mechbunny TGP Script
I know most of the porn webmasters on my website are looking for additional ways to monetize their porn business. Maybe you have a camgirl site, or perhaps a porn tube with videos, but you want to get more people from abroad to come to your site so that you can get more revenue from ads. Or, better yet, you want to create one of the most premium experiences in a very niche porn sector. For all of that, there is a solution, and it comes in the form of a TGP script from This script will allow you to rapidly deploy a porn site that is focused on porn galleries.
There are good reasons for making a porn gallery site
Why porn galleries, though? Aren’t videos better? Well, sure, for some parts of the world, videos are better. And, if you want to deploy a porn tube site, you can do that with MechBunny too. There’s a separate script for that on their website that you can check out. But think of it this way. Imagine that you’re a starving Indian dude, but you still have your cravings and shit like that. You don’t have good internet, you don’t have a fast PC, and you are down on your luck when it comes to porn streaming. What is the only other logical thing that you can turn to that won’t eat up a lot of bandwidth? That’s right, porn galleries. Pictures are much easier to load, and they don’t run into buffering issues at all.
Sure, they might load for a long time, but you can see the progress in front of you, and as the pictures load, you can enjoy them one by one. It’s much better than seeing weird poses when a video freezes because the connection you have is shit. And it’s not even just Indians who have this problem. Many countries have shitty internet, and some of them aren’t even third-world regions. Some of them are big countries such as the UK or Australia. These countries, for example, have horrible internet coverage, and some parts of cities have insanely slow internet speeds, so keep that in mind.
A bunch of amazing features to explore
The script from MechBunny is written in PHP5, and it works as a sort of CMS, but one that’s a lot more lightweight than some other competitor solutions. For example, I’m sure you know at least 50 or so porn sites made using WordPress and never got anywhere. That’s because WP is way too heavy, and it just makes for very slow websites. makes scripts that will deploy an optimized site for the shit that you got it for in the first place. In the case of the TGP script, it’s all about these photo galleries where you can jerk off to pictures and photos all day long. It’s pretty amazing. does say that this script can be used for mainstream sites too, but we don’t care about that. I’m sure that they don’t care about that either since the first thing they mention is the adult aspect the script can be used for. And there are so many fun features that you can look forward to with this thing. For example, you can rotate the galleries by looking at their productivity and how much traffic they’re flowing through the website. You can also crop thumbnails, use thumbnails of all kinds of sizes, scrap galleries, publish galleries automatically, and a section on the site for models.
Very high performance and super simple to use
Some of the main aspects of the TGP script that set it apart from the competition are its high performance, the fact that it has two caching systems, HQ thumbnails, the simplicity of the admin dashboard, bulk importing, and customization. We should probably cover some of these so that you know what you’re getting yourself into. You see, the TGP script is built on the already existing Tube script framework, which has received wide acclaim for its performance. So, if you’ve ever used that framework, you know exactly how good this one will be too. It’s going to run like butter, and that’s the most important thing to have when you’re creating an entirely new porn site.
The two caching systems that uses for its TGP scripts are Memcached and filesystem. The thumbnails can be in various sizes and still keep their quality without hindering performance. When it comes to customization, the software you’re buying on with the TGP script is almost completely uncoded. This will let you edit all kinds of functionalities if you have anything that you would like to add outside of the features you get with the script. The number of templates is a little low compared to WP, but they’re damn good templates. You get 6 of them included, which should be more than enough to get your site up and running before you start customizing shit.
They covered all their bases with this script
For the users, you can expect this script to have all kinds of features. For example, they will see the views of individual galleries, leave star ratings, message each other if they register, see related galleries, and use the site in different languages (if you add the additional languages). They will also see the most popular porn galleries, see the most commented on porn galleries, top-rated porn galleries, and even the most recent porn galleries. You can sort through the image galleries in all those ways, and this will give users a lot of flexibility when looking for the ideal gallery for them to enjoy and jerk off to.
There are a bunch of additional features, and it is impossible to mention them all in this review. Some of them include SEO and SE-friendly URLs, image gallery slideshows, user gallery uploading, user registration, user login, user favorites, model directories, responsive website design with the default template, insanely fast loading times, and great scores on different speed metric websites. You also have static page management, all features from PC available on mobile, community features, email notifications, friends lists, bulk uploading with FTP, and automatic site updating. There’s just so much!
Unfortunately, the demos just don’t work
The only thing that I noticed doesn’t work are the demos. There’s a button to load up the demo, but it leads to a broken page. There are also demos for all the 6 different graphical templates you can check out, but none of them work, so I’m a bit sad to see that happen. Also, keep in mind that to use this script, you’ll need to have an Apache, Lighttpd, or a Nginx web server, PHP 5.3 or higher, a MySQL database, ImageMagick 6.7.7 or higher, and also IonCube loader. If you don’t have a good hosting solution, you can use their server offer for $30 a month to solve that.
$30 a month for a server is a lot, so I don’t know if I would go for that offer. The script itself is even more expensive, but it’s a one-time purchase. It costs around €180, and you will get an unlimited domain license which means that you can use this script for any website. Now, that price is pretty high, but it’s a lot cheaper than developing a porn gallery site from scratch. So, in the end, I think that it does pay off and that you will see a lot of ROI when you get this thing. You can quickly get a porn gallery site online and start marketing it to all the people you think will bring in the big bucks. I can tell you that there are so many fans of this kind of content on the web.
PornDude likes Mechbunny TGP Script's
- Countless features that will be great for both you and the users
- Responsive design and excellent performance on all metrics
- Swift and easy way to deploy a fully functioning and modern porn gallery site
PornDude hates Mechbunny TGP Script's
- Can be a very expensive one-time investment for a beginner webmaster
- Only 6 templates to choose from, which pales in comparison to WP
- The demos for the admin dashboard and the different templates don’t work