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Judging by the name, you might think that 247MG is some sort of drug store that never closes. Well, it’s the next best thing. The MG stands for media group and these boys and girls are Indian porn professionals. They’ve been in the business for a while and they’ve got a gigantic ever-expanding library of porn videos that are indeed Indian. You can pretty much tell that this is an Indian production from the style of the website and I mean that in a very good way. This site looks legitimate. They’ve covered all their bases.
We’ll talk about the fine print in a little bit, but first, let me just say that I’m grateful that we’ve got these kinds of affiliate marketing offers. It’s pretty damn hard to beat an entire dedicated company working towards bringing you one kind of smut. It’s one thing to see Indian babes in a western production; it’s an entirely different experience to get your smut straight from the source. The whole appeal of Indian porn isn’t just about where the babes are from or what color their skin is or how much they may or may not smell like curry. There’s a cultural element involved. You want to see how Indian babes fuck in their natural habitat.
It’s like a cultural exchange between genitals from different parts of the world. You want to see what they consider a fine dicking on the other side of the world. You also want to hear how these babes moan when they’re comfortably at home. Granted, they’re not filmed at home. These aren’t amateur videos. But, you get the gist of it. These are genuine foreign productions that any Indian lover is sure to enjoy. So bring some foreign culture to your marketing campaigns and introduce some curry flavored pussy to your clientele.
Tons of Different Sites
This is exactly what I want to see in an affiliate offer from a porn network. – Tons of different sites. The whole point of having a porn network under your offers is that you can run A/B testing among their various products. If they’ve got one product under ten different sites, that’s not ten times the optimization potential. That’s a joke. You get ten different URLs, but the same goddamn content. And yes, this entire network might specialize in Indian sex, so all the porn is under the same ethnic theme, but that doesn’t mean that all the smut is the same.
Instead, they’ve got a metric fuck-ton of different types of sites that look nothing alike. They might ultimately be drawn from the same database, but it doesn’t matter. They have different landing pages with different types of content. They have a different focus and they’re targeting different niches. That’s the kind of variability you need to figure out your marketing metrics. You want to know what kind of pussy attracts which types of demographics among your audience. 247MG makes this possible with their gigantic selection of different flavors of smut, under the Indian theme.
A Retro Vibe
Of course, there was going to be a downside. No porn network is perfect. The first thing that really stuck out when I visited 247MG’s initial landing page was that it all felt old. I mean, the website design looks like something out of a 2002 internet textbook. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but we know that to be true because we are webmasters. The content matters and the design does not. Except, that’s not how the occasional fapper feels. There’s a reason why web design evolves over time. Styles get improved, polished and experimented with so that webmasters can figure out what works best across an average majority of people.
247MG’s approach to web design is retro as fuck and not in a cute way. It straight up looks like they did not care enough when they made their websites. This is true for all the websites under their wing as well. So, when your visitors get sent to one of these amazing offers, they might not stare at the titties, because they’re distracted by the janky bright colors across all the menus. This is very fucking bad. It’s not a deal breaker, to be sure, since their content is still worth selling. I’m just worried that you’re going to see a serious lack of performance compared to other networks that actually have proper web design. Only time will tell. You’ll have to run your own tests and see.
Animated and Static Creatives
Staying true to the retro vibe, 247MG provides you with a ton of embeddable banners and ads that you’re free to use any way you see fit in marketing their various websites. Unfortunately, they’re all as retro as the design of the destination website, so you can’t even fool people into believing that they’re going somewhere sexy and modern. These banners look like the kind of shit we used to see on Flash sites 15 years ago. They are in serious need of a fucking upgrade.
Speaking of Flash, the animated banners are actually driven by Flash Player. This is absolutely, 100% unacceptable. Flash is a couple of months away from being completely removed from all major browsers. It’s going extinct. Why the hell would you have your ad creatives be powered by Flash Player? It makes no fucking sense. There are easier ways to animate an image across two fucking frames. Have you heard of GIFs?
Maybe I’m getting too riled up about this, but marketing affiliate networks are run by teams of people who specialize in digital marketing. This is first-grade stuff right here. If they did this poor a job designing their ad creatives, I can only imagine how many mistakes there might be within their actual offers. Now, assuming that different teams did their web design and their content production, it could very well be the case that there’s nothing wrong with their content at all. Hell, they could be the best porn network in the world for all we know. But, that’s not what their creatives say. Their creatives say that they’re fucking inexperienced. My advice to you is that you should at the very least only use the static images. At least you know they’ll load on every browser.
The Payment Terms
Unfortunately, there’s no flat fee offer under the referral terms for 247MG’s content. You have to opt for a revenue share. They literally do not have another offer for you, well, unless you count the webmaster referral fee, but that’s a completely different conversation. True to industry standards, you get a 50% revenue share, for life, for every person that you send over to their sites. This means that your audience has to actually spend money on this Indian smut in order for you to get a payout. There’s no other way to profit from this smut. Well, unless you use their creatives as joke decorations.
The 5% webmaster revenue share is pretty dank. It’s also a standard amount. It’s the most common percentage I’ve seen so far. You should know how this works already. If you’re marketing to webmasters, go with the webmaster program. If you’re running a porn tube, get the content revenue share. If you’re running a porn forum, get both and carefully manage your demographic. Maybe have people disclose whether or not they’re webmasters so that you know what to market to them. Webmasters make for terrible end-users when it comes to porn subscriptions, mostly because they’ve already got them all.
Oh, before I forget; your content referral fee gets bumped up to 65% every time you hit $1000 a month in revenue. I wish you luck in hitting that number. You’ll need a lot of traffic for those kinds of profits. Either way, it’s definitely doable. 247MG is far from a bad network. They’ve covered all their bases. I know I’ve griped a lot about their design, but the bottom line doesn’t change – this is a great place to find a ton of quality Indian smut that you can’t really get anywhere else.
So, if you’re in the market for an affiliate marketing campaign that has you advertising Indian smut to your visitors, this is the offer you’ve been looking for. Give 247MG a shot. At the very least, it won’t cost you anything. It will take you a while to get some viable numbers on all of their offers for A/B testing, but at the very least, it’ll be a fun experiment. Good luck.
PornDude likes 247MG's
- Thousands of Indian porn videos
- Dozens of different sites
- Up to 65% payout
PornDude hates 247MG's
- Very janky web design
- Flash Player banners