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Tube Partnership
There are a lot of porn webmasters joining the fray these days who are trying to make serious money by making their own porn and selling it to people. But what if you don’t have a lot of money to start your porn site? Surely there has to be a way in which you can use your tech savvy brain in order to earn cash without having to spend a lot of time actually creating content. Worry not, that’s what I’m here to talk about today and it comes in the form of an affiliate site called Usually with these kinds of affiliate programs you just link people to a site, but on Tubepartnership it goes a lot deeper too.
Many ways to earn money through Tubepartnership
You see, with this site there is just so much that you can do and the only thing you need to worry about is actually adding videos to your site. It’s a simple process when you boil it down to three steps. The first step is to register an account on The second step is to download their database dump file and import it to your site. Finally, the last step is to get people to click on their videos and get redirected to their site where they will watch it. But there are some rules to which people you’re going to get paid for, what kinds of clicks they need to be, and how much you get paid based on their country.
Alright, so all of this sounds fairly simple, but do you need to be an expert in creating a porn tube site in order to set everything in motion. Well, kinda. You see, you don’t really need to be the best at the job, but the fact of the matter is that you’re going to have to create a website where you’re going to feature these videos that will lead to sites that Tubepartnership wants the people to go to. Now, you can go down several different routes of making this website and it can be anything from a simple aggregate porn site to a porn tube site with some of these videos from Tubepartnership sprinkled in between and earning you some more passive income through affiliate marketing. I really think it’s worth it to do this.
Tube sites and aggregate sites are welcome
The difference between going down one route or the other is the retention rate you’ll have with your loyal users. If you want to rely on people coming back for more, I think that you shouldn’t make every link be an affiliate link. Instead, you should have your own database of porn, but if you want to get some of those fat affiliate stacks as well, then featuring some thumbnails that lead to Tubepartnership should be more than enough to score you points with people here without tarnishing your reputation as a good porn tube site that they can go to whenever they want to quickly watch some simple porn vids for free.
When it comes to creating a porn aggregate site, you’re relying a lot more on getting new users all the time and for this you need to have really good SEO and you also need to know how to gain exposure on other sites without spending to much money. You will probably make plenty of affiliate deals and so the one with will just be one of them. You can actually redirect people to all kinds of sites if you have a bunch of porn database dumps, but since you won’t have any porn vids of your own stored in your database, a lot of users won’t be coming back to your site next time they wanna jerk off.
Get paid for all generated unique traffic
So, you start to generate traffic and you want to know how much you’re going to be paid on this website. Before I start crunching the numbers for you and telling you which regions this is going to be for, I should first tell you a little bit about the actual traffic that you will be sending and what is generally accepted here. You see, these guys mostly care about the quality of your traffic, and so if you have targeted traffic then you will get evaluated better and you will get some custom rates that will be even better than the rates listed on However, you also need to know what not to do and what kind of traffic won’t get you any money here so that you don’t fuck yourself over really badly.
When it comes to traffic from your site, they will accept everything except for the poor-prod skim traffic, as well as pop-under traffic. Those two kinds of traffic are basically you tricking people to go to the sites works with by placing some invisible ads that cover the entire page. That shit is a no-go, and they won’t accept it. However, they will track mobile traffic and pay for it just as well. You will get paid for every 1000 unique page views, but they need to be unique in order for them to count. If you are just clicking on the videos all day long on your own site, that’s not going to work here at all.
Higher-quality countries will earn you more money
Now, as I’ve mentioned before, different countries will net you different rates, and in general you have three categories of countries. There are high-quality countries that will give you $1.5 CPM and these are the US, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Austria, and Australia. To be honest, I’m surprised the UK isn’t in this category but rather in the medium quality category that pays $0.75 CPM alongside Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Germany, France, Canada, and Belgium. Finally, all other states in the world fall in the bad quality countries that earn $0.25 CPM.
So, you now know the rates, but what about the payouts. You will get your first payout when you earn a minimum of $50. Anything below that simply won’t be paid out. However, the money is sent every single month and they never seem to skip a beat when it comes to this so I guess that they have it in them that they want to keep all of their affiliate marketers happy. You will be able to track how much money you earn in the dashboard or control panel, and you will also be able to request the payments to be done through Webmoney, Paxum, Bitcoin, or ePayments. It’s a bit unclear if you will be paid every month even if you don’t reach $50 after the first minimum payout or not, though.
Plenty of great features in their dashboard
Some of the information that dishes out can be a bit confusing, but in general once you register and get in the control panel, I think that everything will be a lot clearer and that you will figure out how everything works in a jiffy. Their control panel looks really good with all the necessary stats given to you so that you know where to improve. You will also be able to select which videos you want to download in the database dump for your porn site, so if you run a gay site for example you don’t have to download all of the straight porn as well. This can make all the difference.
It’s not a huge file size difference, but it’s a really good way to create a niche porn site that will be able to target a certain audience a lot better than general porn sites of which there are tons of out there. I just don’t think that general porn sites can earn as much money as those that go into a certain niche and try to make the most out of that. At the same time, I’m sure that you’re going to be able to make it work even with a regular porn site if you’ve already created one. I’m just saying that if you still have to create your site, making a niche to send to Tubepartnership might be a lot better in terms of the results here.
PornDude likes Tube Partnership's
- Download a database of porn videos for your site
- Get paid for unique visitors you send these guys
- Higher rates for high-quality unique site traffic
PornDude hates Tube Partnership's
- Some information on their site is a bit confusing
- Bad quality countries only give you $0.25 CPM
- United Kingdom and other surprises in MQ countries