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DomCop is an expired domain auction marketplace with premium features. Trying to crawl through dozens of different domain marketplace sites can be a fucking nightmare. There are so many pages that claim to have exclusive deals, domains, and prices. They’re all so full of shit. Okay, well, not completely full of shit. But a ton of them claim to have exclusive deals and unique prices to rope you in. And it can be such a pain in the ass to filter all the different sites vying for your attention. It’s like trying to pick the right babe to fuck at a rave when you have a half dozen sluts on molly grinding on your cock.
Well, worry no more because I’ve got a quality piece of software the consolidates registry lists from all of the big-name domain auction marketplaces and makes those lists easier to sort through. The site is called Unfortunately, you’re not getting a sexy cop to step on you and call you a bitch. Though this would be a damn good domain if that were the case. Fuck, all I want in life is a kinky bitch to handcuff me while yelling, “Stop resisting!” Oh, right, the site. Yeah, it’s been around since 2012. That gives them nearly a decade of experience with finding you the perfect domains.
200+ Thousand Domains Expiring Every Day
But, again, this isn’t just any domain auction marketplace. The home page boasts “bucket loads” of metrics to help you find a dope domain with great backlinks. They have access to all of the big-name registries like Moz, Majestic, Estibot, and a fuck ton of others. And they claim to have 200+ thousand domains that go up for auction and expire every single day. That means you’re getting hundreds of thousands of new domains to look through every single day that you wouldn’t see elsewhere. At least, you wouldn’t see all of those expiring domains on a single marketplace.
The main page shows off a few expiring domains with their metric ratings. That menu gives you a little taste of what the full tool will end up looking like. Domcop also hits you with a knowledge bomb that tells you how they filter out domains that have been marked as spam or hit with penalties by Google. You’ll never buy a useless domain from these guys. You get to see a bunch of metrics and details for each domain. You get details like Moz domain authority ranking and the number of Majestic referring domain domains.
Exclusive Lists of Deleted, Expired, and Access to a Personal Domain Crawler
In addition to all of that shit, you’re getting a list of 14+ deleted domains, 46 supported extensions, a personal domain crawler, and unlimited exports. But you’re not getting all of that for free. Yeah, there’s always a catch. What did you expect? You wouldn’t expect some whore to throw in a titjob out of the kindness of her heart. You need to pay for a premium service. However, you can view a standard marketplace version of this site for free. Though you’ll need an account with a premium membership if you actually want to pull the trigger and buy anything you see.
Basically, you can scroll through active domains that are available for purchase. And, well, that’s about it. You’re not getting access to the expired, backorder, deleted, or any of the exclusive lists. The basic list does have a wide selection of search features and filter options. You can sort domains by all sorts of rankings, monthly searches, and more. There will be a timer for each of them that tells you how soon each one will be expiring. You’ll have to act fast to get most of these. Thousands of these expire every fucking minute.
Access to Premium Features and Services Starting at $64 a Month
You cheap cucks aren’t here for that free shit though, right? You don’t want to have to crawl through every single site on your own. You’re too busy plowing pussy and working out to work on this nerd shit every hour of the day. Screw that shit. You need a dope program that goes through all of these marketplaces and shows you tailored domains that will fit right into your network of kinky porn sites.
I hope you fucks are ready for this because it’s going to cost you a pretty penny. The only way to get access to that expired domain crawler is to pay for the top-tier plan. The “guru” plan as it’s called. It’ll cost you at least $198 a month for that shit. Goddamn, that’s expensive. I’m still having trouble wrapping my head around this cost. I get that the tool is useful and all of that, but it’s crawling sites that you can access for free. And it’s such a niche use case. You need to buy and sell tons of domains for this tool to be profitable for you or your network. I’m not saying it’s not useful, but keep that shit in mind.
Detailed Analytics and Metrics You Won’t Find Elsewhere
If you’re not worried about the crawler and just want access to the expired, archived, and currently expiring domains, then you can just pay for the mid-tier plan. That one will run you 106 bucks a month. Lastly, you can dish out $64 a month for the low-tier plan that just gives you access to the currently expiring list of domains. That last one really fucking baffles me. You can access nearly all of the expiring domain lists separately on the registers this site draws them from. I don’t know. I get that the crawler may be worth a fair bit, but I think Domcop may be overvaluing this program slightly.
But then again, you’re getting a fuck ton of useful metrics that you wouldn’t get on those other sites. So, maybe there is something to their price brackets. I’m torn on this one. Yeah, it’s probably pretty fucking useful. But it’s also a lot of dosh to dish out for a niche tool. They have many videos that showcase the tool, how it’s used, and what it’s good for. Hell, every plan has its own video. This site definitely goes the extra mile in making sure everything is laid out plainly.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
I liked the different approach that Domcop took to helping you fucks find quality domains. It’s a luxury tool built around making your life much easier. You won’t have to sit on your ass for hours on end and scroll through thousands of domains. Instead, you can have this robust piece of software find and list out domains that match your criteria. It’ll cut your time waste down by countless hours. Simply scroll through your curated list and place bids on the sites you want while ignoring the ones you don’t.
And you get a bunch of useful metrics that would take so goddamn long to gather on your own. It’d take hours of cross-referencing shit to list out a handful of domains the same way that these fucks do. And by the time you did it yourself, the domains would have expired and been auctioned off to savvy webmasters who dished out the dosh for this tool.
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
The price is very steep. I get it. These guys need to pull in a profit for all of their hard work. It’s just that the cost is so high, especially when you factor in all of the other tools and software that the average porn site webmaster needs. Many might choose to do this shit on their own when they see the crazy prices listed here. Though you could argue that this isn’t a tool for the average webmaster. This shit is made for ambitious fucks who want to buy hundreds of domains on a regular basis.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, is certainly a niche domain service, though it offers a wide selection of tiers. You can take a peek at a lengthy database of available domains for free. After that, you’ll need to pay up for the good shit like expiring domains and a personal domain crawler. Despite the high prices, I can see plenty of you horny webmasters getting a lot of use out of something like this. It’s easy to signup and get started, and you can even watch introductory videos that detail every step of the process. I recommend this tool to webmasters with deep pockets who want to further automate their network’s expansion.
PornDude likes DomCop's
- A domain auction marketplace with detailed analytics
- Premium expired and deleted domain lists
- Informative tutorial and explanation videos
- A personal domain crawler
- Automate the domain research process!
PornDude hates DomCop's
- Premium price point for premium features