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Funnel Flux! Starting an ad campaign or affiliate program is easy as fuck. You can toss some ads up on your landing page and call it a day. But the real struggle comes in making and managing campaigns that actually make you enough money to justify the work and cost of securing ads or whatever other forms of monetization you’re using. Some months the ads might do fucking great, while other months, you don’t break even. Why the fuck does that happen? You’re looking at all of the numbers and walls of data coming in, but you can’t make sense of it. You feel like a meth-addled hooker trying to take a fucking entrance exam. It just isn’t clicking.
But, for once, it’s not your fault. That shit is tough to work through unless you’re a turbo virgin with a ton of free time on your hands and nothing better to do. You need software that not only visualizes the complex data for you, but also makes it, so you get insights into what methods of advertising are most profitable for your site, network, or brand. I went searching for such software and came across this site called
Campaign Optimization Solutions that Make a Difference
This site has been providing campaign optimization solutions since 2015, so they have a fair bit of experience in the field. This isn’t some fresh-faced team that doesn’t know jack shit about adult ads or ad campaigns. However, it’s worth noting that this isn’t an adult-specific program or anything like that. But it doesn’t need to be. This software doesn’t look at the dicks and pussies on your site, nor does it care how many hot babes are getting face-fucked. This software picks apart the raw numbers and gives you a visualized funnel that shows you where your traffic is going and how much of that traffic is converting into sales or ad traffic for you.
Much like the tracking software itself, this site lays out all of the information you need in easily digestible chunks. And, man, I love the design they’ve got going on here. So many tracking programs have bare-bones sites that amount to little more than a few lazily placed paragraphs and bullet points. Funnelflux has interesting graphics, charts, and actual data that you can look through. Hell, they even show you a bunch of sample tracking funnels that you’d actually see when using the program yourself.
A Premium Analytics Tracker Backed by Stellar 24/7 Customer Support
This site boasts a robust program that beats out what any cheap tracker can do for you, and they’ll give you a helping hand if you run into any issues. And their support line isn’t full of dumb fucks who don’t know a goddamn thing about the software or what it does. You’re getting nerds who know tracking like the back of their Cheeto-dust covered hands. Unlike older tools that sit and stagnate like a gamer in his own filth, this program is constantly updating and changing to keep up with the ever-changing market.
But they don’t simply say that they’re always updating their shit and leave it at that. They’ve got this rad interactive chart that shows you how they set themselves apart from the competition. You get slick features like multivariate testing, no restrictions on funnel entry points, automatic EPV optimization, lightning-fast redirect speeds, and a user-interface that breaks down advanced information without you needing to have advanced knowledge.
Get Tons of Integrated Features that the Competition Simply Don’t Have
There are at least a dozen other features and integrations listed, but you’ll have to peruse those on your own time. I want to talk about how the interface looks. You can see samples of it all over the goddamn place on this site, or you can get some first-hand experience if you’re willing to dish out a single dollar for a three-day trial. Yeah, it’s that fucking cheap. And it’s worth it if you’re on the fence or aren’t sure how this shit works in practice. But you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. The program is sleek, full of custom icons, and has step-by-step instructions for setting up every aspect of it.
If you don’t want to take my word for it, then you can scroll through a good number of testimonials from site owners and industry veterans who are singing this program’s praises. Each testimonial goes into detail and is attributed to an actual person and site that you can look up and verify for yourself. So, yeah, at least you can rest assured that other people are actually using and enjoying the hell out of this tool.
Choose from Self-Hosted or Cloud-Hosted Plans Starting at $49 a month!
But enough beating around the bush. Let’s talk about price. That’s what most of you eager webmasters need to know. How much is this shit going to break the bank? Well, it depends on if you want to host his service on your own server or have the team at Funnelflux host it for you on their cloud-based servers. I can’t say how much your server is going to run you, but you’ll need to factor that into your cost if you go about this shit on your own. The self-hosted version will run you $1 for the first month and then $99 every month after that. Honestly, that’s not too fucking bad at all.
If the mere thought of running your own server makes you sweat, then you should pick up the cloud service. The un-managed version will run you $49 a month while the pro managed version will cost you $99 a month. Again, super reasonable prices. And the cloud plans come with a full 14-day free trial so that you can get a taste of the full experience before you dish out the dosh. This site works with you and wants to make you happy every single step of the way.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
This site looks fucking fantastic. Sure, sure, looks aren’t everything. Keep on telling yourselves that as you look in the mirror. It won’t change the fact that a damn good looking site can make a difference. In this case, it makes a big one. You can easily browse through the many features of this rather advanced tool without feeling like you’re sifting through a clunky manual written by a nerd with a hot pink butt plug up his ass. And that’s a damn good sign for what’s to come, as this whole piece of software is built around visualizing and tracking complex traffic data for your site.
But my next favorite thing has to be the software itself and how it’s priced. It’s not outrageously expensive or dirt-cheap. They bridge a good middle-ground and make this shit affordable while still being reasonable. Plus, you get a month of service for just $1. That’s fucking great. And I liked that you could choose between hosting it on your own server or having these guys do it for you. Hell, you can even get a fully-managed cloud-hosted version of the software for just $99 a month. That’s a goddamn steal!
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
Man, I’m racking’ my brain trying to come up with some negative shit to say about this website or the software and I'm coming up with nada. I’ve got nothing. It’s good. So, uh, I guess I can offer you cucks a personal suggestion this time around. Get a good face wash and use that shit daily. Bitches love it when you’ve got a soft face and skin in general. Nobody wants to touch your greasy or dry face. You need a goddamn skin-care routine. Trust me, that shit makes a bigger difference than you think. But, yeah, let’s just move on to the conclusion here.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, should be your go-to for an easy to use tracking software. In short, it makes the nerdy shit easy to understand. You get visualizations for all of the data that comes your way, and it’s built around making your life easier. You’ll be able to tell where your campaigns and ads are performing well as well as where you might need to rethink things. And, fuck, you get a lot of bang for your buck with Funnelflux. Having different hosting options was a huge plus for me as well. I highly recommend you guys check this site out and give it a shot. It’ll only run you $1 for your first month!
PornDude likes FunnelFlux's
- A campaign tracking/analytics tool with a wide feature set
- Visualizations for every complex bit of data
- Very user-friendly interface and design
- Expert 24/7 customer support
- You can try it out for just $1!
PornDude hates FunnelFlux's
- Nothing yet!