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Mega Sesso is your typical porn tube. It has a fine selection of porn that attracts about a million visitors every month. However I am not here to talk about the site in general, I am here to talk about its webmaster options.
Apart from signing up for porn tube’s webmaster program, there are a couple of ways for folks in the adult industry to take advantage of porn tubes. For instance, if you make your own porn and want to make it popular, putting up bonus content or trailers on porn tubes is an excellent way to do so.
Megasesso is an Italian site so you will have to turn on google translate or brush up on your Italian.
Website Content
You can cut in on the chunk of revenue generated in the porn industry by signing up with a porn tube webmaster program. Traffic without monetization is useless, you have to find a way to make the wankers visiting your site earn you money.
You might have started your porn tube as a fun pastime, but wouldn’t it be more rewarding if you could make money doing something you enjoy. The easiest way to monetize traffic to your is by signing up with a webmaster program.
Megasesso does not run its own webmaster program.
It is a part of the network which is one of the biggest adult affiliate networks in Italy. Megasesso’s webmaster page pretty much encourages webmasters who are interested in making money with their traffic to register with the network.
In my opinion that isn't a bad suggestion. If you are looking to monetize the traffic on your porn tube, registering with Tube Advertising is a great option. It offers daily & weekly payments, the minimum payout is 10€, and you gain 5% revenue for life for leading your webmaster friends to Tube Advertising.
The network offers an 80% revenue share for all of the leads coming from your desktop and mobile traffic. Additionally, its promotion tools are easy to generate and you easily copy/paste them to integrate them into your website. I have previously written a comprehensive piece on Tube Advertising, the article covers all the details you need to know about the adult CPA network.
Breaking into the porn industry either as a model or production company isn’t an easy feat. Like any other industry, you need to stay consistent, offer great service, and promote your brand to get to the top of the industry.
Making high-quality adult flicks is an essential recipe for success, but it isn’t the only recipe you need. The adult industry is over-saturated with creators, hence creators have to promote their content to stay ahead of the curve.
Many newbie porn peddlers do not go the extra length to promote their content. They do not seem to understand the fact that no one will watch their content if they don’t know about it. The best way to get people to watch your content is by actively promoting it. Amongst the many ways for adult content creators to promote themselves, is by putting their content on porn tubes.
This at first glance might seem counterintuitive as you won’t get any money from porn tubes for putting your content on their servers. The whole point of uploading content on porn tubes is to promote your brand. Visibility is one of the most crucial elements needed to succeed in the adult industry. Porn tubes get lots of traffic which makes them the perfect spot for creators to reach their desired audience.
In case you are confused, I am not encouraging you to put your entire catalog of porn on free porn tubes. You can do that if you want to run a charity with your content, no one is going to complain. Just know that you will hardly make any money if your entire catalog of content is available for free on the internet. If your goal is to make money, uploading trailer clips or bonus content is the way to go.
To make it easy for suckers to find your content, ensure to watermark what you churn out. The point of uploading your content on a porn tube is to attract wankers who are willing to pay for your catalog of smut, you might as well make it easy for them to find you.
One of the allures of Megasesso is that it has a fine stash of amateur content. Many of the suckers who frequent the site, come in search of naughty amateur entertainment. Uploading clips of yourself fucking in your sitting room might earn you a couple of instant fans since that type of content is popular around here.
Megasesso got over 1.5 million visitors in the past month, which is a pretty decent amount of traffic. With over 1 million visiting the site, you can be certain that your content will get more visibility. If it is high-quality there is a huge chance that it would rank amongst the most viewed content on the site.
Website Design
The site’s design isn’t unique, but it certainly isn’t horrendous; it looks like the typical porn tube. The site’s layout is simple and organized which allows visitors to navigate with ease.
You can enjoy all that Megasesso has to offer in exchange for putting up with annoying ads. Surfing the site was a bit tiring because of the presence of intrusive
Additionally, the site’s media player is modern and easy to use. I didn’t experience watching clips on the site, as clips played immediately and their streaming speed was fast.
Mobile/Desktop Experience
Megasesso has a modern and sleek interface that is easy to navigate on mobile and desktop devices. Its mobile site has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate on the small screen of a smartphone. The only drawback I experienced on the mobile site was annoying ads that did a good job of getting on my nerves.
What I like about Megasesso
Megasesso is the place to visit when you are craving some naughty Italian action. It is entertaining to watch a chick curse in Italian as she gets her cunt stretched by a fat schlong. You can see that happen on Megasesso, these Italian beauties don’t stop riding dick until they have milked every drop of cum. Megasesso is stacked with lots of Italian smut.
What I hate about Megasesso
Megasesso is home to annoying ads. Before you go visit the site, get ready to put up with intrusive ads. You can expect to trigger a pop-up ad every time you click on a link. The ads didn’t hold back from getting on my nerves, getting redirected to random sites was frustrating.
All in all, Megasesso is a great option for adult creators who are looking to gain exposure in the porn industry. The site gets a decent amount of traffic which makes it an excellent spot for adult content creators to promote their content.
Additionally, Megasesso is a part of which offers members a good deal and is one of the biggest affiliate networks in Italy. You can join the network to monetize all of that traffic to your porn.
You can check out PornWebmasters for other ways to make money in the porn industry. It is the number one-stop shop for all information on how to make money with porn. It is stacked with articles that tell you about tools and sites that help you make money with porn. Check out the articles if you want to turn your meat-beating habit into a money-making venture.
PornDude likes MegaSesso's
- It gets a decent amount of traffic
- It is a part of the network
- User-friendly interface and is easy to navigate
PornDude hates MegaSesso's
- Ads