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Milk Man Book! If you’re looking to get a lot of traffic to your porn site, then there are many ways in which you can get it. Heck, you can get like a million Indian dudes to click on your porn site in the next hour or so if you buy the traffic on some random site. However, this kind of approach isn’t really going to result in much. You need to look at quality, not just quantity when it comes to traffic, and that’s why sites such as the amazing exist in the first place. This is going to be the website you go to whenever you are in need of high-quality traffic and whenever you need to get a boost on your own porn site.
It’s difficult to get a feature here
The thing to realize is that Milkmanbook operates the same way in return. What this means is that you should already be a pretty proper porn site and that you should actually also have some traffic to send back. The reason for this is simple. If you have traffic to give them, then they will have traffic to give you. And the more traffic you bring to them, the more traffic they bring to you. Thinks of it as a traffic trade, and that’s why you can read more about it by going to It’s an exchange of quality traffic at the end of the day, and that’s why all these porn sites are here as well.
There are many metrics that are taken into account when is looking to work together with a porn site, and you’ll see that they can be quite demanding when it comes to all of the things that a porn site needs to have when it comes to its traffic to even qualify for a referral here. If you cannot find yourself fulfilling all the rules that Milkmanbook puts forward, then you can forget about getting a link feature here. I’ll give you more info about all of these rules and demands in the next paragraph, but I just wanted to give you an overview that this isn’t just you’re average porn list site for regular users.
You need to be a well-established brand
Instead, the users who come here are power porn users and they are usually really high-quality fans of porn who are ready to spend money on good content if you have it. That’s why this place is so damn exhaustive in its need to ensure that the level of professionalism you’re at is enough for them to even consider working with you. For example, if you fill your page with blind links and try to black hat your way to better results, you won’t be considered. Likewise, using dialers, exploits, pop-ups, and illegal tubes will also make you ineligible for a spot on Milkmanbook so don’t even think about doing all that.
Next, if you promote illegal content, no matter what kind of content we are talking about, or any kind of content that is hosted on an even remotely questionable domain name, or trade with other sites that do this stuff, just don’t get in touch with Milkmanbook. Finally, if you have a hidden status line or even if you have a harmful skim rate, forget about your featured link here. With all of these rules, I might seem like it’s impossible to get a feature, and when you add to that the fact that they also require at least 50 quality clicks every 24 hours from your website, the probability of success drastically goes down with all these factors. That’s why you need to be an established porn brand if you want to get featured here.
Lots of high-quality traffic to go around
The reason why Milkmanbook has such a strong emphasis on quality over quantity is because they have had this site active since 2002, and if they started to give in to the demands of the market and just featured whatever sites on their platform, then they would severely hurt their SA, which stands for site authority. So, instead, they decided to go down the route of quality over quantity and that’s why you see all of the rules here that you might not see on other porn list websites. I mean, think about it, if you had almost 20 years of existence in the market, you would probably also be pretty uptight about rep.
Moreover, with so much experience under their belt, the admins of Milkmanbook probably know the ins and outs of high-quality porn traffic, and that’s why they are still getting so many clicks even though their site still looks like it was made in the early 2000s (which is actually the case). They always seem to get a lot of people coming here and they generate a lot of income since all of the ads that are featured on this site know that they are advertising to the cream of the crop, and not just to random bots. This also has to do with the fact that gets a lot of quality traffic back from its partners.
They need to be more transparent
One thing that I have noticed though is that as of the writing of this review, wasn’t actually taking in any new trades at the time. Not only that, but the site also seems to have not updated its copyright information to include the year 2021, even though that year is nearing its end at this time. They might update it later, but from such a high-quality porn list site you would really expect to get that level of due diligence when it comes to all of the things they usually do to ensure that their site is running smoothly and that their site is recognized as a high site authority figure. It’s just strange to me.
Also, it doesn’t seem like they are very active when it comes to announcing any trade changes right now, so to me it just seems like the admins of Milkmanbook have decided to go on a bit of a hiatus. Who knows, maybe it’s personal matters, or maybe the site just wasn’t doing too hot, but they just haven’t seemed to be updating people about any of the things that were going on behind the scenes. I just wish that they included a bit more transparency when it comes to all of these issues, because then we could talk about them like adults and not try to meander our way through the entire conversation like it’s some kind of taboo topic that we can’t talk about. That’s simply not what it’s like at all in my eyes.
Hundreds of thousands of potential hits
In my eyes, this is still a great site for getting traffic trades. You can hope to get up to 200,000 hits a day on this site to all the platforms that they feature, and not only that but they also have loyal users who have bookmarked the page who use it every day. Their SEO is also off the charts since they have a large about of keyword rick traffic. In fact, most of the traffic to their site doesn’t even come from trades, but instead it just comes from organic visits, which is pretty insane if you ask me. They even have a trade expert to handle all the trades so that they can make sure that all the featured links are high-quality.
There is also a script on this site which is going to take a look at the productivity of your site and how many new visitors its getting from the links you’ve featured on your site. If this isn’t that high, then you can expect your site to go down the list pretty damn quickly. It’s not even anything based on a personal level, since all of this is being done automatically with each new update that comes to the site every 2 minutes or so. So yeah, if you were looking for a high-quality site to strive towards and get a feature in, then this is the place you should go to. If you provide high-quality traffic, they’ll do the same in return.
PornDude likes MilkManBook's
- Get some of the highest quality traffic on the web
- Only the best and most productive sites are featured
- Almost two decades of experience in porn traffic trades
PornDude hates MilkManBook's
- They seem to be a bit more inactive as of late
- No official announcements of when trades are accepted
- Very rigid and unforgiving productivity measuring script