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Moms Here! Are you a porn webmaster who has decided that their specialty is going to become mature porn? Do you have your own porn site with a bunch of porn videos or photos of beautiful moms, and you want to make that website even bigger than it already is? Well, in that case, I think that you need to have a chat with the admin who runs Why? Well, this site has its own traffic trading program that can benefit both parties involved. There are a couple of caveats though and I’m going to cover all of them in this review. So strap in, bring your finest mom porn that you have, and let’s explore Momshere.
First of all, read the damn rules
So, to get into this entire ordeal, you are going to have to follow a couple of rules before you apply. I have to admit, these are some of the strictest rules I have ever seen for a site of this caliber, but alright. I’m not the one who wrote the damn bullets, I’m just the messenger in this situation, so please don’t shoot. Anyway, let me tell you what you are not allowed to do. First of all, you can’t have any illegal sites, obviously. I mean, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t even have to be told. If you have a brain I have a feeling that you already knew that anything illegal is just not going to fly here, no matter what you do.
Next up, you aren’t allowed to have any kind of password, warez, Active X exploits on your websites. Basically, all of these are common sense things but I’m just listing them out. The real trouble begins when you get into the next couple of rules that don’t allow for any new sites, or any sites that cannot secure at least 1000 unique visitors per day. You also need to have real content, you can’t be a CJ site, you need to have good quality content, you can’t use a subdomain or an IP address. You need to have a top list on your website where you will put the link as well, so keep that in mind.
Might be too tough to work with
And even when you fulfil all of these requirements, you are still not going to see any traffic coming in from Momshere until your account is approved, so this is going to be a lot of trouble if you are expecting instant returns on your investment. It’s not a money investment, but it is an investment of your time and effort. And that doesn’t just mean the time it takes for you to add the domain to your website with an anchor link, but rather the time and effort it took you to build your website to the scale it’s at today. So yeah, expect any new trades on to be disabled by default as well.
What I want to know is whether or not Momshere actually manages to get many webmasters this way. It doesn’t seem likely, and I don’t know who would subject themselves to this kind of treatment from a site like this one. It seems a bit illogical to me to say the least, and I do hope that Momshere thinks about this some more and that they change some of the rules, at least for the new sites. They don’t even specify what it means to have a new site. When does a new site age sufficiently to become a regular site? After a year? Two years? Those are only some of the questions you won’t find an answer for and I sincerely hope that takes this into account with any future update to the site.
Find all the info you might need
But alright, let’s say that you still want to go through with the traffic trading. What is it that you are going to have to do on Momshere in that case? Well, you are going to have to add your domain, the URL to the website where you want the traffic to flow, the title of the website, your email, your ICQ, your nickname, a password of your choice, and a short description of your website. Seems like a fairly simple set of information that you will have to provide these guys. After you do this, don’t forget to put the site name on your website in your toplist as well so that you can get approved here.
You will also find all the info you need on the side of on the signup page as well. This includes the domain, the URL, the ICQ ID so you can get in touch, a name, and a title for the website. Now, the only problem is that Momshere doesn’t specify the email address there. You will probably only ever get that piece of information if they contact you via email. The reason why this is the case is probably to stave off all the spammers that might find the email address and send spam emails to it. It doesn’t even have to be a real person since regex bots are great at crawling pages and automating this.
Balance the traffic flow between your websites
Another thing that will be readily available to you through Momshere is the prospect of logging in to see all of your webmaster stats. Simple put, you are going to want to see how your site is performing and what you can improve upon. If you aren’t sending enough hits to this place and the admin feels like there is a disbalance in the amount of traffic they are sending you versus how much you are sending them, then they will tell you about this so that you can try and even it out. If you don’t you risk losing the partnership which isn’t good for either side but interests have to be taken into account as well here.
It’s a delicate art of balancing the inflow and outflow of traffic that marks the best webmasters as they use this technique to improve their standing overall. But why does this even improve your standing to begin with? Well, it’s simply because of a little thing called SEO. You see, if you are trading traffic with another website, this signals to Google that both of these websites are really important. This in turn also increases the amount of total traffic on your website, which ranks your site higher on google search results. Finally, with all the backlinks on and other sites’ top lists, you will be able to really get the most out of anchors and really set the stage for which keywords work the best for you.
The design of the site could be improved
The one gripe that I truly have with is that this site is really not the most alluring one when it comes to design. The website here really doesn’t do a good job at being presentable in my opinion, due to several problematic reasons. One of the most obvious ones is the choice of fonts on Momshere. The font that they have decided to use for Momshere is Comic Sans. If we put aside the fact that this font is a literal joke, and that it doesn’t do well when it comes to giving your brand more recognition, it will also put a serious dent in your repeat users since nobody will take you seriously.
Heck even people who want to see naked moms are going to go to a different site simply because of the fact that this one looks like garbage. Anyway, that’s just my opinion, and you can say whatever you want but this is a fact that you just cannot ignore. The design of a porn site plays a big role in how successful it is. Obviously, the fact that this site doesn’t really take its design that seriously isn’t a good sign for your future business opportunities with it, at least if you ask me, so I think that you should think about this some more before you start trading traffic with the platform. Then again, any backlink helps, so if you can get a traffic trading partnership started, you could benefit from it as well.
PornDude likes MomsHere's
- Trade traffic to get better SEO standing
- Rank higher on google through backlinks
- Specializes in mature and mom porn photos
PornDude hates MomsHere's
- Poor design choices for the website itself
- The rules can seem way too strict
- Starting to trade can be pretty tough