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Tube Mature TV
When it comes to the mature porn game, traffic trading is everything. You can have the best mature porn in the world, but if you don’t have the traffic to back it up, you’ll quickly fall off into obscurity. That’s why I suggest going to sites such as and making your presence known by trading a bit of traffic with them. Sure, you might think that you could be at a loss if you give them more traffic, but this will serve both of your sites really well if you do this correctly. Let’s take a look at the traffic trading program that has to offer and see if it’s a site that you should consider for that.
Keep a close eye on when they open trades
Of course, Tubemature, already has plenty of partners who are trading traffic with them right now, so it might be hard to find when they have an open spot. At the time of this review, they were not accepting any new trades, and so I’m not sure when they are going to be opening their site up to new sites who want to partner up and trade a bit of traffic with them. Since this isn’t exactly clear, I’m not sure if you can actually say that this website is the right choice for you at this moment, but it’s always a good idea to go ahead and check out the Tubemature Signup page for webmasters to see if they need new sites.
If you end up going to the Signup page and you see that they are accepting new partners, then you should grab that opportunity as soon as possible and get the most out of it. That means providing this place with all the necessary information that they need and then asking them for a spot on their page. Don’t be fooled though, they will be expecting the exact same from you. You better be prepared to put their link on your own website and forfeit some of that traffic that will be bleeding away from your domain and straight to them. But, as you’ll see in this review, this is a small price to pay for the benefits.
Get fat increases on your SEO score
But why even go through all this trouble? Why is traffic trading so damn important? Well, there are plenty of reasons why that is, and one of the main ones is obviously the fact that has a pretty good site authority behind their backs. The reason for this is that they have all these other sites that are trading traffic with them, and what that ends up doing is that some of the people from all of these sites end up coming to Tubemature which raises its site authority and then the traffic that comes to other sites from their platform is worth even more, which is exactly what you want to see as well.
And so, as you have a link to your site on, and you put a link to their site on your own platform, you will initiate the partnership and you are going to see that this is going to have a really good impact on your SEO. Search engine optimization is basically a determiner in how well you are going to place when people search for mature porn on Google. That is why it’s so important to have as many of these partnerships as possible. The more of them you have, the better you will rank on Google, and this will have a really big impact in attracting more people to come to your site and too.
Direct traffic from real mature porn fans
The next thing that you need to keep in mind is that you won’t just be getting this SEO from Tubemature but you are also going to be able to get some direct traffic from that site as well. Now, I know what you are thinking. Sure, some of the traffic from your site will also go to them, but that’s not the point. What you need to keep in mind is that if you provide your users with the better experience, then they will just naturally start to accumulate on your website, and it’s not like you’re doing anything wrong on your end. You’re not trying to cheat out of their users, and all you’re doing is providing a good UX.
So, just try to do your best when it comes to giving people mature porn and they will all naturally consolidate around your website. really does have an okay site, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary or anything that would be really hard to beat when it comes to providing and even better user experience. The way I see it, as long as you have good content, and you manage to create a UI that is at least a little prettier and better than Tubemature then you are surely going to be able to do a pretty good job at retaining the direct traffic you get from their platform. I believe this is also a key to success and you should be doing everything in your power to try and do this sort of thing as much as possible.
You need to follow some rules in this partnership
Alright, now we should probably note that you are going to have to add their site to your platform and for that you will find all of the necessary information on their signup page. You will find the URL where you should send traffic to, but you already knew what domain that is, and you will also be able to see the site name here. The interesting thing is that there is also a field for ICQ but that has been designated as N/A, but they have left the email address that you can use to contact them. This is unusual as it’s usually the other way around as admins try to prevent crawlers from sending spam mail to them.
There are also a couple of rules that you’re going to have to follow here such as the fact that you can’t use an illegal site to trade traffic with this platform. Additionally, you are also not allowed to do anything that might be considered “cheating”. While Tubemature doesn’t exactly specify what they mean by that, I am firmly certain that they mean things like popover ads and other methods that allow for blind skim traffic that nobody really finds that useful since users usually immediately click away from those sites which is also seen as a bounce and Google detects this as detrimental for the site where this happened.
Keep your eyes peeled for other opportunities
Now, the best situation for you would be if you already have a webmaster account here, but I’m pretty sure that most people who are reading this review do not have this. Unfortunately, this means that you have to wait a bit more to actually start operating your traffic trading operation, at least with the platform, but I sure hope that they open their doors once again so that you can start to work with them on this and so that you both can get a little bit more of the organic traffic pie that the extra SEO will allow you to unlock. So, just stay on the lookout for when Tubemature looks for new sites.
Of course, I can’t guarantee that this is going to be anytime soon. This does suck since I do know that mature porn sites especially depend on this kind of stuff because they usually have a somewhat older audience that is not as tech savvy and so Google positioning is extremely important. Also, don’t forget that isn’t the only site on the market which you can try and contact with this kind of proposition, and so you should always keep your eyes and mind open and think outside the box when you want to be successful in the porn business. All in all, I think you are ready to venture out into the world of mature porn and start trading some traffic and seeing a lot more success than you are now.
PornDude likes Tube Mature TV's
- Great opportunity for better SEO
- Get a lot more direct traffic as well
- Increase your success with mature porn
PornDude hates Tube Mature TV's
- Doesn’t take new trades at the time of writing
- You never know when they might open trades
- You might end up on net negative traffic too