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Serp Clix! Quick, what’s the most important success that a webmaster should aspire to? Don’t think about it; just blurt it out! That’s right – being the first result for a popular search term. Congrats. Give yourself a pat on the back. The entire purpose for the existence of SEO is that much desired first result. You want to be at the top of the page. Back in the 90s, people actually scrolled to the second page of search engine results. I’m telling you, I saw it. I was there. It was a wild time. In times of extreme desperation, they even went as far as page five. These days, you have to be in the top three or you’re completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter how hot your smut is. You could have an army of fresh 18-year-old virgins taking it up the asshole and it won’t matter. You can try to survive on word of mouth alone, but being the first result on Google will be exponentially better for you.
So, how do you get to the top? Do you improve your video descriptions? Do you get a free WordPress SEO plugin? Do you run your shit through Google Analytics to find all the mistakes in your metadata? Sure, you could do that. But, you see the problem with that approach is: All of your competitors are already doing that. You can optimize your website six ways to Sunday, but there’s only so much fat to trim. At the end of the day, all the top keywords are already taken. You’re not going to be the first result. Try again in another life. Or, alternatively, spend a shitton of money on SerpClix and watch your rating soar sky-high all the way to the top… maybe. Possibly… It’s not a guarantee. But, it’s a good start.
Real Clickers
This is the simplest business model ever and I can’t believe no-one’s thought of it before. SerpClix is a service that allows you to purchase link clicks on Google, from random people. That’s it. That’s the whole secret. The site claims that they’re not only the first to do this, but they’re the only company that offers this method. They’re not. There are alternatives. I have them listed under this category. But, they may well be the first. They’re easily the most popular. What I like about this offer is that it pretty much copies the age-old method of just getting a bunch of bots to click through to your site in droves. Except, Google’s damn good at recognizing bots. You could get yourself blacklisted if you use them.
On the other hand, with SerpClix, you get real people from around the world, operating through a VPN. They’re not publically known. I think they might be actual employees. I’m not sure where these people are coming from. There must be thousands of them, working around the clock. I didn’t see a hiring section on their site, so I guess that traffic is being collected elsewhere. Whatever the case, this is a genius system. As for whether it works, well, they claim that it does. But, they also claim, several times over, I might add, that there are zero guarantees. You get what you paid for, sure, but they can only guarantee that your link will be clicked. They have no real way of gauging how this will affect your overall ranking. So, there’s an element of risk involved.
Looks Promising
They have a bunch of testimonials on their site, a few of which are actually referenced by name so that you can look them up and see the results for yourself. This looks pretty legitimate to me, but again, it’s not a guarantee. Plus, you need to keep in mind that Google can also see SerpClix’s success and they can work to prevent this method from working in the future, if they want to. That being said, there are a few quotes from Google representatives that were smacked onto the testimonials page for your information. They basically said, several times over, that organic clicks do seem to influence page rankings. They didn’t outright say that this is a good thing, but they did admit that the system has reason to work. So, SerpClix isn’t blowing smoke. They are actually on the right track with this approach. My concern is the trends of change in SEO practices. Google is always improving their methodology, so you never really know what this is going to do for your rankings in the future. In SEO, everything is risky and everything is temporary.
Discounted Offers
SerpClix comes with a very interesting pricing breakdown, since they don’t technically have tiers. They have packages, instead. They’re the exact same offer, with different amounts of clicks. You also get discounts when you buy the more expensive packages. That’s standard. For example, you can get about 660 clicks for $197. But, if you pay $2,497, you get about 16,500 clicks. I wish I could give you advice about which tier you should get, but the first tier is pricey as it is. I have no real insight. If you’ve got the $200 to spare, fuck it, burn them on SerpClix. See what happens. Funnily enough, the further down you are on the results page, the further up you’ll float with the same amount of money, so if you’re new, you should see a ton of improvement.
Try SerpClix and see whether there’s an actual tangible change. Keep in mind, though, that if you’re targeting a popular dumbass term like “best porn”, you’ll be shit out of luck and dirt broke in a fortnight. Don’t be an idiot. Find yourself a good mid-ground, like “homemade orgy”. That’s going to be top tier difficulty as well, but at least you’ll stand a fighting chance.
Calculating A Price
This is easily my favorite part of the SerpClix website. They have a calculator that lets you input your current position, your desired position and the number of searches that your keyword receives per month. The calculator gives you a guesstimate of how much it would cost to get where you want to go. They say that these calculations are done based on previous results; hence there’s no guarantee. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that I don’t think they intentionally undercut to trick you into spending just below what you need. But, you have to be aware of that risk.
I appreciate the calculator. I’ll say that much. I also like that there’s no tier bullshit to force you to pay for a premium package. There’s only one offer and you choose how much you want to buy. They technically give you credits instead of direct clicks. Then, you cash the credits for clicks. But, it really doesn’t matter. It’s just their internal currency, in case you have some credits left and you want to top it off. It functions the same as credits that you usually get in video games. Calculate yourself a price and get the package above it, but only if you’re sure that organic clicks are what you want.
It’s Worth It
The only thing you really have to lose here is money. I don’t believe they’re lying about the validity of the clicks. They vet their clickers to make sure that they’re indeed real people at all times. So, if you’re thinking that their employees might try and pull a fast one on them by running bots in order to do their job for them, well, they can’t. SerpClix makes sure that this is out of the question.
The clicks are valid, the prices are clearly listed and the results speak for themselves. So, if you’re trying to compete for the first position on a Google search results page, by all means, pull the trigger on SerpClix. I wouldn’t recommend that you do this before your site is properly optimized for all the standard SEO coverage, though. Get your hands on some free SEO plugins first. Optimize all of your shit for a proper streamlined experience that won’t lead people away from your site.
Once you know that your site is actually worth visiting and you’ve got your affiliate marketing links set up, then you’re ready for SerpClix. Don’t try to float your site to the top before you have a way to monetize your traffic properly. SerpClix should be the last step to your success, not the first. If you’ve already used SerpClix and it didn’t work for you, I’m sorry. It’s always possible that these kinds of services do nothing to help your rating and unfortunately, that’s Google’s fault. So, I guess I’ll leave you with these words: Good fucking luck.
PornDude likes SerpClix's
- Organic traffic for sale
- Affordable packaging and discounts
- Price calculator
PornDude hates SerpClix's
- No guarantee it’ll work