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SERP Empire
Let’s talk about SERPs. Can we talk about SERPs? I’m dying to talk about some SERPs. SERPEmpire is a bold and brash SEO solution that aims to bring you one of the most coveted services among webmasters in recent years – paid organic traffic. No, that’s not a paradox; it does indeed exist. It’s kind of like paying your family members to do you a favor, but imagine it on a grander scale. That’s what SERPEmpire is here to offer you.
The whole point of organic traffic, at least in the eyes of Google, is that it’s very much not paid for. That’s what PPC is for. Google wants to know all about the clicks that are coming to your site naturally, from external sources or on their actual results pages. Now, we’re only here to talk about one very specific type of inbound traffic – the traffic you get when your site is picked as a result on Google.
If you’re just starting out, chances are, you won’t be appearing very high when people look up generic porn terms on YouTube. Suffice it to say that you will never be in the top 10 results for “Anal” or “Porn”. It’s just not going to happen. Those terms have been monopolized to hell and back. But, nothing is stopping you from targeting some more specific search terms, whether they’re niche or just extremely specific. You can figure out a marketing campaign centered around specific search terms that you want to fight for tooth and nail. That’s where SERPEmpire can help you out.
How it Works
The first thing you need to figure out is which keyword you’re targeting and how many visitors a day you want to purchase. You enter that information into SERPEmpire, pay your bill and watch the traffic flow. Ideally, you want to use them every day for a given period of time, say, for a month or so. Hell, you can run them for a year if you want to, but this shit’s pricey. Either way, you’ll see real people coming to your site, from Google and browsing around to give the sense that your site really is what they were looking for when they searched for that particular keyword.
During this time, you have to kind of make sure that you don’t drive yourself into the ground. I mentioned already that this service is expensive, but still cheaper than several alternatives. SERPEmpire uses bots; that’s how they can afford to undercut the competition. They claim that these bots will do the job just fine, so I guess you have to take their word for it.
The only way this traffic could get any more expensive is if they used real human beings to do the clicking. You get state-level geo-targeting with these bots, meaning that these aren’t cheap-ass third world clicks. Granted, they might be outsourcing the actual bots to the third world, but if their proxies are set up properly, who gives a flying fuck? If it works, don’t knock it.
How Beneficial is it?
Google has been asked repeatedly to give a statement on the efficacy of SERP clicks in improving the actual result rating of a given website and they’ve been very vague. They will occasionally comment on how they’ve seen that this method can theoretically help to some extent, but it’s not something they’re generally concerned about. They’re trying to stay as vague as possible. I guess that they value this method more than they’re willing to say and they don’t want people abusing it, so they’re just sort of trying to sweep it under the rug. That’s just a suspicion. I can’t prove it.
One interesting testimonial on SERPEmpire talks about Moz founder Rand Fishkin’s attempts to test this exact method. He apparently managed to bump a site up from the seventh position to number one in only three hours. Granted, he himself noted that this could have been the result of some miscellaneous side-effects of his campaign. Maybe some external links got posted as a result and these backlinks boosted the site’s reputation. We may never know. Even SERPEmpire themselves tell you flat out that they do not guarantee any SEO improvements at all. They only guarantee a certain number of visits. That’s it. The rest is on you.
Should You Use SERPEmpire?
Yes, and no. It depends. I’ll keep it simple. Only consider using SERPEmpire if you’ve got a ton of floating capital around that you don’t mind risking and you’ve got a destination site that turns traffic into money effectively, with an alluring product. On the flip side, if you’re starting out a porn tube and you’ve got 100 videos on that bad boy, give this entire fucking method a hard pass. Even if it does work, you’ll pay a ridiculous amount of money over a long period of time, without seeing any actual monetization come through. Make sure that you have a way to sustain the investment.
I checked the calculator on their site and they’re charging over $700 a month for 1,000 searches a day. On the one hand, that’s a hell of a bundle; on the other, $700 buys you a lot of alternative services if you’re just starting out. Plus, we’re only looking at 1,000 searches a day. That’s not a lot of traffic in the grander scheme of things. It might work well if you’re targeting an ultra-specific keyword that’s only getting a thousand searches a day already, but for something higher rated, you might see no results at all.
You also have to take into account what would happen if your position for a given keyword is way past the first page, say, in the 30s. If you’re number 37 and you jump to number 12, that’s a huge and significant boost, but is it actually worth it? The average fapper gets his content on page one, so have you really increased your traffic? You could try combining this method with other methods, for sure, but that’s even more money spent. Please be very careful and frugal when considering these kinds of services. I personally love what SERPEmpire has done with their service, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to recommend them as a one-size-fits-all solution for every webmaster’s needs.
Bots Vs. Humans
This is an extremely contentious topic. SERPEmpire actually had a breakdown post comparing themselves to SerpClix a while back. It was supposed to be a boast, so I don’t know why they took it down. It basically broke down the differences between the two services. SerpClix uses real people that actually sit on a fucking PC and click through to your site. That’s why they’re a lot more expensive. I did some calculations and they can be about seven times more expensive depending on how many clicks you buy. So, it’s very much night and day here.
Under that comparison that they did, they listed that bots are actually superior in that they’re not likely to make mistakes. Humans, on the other hand, can easily click the wrong link or fuck up the job. I’d argue that the opposite is also true, since the bots would run on the same script. If the script fucks up, all the bots will start spamming the wrong fucking clicks.
SERPEmpire also mentions that they use proxy servers, which gives them the unique power to do geo-targeting, but I’m pretty sure SerpClix does geo-targeting as well, so maybe this is just an outdated boast. They also talk about the price difference and yeah, they’ve pretty much hit it square on the money there. Honestly, I can’t pick between the two. The cost-benefit ratio is a nightmare. I leave that nightmare on your hands. Hell, try them both out briefly and see what’s what.
Check Out the Site
Seriously, go through the fine print. They list out everything you need to know, on top of being very receptive to messages. They want to hear from you in case you’ve got some sort of custom requests. On top of that, you’re free to cancel your account at any time. They charge by the month, so it’s not like you have to bleed money in order to test their services.
They accept damn near any payment method you might want to use, including cryptocurrency, which is great if you care about the hush-hush. It’s not like their offer is shady or anything, but covering your ass is always welcome. Why not pay anonymously if it’s on the table, am I right?
My bottom line is, if you have any other questions about how their service works, you lose nothing by dropping them a message, so do just that. Hell, you can point-blank ask them why you’d roll with them over one of their competitors. Let them work to impress you. It’s a good approach.
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