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Traffic Bot Pro! Nothing sucks more than failing to bring traffic to your new, exciting porn site. Okay, well, maybe I can think of a few things that suck more. Not having traffic isn’t quite as bad as not getting it up when you try to plow some pussy. You end up trying to flop your flaccid dick in there like a wet noodle. And, man, that shit isn’t hot. But I can only fix one of those problems for you. That’s right, I’ve got a solution for your traffic woes. If you need those numbers to skyrocket or have ads clicked to make your sponsors happy, you need people to funnel into your site by the truckload.
What’s a person, anyway? Some of you weebs consider your crusty fuck doll a person. So, why not take it a step in a different direction and use bots where people have failed you? can flood any page, ad, or item with as much traffic as your velcro wallet can afford. It won’t be quite the same as organic traffic, but it can help boost your visibility. That added visibility will help you bring more horny fucks to your premium porn site once they start seeing your name appear in the search results.
Plain Site with a Decent Layout and Useful Screenshots of the Software
The first thing you’ll see when you pop on over to this site is, well, a giant ad for their New Year discount. Don’t be fooled; I didn’t write this review at the turn of 2022. No, they’re still proudly displaying this dated ad as of the end of March. Fuck, at least change the theme and make it for Easter or some shit. That tells me that there’s always a ‘deal’ running, which means these are their standard prices. Besides the massive ad, you get a modern site design with some dude giving you a thumbs up while standing in front of a big pile of cash and increasing charts.
It’s like they took as many stock images as possible to make this look professional, but it has the opposite effect and makes it seem like a C-grade college design project. I won’t give them too much shit. At least they’re trying to make it look good. I can’t say the same about most other bot traffic sites. Man, there’s a lot of writing on here. It’s a fuck ton of copy that does tell you a decent bit, but you’ll have to wade through errors and confusing sentences. I couldn’t make out what the fuck this site was trying to say half of the time. I’d hedge a bet that it was translated or something.
Boost Traffic, Land Higher Search Results, Stress Test Sites, and much more!
Let’s talk about what this site does for your traffic. These bots simulate human mouse movement and can provide high-volume traffic with ease. You can use it to try and boost your SERP rating, site authority, ad revenue, or you can use this tool as a simple stress test before you let your in-demand anal porn site go live to the masses of horny fappers. Bots have a fuck ton of uses, and loads of big-name sites make use of them. Don’t feel like you’ve failed or are doing something shady by making use of bot traffic. It’s simply another trick of the trade that can do a lot of work for you.
I love a site that shows off the software you’ll be using before you buy it. You get plenty of screenshots that show you what the tool looks like, how it works, and all of that good shit. You get a relatively solid idea of how the interface will work, and I think it looks pretty solid. It’s not super sleek or modern, but it’s a bunch of spreadsheets and shit. You can only do so much to doll it up. It’s like a fat bitch wearing makeup. It can only do so much to such a small area.
Different Packaged & Tool Options can Fit most Use cases
There’s a built-in proxy harvester. You can run independent tasks and monitor your bots’ progress and tasks on one screen. You won’t have to go digging through menus and shit just to find out some task you forgot about ran itself into the ground. Going down towards the bottom of the home page will give you a long-ass list of every function each version of this tool has. It’s worth taking a peek at this chart to make sure you’re grabbing the version that fits your needs.
So, you can get a full version if you need to click ads, boost sales on your shopping site, and raise your search engine rating. But Trafficbotpro lets you pay less to get access to just the types of bots you need if your use case is narrower. You can get a version that just clicks ads for you for $84. That single purchase gives you access to a full license for that version of the tool forever, or you can pay $67 a year if you want to get a bad deal and lose money over time. The best deal for all of these versions is the single purchase license.
Get Access to the Full Feature Set for a One-Time Payment of $114
And the best value between all of the versions is to dish out a few extra bucks and get the complete Trafficbotpro tool for $114. For no more than $20-$30 extra, you’re getting access to the full feature set. You can click ads, purchase items, boost results, and all of that good stuff for free. Plus, you’ll save money compared to if you bought one version and then decided you needed another feature down the line. Don’t be a bitch and worry about that. Get the full version to send robo-traffic wherever the fuck you want with no limits.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
This site may be a little rough or janky around the edges, but it executed all of the right ideas. You get to see what this neat piece of software will look like before you dish out the dosh for it yourself. While unclear at times, the copy manages to paint a decent picture of what you can expect and what sorts of features are included. Hell, that proxy harvester is a nice touch. You can toggle where your traffic is appearing from and keep popping that shit around the world if you want to see what your site can handle. It’s also helpful in determining what your server speeds look like from different locations.
It’s one of the more affordable bot traffic tools that I’ve used. Some tools make you pay hundreds of dollars a year or upwards of $50 a month to access them. And then they’ll charge you thousands just to get your hands on a license. Fuck all of that noise. Here you can get a lifetime license to this valuable software for a little over a hundred bucks. Hell, you can get the more niche versions of the tool for under $70 in most cases. That’s a steal!
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
These guys could use some slight site updates. The copy is a bit rough around the edges. Letting a skilled writer or editor take a pass at it would make it jump out quite a bit more. And the graphics could use some work. Let’s see a unique design that’s not just someone spending a few minutes in PhotoShop throwing together stock photos. While it was nice that everything was readable on the homepage, there was so fucking much of it. You have to scroll forever until you get down to pricing. Other than those minor details, this site kicks ass and provides an excellent tool for webmasters.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, is both affordable and feature-packed. You get a lot of bang for your buck with this traffic tool. You can drive traffic and make money from ads, stress test your site, and fly under bot detection radar with traffic that appears organic. And you can get all of that for around $100. You won’t find a deal this good from most other bot traffic software providers. If you’re looking to boost your SERP, stress test sites, get deals from online shops, or click on ads, I highly recommend taking a look at this site. You can view all of the important details and screenshots before you buy!
PornDude likes TrafficBotPro's
- Bot traffic that appears real
- Skate by restrictions with a built-in proxy harvester
- Affordable licensing
- Feature-packed bot traffic software
- Software screenshots
PornDude hates TrafficBotPro's
- Clunky site copy & graphics