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Spin Rewriter
SpinRewriter! This is going to be one of the hardest types of reviews for me and I’ve still got several other spin solutions to review. I don’t spin, ever. That’s why I’m a bit out of my comfort zone here with SpinRewriter. I write all of my reviews myself and I proofread them myself, so it’s kind of hard for me to recommend a software that opposes my personal approach. Then again, I don’t cross-post either. I only write reviews for myself and I don’t repost them elsewhere for backlinks or whatever. Whenever I have to do a blog post, I write those myself as well, so you can imagine how out of touch I feel when it comes to article rewriting tools.
I’m not judging, though. My approach works for me, because I only review one service once and I give it the full blow by blow. I also don’t cross-post, so there’d be no need for me to ever actually spin one of my articles. They only appear once. If you’re in an SEO heavy environment where cross-posting is important and you don’t want to send out the same article twice, you’ll probably need an article rewriter. That’s where SpinRewriter comes in. You could just hire five hundred writers to write the same article once. Or, you could get your hands on SpinRewriter, press a button and turn one article into 500 different ones that essentially say the exact same thing. As for how effective this is as a marketing tactic… well, we’ll get into that.
Hundreds of Articles
SpinRewriter is capable of generating literal hundreds of articles, out of a single article. I’ve said that if you’re too broke to afford a writer, you should just get a rewriting tool. But, the original article has to come from somewhere. So, the idea is, you either write an article yourself or commission someone to put it together for you, then you spin it a hundred times over. Luckily, this isn’t a repeat process. SpinRewriter will shit out as many copies as you want, instantly. They use some sort of super-powered cloud process to handle the spins, but it’s all pretty standard when you break it down.
They don’t really hide the process from you; you can see it yourself. They take every single word in your article that isn’t crucial and they spin it for another one. It ain’t rocket science. So, if you have a name in your article, that’ll stay unchanged. Everything else will get spun for either a different word or a whole phrase. It’s a decent system, but I’m not exactly sold on the originality.
Spinning articles is simply kind of dangerous. I’ll get deeper into why I don’t like this system, but it’s not exactly SpinRewriter’s fault. They didn’t invent this process. This form of article spinning has been around for decades. In theory, it’s been around forever. You change up the words using a thesaurus and you have an entirely new original piece that is still identical in meaning to the original. It’s the bread and better of article rewriting. Personally, I think it’d be kind of funny if names also got spun. Chad could turn into Chadwick.
Search Engines Might Hate It
There are two main reasons why I dislike this process of switching out non-crucial words in an article. One of them is that you end up with an article that is entirely synonymous with all the other iterations. This means that Google and other search engines are free to scan your article at different locations and cross-reference with AI, proving that all of those articles are exactly the fucking same. Ever since Google started leveraging the power of AI, it’s kind of like they’re clairvoyant. They know what you’re up to. So, if you intend to use these spun articles to bump up your SEO, you might be shit out of luck. Now, SpinRewriter claims that their service is the best when it comes to SEO and flying under the radar and that may well be the case. They could be the best synonym using, article spinning cloud service on the market. That still doesn’t mean shit if the system doesn’t work.
On top of that, you have to consider that even if it works well now, it might not work at all in the future. You could be flying under the radar for months or even years, then get mass flagged at some point in the future, when Google figures out a perfect AI approach to sniffing out these kinds of articles. It’s a huge gamble and I think it’s only really worth rolling with as a last resort to save money.
Thesaurus Diarrhea
The other reason I don’t like this approach is that you might end up creating an abomination of nonsensical dogshit sentences. It’s the number one danger when using a thesaurus. Except, if you were to use it for one word or phrase across an entire article, you can absolutely get away with it. But, consider the potential danger if you spun an entire article, especially in the adult industry. If your articles are anything like mine, then you throw around words and phrases like cock holster and pussy magnet on the daily. How the fuck would the engine spin those?
What if I said something about your mother’s downstairs plumbing? I’m clearly talking about her unkempt vagina, but how will the engine know that? Will it think I’m straight up talking about plumbing? What about downstairs? What if it just rolls with something like “lower pipes” instead? You run the risk of losing the meaning of damn near every sentence that uses an idiom. Yeah, the system might recognize “beating a dead horse”, but that’s a known and documented idiom that you’ll find in a dictionary. What about all the expressions that are unique to the adult world? What about “beating your meat blue”? How the shit would the system know not to turn that phrase into a jumbled mess? I do not know.
Try Before You Buy
At the very least, SpinRewriter are very honest about the fact that their service isn’t for everyone. That’s why they have a 5-day free trial. It makes you sign up with your credit card, but you can cancel it before time runs out and you don’t have to pay anything. I’d suggest that you do just that. Run some of your existing articles through it and see what comes out the other end. Hell, run this article through and see if it still makes sense. I write in a very weird and personal way. I use big words, but I also talk about cocks and pussies. So, you should be able to see just how terribly my articles get cannibalized by SpinRewriter’s AI.
If you do decide to buy, you also have to consider whether you want a subscription or a purchase. They mention that their service auto-updates with every patch they push, which tells me it’s a cloud service. It’s not like they’re hiding it or anything. They offer you a $500 single payment offer that licenses the software for lifetime use. You can’t resell it, but you can use the articles you spin commercially, so it’s everything you need, for life. You can also get a yearly subscription for $200, but I’m currently seeing it on discount for $77, which is a fucking premium. I don’t know how long this discount will hold, though, so hop to it.
Tons of Automation
So, let’s say you’ve either subscribed to SpinRewriter or you’ve bought the lifetime license. What next? Well, spin some articles and post them. They’ve got a ton of tools that improve the process of article production and distribution tenfold. First up, there are the mass export tools. I love this shit. It literally lets you crap out unique articles en masse, without having to do any manual labor.
They can be delivered to you through any method and format you find useful. You can even download them in one of several spintax styles. This is useful if you want to keep the actual pre-spun article for future use. It’s that format that has the various options for words and phrases in brackets, so you can see the entire article skeleton before a final version gets narrowed down.
The paragraph creation feature really caught my eye, though. They say that SpinRewriter can create entire articles from scratch, with paragraph spins. This is far more impressive than the simple thesaurus spin on individual words. Entirely new paragraphs might actually pass under the radar of even the most intelligent article analysis tools. This is exactly the kind of shit you need if you’re trying to save money and get original articles in the process. Again, try before you buy. I can’t guarantee you’ll actually get meaningful articles in the end. But, it’s worth a shot. If they’re really as amazing as they claim, then their product is worth every penny.
PornDude likes Spin Rewriter's
- Paragraph creation tool
- Bulk article processing
- Tons of tutorials and instructions
- Affordable pricing with optional lifetime license
PornDude hates Spin Rewriter's
- Could become obsolete