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Chimp Rewriter
ChimpRewriter! Even talented writers have issues going up with unique work. After all, there are an estimated 600 million blogs spread out over about one and three quarter websites. Of those, each of them has dozens if not thousands of posts on them, with collective millions of more uploads going up every single month.
And those are just general blogs, never mind white papers, short product reviews, and other forms of copy.
For this reason and others, it’s perfectly fine to admit that you might need some help to create fresh written content. Even if you don’t think that applies to you, it’s always nice to be able to save time by automatically generating keywords and inserting them into your text.
What could be better than that? Why a program that can do all of this and mimic natural human writing styles. That might sound like an outlandish thing to say, but as it turns out, such programs like Chimp Rewriter do exist – , and it can do more than you might imagine.
Chimp Rewriter Vs. Article Spinning – Here Is The Difference
If you’ve never heard of it, spinning is the process of copying someone else’s work, adjusting a few lines, rearranging a paragraph here and there, and maybe changing some keywords. Often employed by sleazy or incompetent copyrighters, this behavior is extremely looked down upon in the world of online writing.
Further, web services automatically compare an article against the entire public internet to check for plagiarism. Indeed, such plagiarism checking services are now a standard feature when it comes to most grammar checking software.
On top of all of that, spinning is (and pretty much always has been) a highly frowned upon practice. When it comes to an academic environment, plagiarists have been flunked on assignments or even expelled.
In the business world, getting caught engaging in this will probably get you reprimanded if not fired. And there is no shortage of people who might be willing to sue you for copyright’s grounds if you take their shit and only mildly modify it without providing the proper accreditation.
But Chimp Rewriter is in some ways subtly yet also magnificently different.
Instead of simply slightly redoing an article found online, Chimp Rewriter trawls the internet for the topic you choose to look at. With the click of a button, the program will automatically create an article that has been ‘inspired’ by the existing work surveyed. This way, you’ll have a unique and naturally reading piece that isn’t simply a poorly pirated version of someone else’s work.
On top of all of that, the program will also search engine optimize your work at the same time. All you need is this service, a basic understanding of how to use it, and a stable internet connection.
Why Bother Using A Program Instead Of A Person?
An obvious question arises when considering a service like this; why trust an AI when I can hire a real person? After all, there are plenty of writers out there who can do this sort of work, right?
Well, yes, but not really.
The reasons are numerous, but I’ll start with the most important: doing article rewriting for a person can be difficult. That may seem to be a simple thing to do; however, researching and replicating another person’s work while not plagiarizing is damn difficult.
Then there is the risk that a subpar writer would just spin an article to get paid.
To be sure, there is no shortage of writers out on the net, many of which will work for cheap. The issue you’re going to run into is that they may not speak your native language all that well. So, while you can get cheap labor, it’s not going to be worth it if it doesn’t read or hasn’t been optimized well.
You could spend up to get a better writer (and SEO expert), but that’s going to cost you quite a lot. When you compare the monthly cost of this service to the cost of a single article that will run you, there is no more cost- and time-efficient comparison.
Use This Tool To Do All Sorts Of Stellar Research
Besides making article crafting far easier and in record time, you can also use this tool to do original research as well. By doing this, you save even more money than you would otherwise have to spend on internet research. So, once again, Chimp Rewriter saves you on your operating costs.
The Blog Might Be Helpful, Too
While it has not been added to in quite some time, the blog does have a decent amount of articles to help you out in general when managing your e-commerce venture. There are, of course, plenty of articles on how to detect plagiarism, how to create the perfect blog from scratch, and related topics. Check it out, even if you don’t end up committing to Chimp Rewriter.
Check Out The Testimonials To See What Others People Think
If all that I’m telling you still isn’t enough, then check out the client testimonials listed on the Chimp website. There is an impressive number of them, and all of them have good things to say about this service. And unlike some other websites I’ve reviewed before, all of these seem to be by real people since people’s full names and face photos are listed.
Still Not Convinced? Try Out The Complimentary Trial Period
Just in case you’re still not sure if you want to use this service or not, you can give it a trial run to see how much you like it. Look up the tour page to get even more information on what this program is like. Then sign-up to get a temporary free version. It lasts fourteen days and just requires your name and email address to become a subscriber. There is no obligation to join, and you can cancel at any time.
The Pricing Plans Are Decent Enough To Me
If, and when, you choose to sign-up with this website, you don’t have to pay too much for it, though I have seen cheaper services. For a monthly package, you only have to put up $15, and you get free software updates. You can use this on two registered computers and 1,500 API requests a month.
When you break it down to a monthly basis, the yearly package is a better deal, although you will have to put up all of the money upfront. For $99, you get everything described previously, though you can upgrade with add-ons if you want.
In any case, you can opt-out at any time without any penalty.
Buyer Beware Of A Few (Minor) Things
There are some things that I think you all should know before you purchase this service. While not that big a thing for most, some people might find the number of requests for articles they can make a month to be a bit limiting. However, I think that this would only apply to larger companies since 1,500 a month could be more than enough.
Sorry for all of you who prefer Apple iOS over personal computers; it looks as if this service is not all that friendly to Macs.
Also, I don’t find it to be too much of a problem, but it is worth pointing out that there have been reports that Chimp Rewriter can be a little buggy sometimes. That said, if you do experience any issues, I’ve also found that the Chimp Rewriter staff provides excellent customer service in several ways.
For one, when you get this service, you get a user manual plus access to instructional videos. There is an FAQ, of course, and you can request specific features that the Chimp Rewriter staff takes seriously. If all of that doesn’t work for you, you can file a support ticket, and an expert should be with you soon.
And for those of you who were wondering, this service is provided in multiple languages, too.
Do You Like This Program? Consider Becoming An Affiliate
If everything I’ve laid out impresses you, then perhaps you might want to consider making money with this company. As an affiliate, all you really need to do is essentially what I have: sum up the positives and features of this service to people who might be interested in this program.
This Is Software Anyone Should Consider
To be honest, I do think that there is one reason you might not want to invest in this website, but only one. If you’re an awesome writer with a background in SEO and you are short on cash, then maybe this is something you might want to wait to use.
That or perhaps you’ll at least want to try the free trial and milk it for all you can get.
However, I have found that most people who do any form of work online involving public communication – i.e., web design, blogging, general marketing, and e-commerce – this is a service you should put money out for. Not only will this save you an enormous amount of money when it comes to labor, but you’ll be able to compound that advantage with the even great deal of time you’ll save.
So, yeah, I definitely do recommend Chimp Rewriter and, though it could use a few tweaks, in my opinion, will be happily ranking it as a four and a half out of five hands site.
PornDude likes Chimp Rewriter's
- This fantastic service creates novel articles
- Every article that you produce is search engine optimized
- By leveraging this software, you can do awesome research
- You can try this program out for two weeks for free
PornDude hates Chimp Rewriter's
- There are those who think that the monthly charge is steep
- The blog hasn’t been updated all that much
- Apparently, this program is not precisely Mac friendly
- I’ve seen reports that this software can be buggy