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Let’s talk about content spinning. WordAI is one of the best software solutions for simplifying your SEO. Specifically, it’s the cheap and easy way to get a shitton of content on your hands with minimal input. Sure, you could always hire third-rate writers to shell out content for you on the daily, but that kind of expenditure racks up pretty quickly. You’ll be paying thousands of dollars out of pocket for original content with no guarantee that it’ll actually do anything to improve your bottom line.
You see, when you have a ton of written content, the next question on your mind should be where that content should be posted. If you paid for the content, you’ll usually tend to overvalue it. You won’t risk posting it just anywhere. You’ll want to make sure it’s going to a healthy destination with guaranteed quality backlinks. That’s a pipe dream. Backlink network development comes with the same guarantee of success as throwing wet paper towels at a dartboard. You never know what’s going to stick, where and why.
That’s why you need to prioritize quantity over quality, especially if you’re working on developing a large backlink network. Hell, even an extensive blog can be too expensive to handle if you’re really content hungry. I’m not here to judge how you use your content. There are separate sections on this site for that purpose.
We’re here to talk about the acquisition of cheap content in bulk – heavy bulk. I’m talking about thousands of articles in a single button click. It’s definitely possible. That’s the whole point of content spinning. As for whether it works and whether it’s worth it, well, we’ll get into that. Right now, let’s dive into the features of WordAI and try to figure out what they’re all about.
Innovative AI Technology
It’s very much in the name – WordAI is powered by a state of the art artificial intelligence. At least, that’s what they claim. I don’t see their AI taking over the world any time soon, but that’s not what it was designed for. They trained this bad boy across a long period of time and presumably spent a lot of money. They fed it tons of articles. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out they had the damn thing choking down encyclopedias and long-form literature. Either way, they managed to teach the damn thing how to speak English well enough to spin entire sentences into entirely different sentences that retain the same meaning. So far, this is all par for the course of just about any spin software.
The real boast here is the degree to which this particular AI sticks out ahead of the competition. WordAI’s site is littered with these little tidbits that showcase just how advanced their methodology is. The whole point of this AI’s precision is its ability to fool all kinds of content analyzing engines. Most importantly, you want this content to slip under Google’s radar.
You want it to feel and look human. Also, you want to make sure that spun content from one source doesn’t get caught as being a copy of another bit of content. It’s not just about passing plagiarism checks here either. Google tries to find spun content with their AI bots and they’re getting damn good at it. So, if WordAI really pulls this off every single time, more power to them.
Easy to Use
There’s quite a bit of standardization that’s gone into these kinds of spinning software solutions as well as the formats they use. You can pretty much recognize a piece of spun content before it’s been processed into a final version. If you see synonym phrases and words in brackets or curly braces, that’s the shit. They use this kind of notation so that the content you spin is compatible with all kinds of text processors. That way, you don’t have to use WordAI or any other specific software to get the finished product. Instead, you can just export the spun version with all the variations built-in, then the destination software can crap out random articles from it. You can also export final products just as easily. It’s all up to you.
As for the process itself, well, it’s piss simple. You paste in an original article, you set some basic configurations like the spinning quality, sentence rewrites, paragraph rewrites and title changes and you press a button. A few seconds later, you have yourself a ready article. There’s also the option to do bulk spinning, if you want to process many articles at once. As far as I can tell, you don’t get charged extra for that. You’re free to process as much copy as you want. It doesn’t matter. I like the bulk spinning option for businesses that have multiple different types of niches across different websites. You don’t want to be copying and pasting all that shit manually. You get it from your writers and shove it into the software. It does the rest. The less work you have to do manually, the better.
The Original Article
The actual original content can come from anywhere you like, but I’d recommend you either write it yourself or get yourself a professional writer. I mean an actual professional writer, not a third-rate type jockey. Get yourself some quality content. You’ll pay top dollar once for it, sure, but everything after that will be smooth sailing. Once you have the WordAI subscription, all the future articles you create from one original piece can technically be considered free. And, the more articles you process, the more value you get out of your subscription.
So, to that end, the original copy should be as good as it can possibly get. You would probably be the best person for the job since you know your business the best. You’re also unlikely to write anything that might get you into trouble – since you know your liabilities better than anyone. That being said, if you’re not feeling up to the task, then outsourcing can be just as good. You just have to make sure that you cover all the essentials when you order the original article from the freelance writer you’ve chosen. Make sure they know exactly what you need from them long in advance. After that, hit the spin button and watch the content come in.
How to Use the Content?
It really is up to you. As far as I can tell, the content that WordAI spins out of the original articles is all perfectly legible. Meaning, it’s perfect for human eyes. So, by all means, try and get it out there to as many people as possible, especially if you’re typing about something that people might genuinely want to read. If your original copy is dogshit, though, you might as well just forget about the human angle and work on developing a backlink network and nothing else.
This takes a lot of careful keyword planning and unfortunately, that increases the time you’ll have to spend manually curating your articles. Unlike the top contender in this category, which is aptly called Spin Rewriter, WordAI doesn’t actually do any keyword work for you. They don’t mention it on their site, I don’t see it in any of their demonstrational videos. They do allow you to control how certain words get swapped out. You can enter custom synonyms in advance, but there’s no option to actually do keyword-focused generation of articles.
Worth Buying?
I’m not sold on it. As far as I can tell, it’s overpriced. Either that, or I’m underestimating the power of their AI. Spin Rewriter costs $200 a year. WordAI will run you $600. Granted, that’s before seasonal discounts are applied, but I have to list the main price tag. Even with discounts applied, WordAI is still a lot more expensive. And yet, it doesn’t allow you to generate keyworded articles. Hell, there isn’t even an option to automatically add images to your posts. It’s all just text.
So, if they are actually worth the money, you’re paying for the spin quality, entirely. That’s all you’re getting. So, they might be worth it, but I think you need to demo their services first. They have a three-day free trial, so if you’re going to be trying it out, make sure to have some content ready and waiting. Run as many spins as possible and weigh the quality. Maybe compare that to the results you get with other software and decide given the outcome. I personally can’t really give you the definitive dollar value for this product, because I don’t know how much it’s worth. It’s all just marketing potential depending on the actual quality of the writing. How you use it is up to you in the end.
PornDude likes WordAi's
- State of the art AI
- No limit on amount of spun articles
- English, Spanish, French and Italian support
- Content looks human
PornDude hates WordAi's
- Very expensive
- No keyword-oriented content generation