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Kamel Media! Every year a new group of entrepreneurs put their heads together and develop a business plan. Most of them usually give up at that point, but a fraction persists and organize an actual company. Over the course of many months – or sometimes several weeks – the new firm either succeeds or fails.
After that, the novel business either drifts until becoming irrelevant or successfully experiment and expand until they achieve massive profits. Yeah, that’s a total simplification, but I say that to set up a dichotomy as to how Kamel Media might fair in the future since it’s so young.
At the end, I'll give my prognosis, but first, we need to go over the massive amount of work services that this business provides.
What Is Copywriting And Why Should Anyone Outsource That Work?
The primary product that Kamel Media advertises is copywriting, which, if you don't know, is a general term for promotional writing for a business. This can include short little advertisements that are incorporated into promo graphics, publicity material, and reviews and blogs about products.
To promote any good or service, you are going to need to be able to belt out at least a few hundred if not several thousand words of copy no matter what you are selling.
This can be easy for some, tricky for others, and frustratingly difficult for a few. Not matter which of those people you are, you don't have to go it alone. Kamel Media's leading (though, as we'll see, not only) service is copywriting. Their rates are highly competitive, and they guarantee a rapid turnaround time.
And you don't have to worry about dealing with the headaches when it comes to dealing with the bullshit of managing people. After all, as they say…
“Choosing to work with KamelMedia means you never have to worry about employees needing time off for holidays, vacations or sick days – that’s our problem.”
They Provide Plenty Of Other Services As Well
The main feature this firm sells itself on is their copywriting, but if you poke around a little, you'll see that they can do far more than produce articles. In fact, you might be surprised by how much else Kamel Media’s team can do.
And so, let us being with the many Support Services.
Live Chat Support
Besides their Facebook page, you can get live support at your convenience. Of course, since this is an ongoing formal consultation, you will have to pay a fee.
For your money, you get to talk to a Kamel representative at any time for any reason related to your campaign. And there is no reason to worry about having to navigate through a series of automated responses. You get to talk with a real person to address whatever your concerns or questions are.
Inbound Sales & Support
It’s hardly uncommon for a burgeoning or successful marketing business to get a ton of calls. Hell, that’s usually a good sign no matter where you are in your enterprise journey. But just like getting your website’s served so swamped your web pages crash, getting a flood of incoming calls can be a pain to manage.
A potential solution to all of this can be to accept orders, queries, and support options via email or live chat option. However, the same problem often arises. In fact, given how comfortable people are with shooting off an email, getting a deluge of digital mail can be even worse.
For a fraction of the cost of a competing service, Kamel Media is capable of handling all of your incoming chats, emails, and phone calls.
Outbound Sales & Telemarket
I've known people who have done outside sales, including doing telemarketing, and it sucks – or so they tell me. I'm sure that you and your staff aren't going to want to fixate on developing a massive campaign to promote your brand or products with phone calls.
This is yet another roadblock that you no longer have to worry about putting up with since Kamel has a massive call center that is trained in product or service promotion. This training includes being able to not only hook a prospect but turn them into a customer by closing the sale.
Just so you know, as with the inbound sales and all other services listed, you can get a free quote when you contact Kamel.
Tech Support Outsourcing
We are not all gifted when it comes to keeping up with developments in technology and the internet, in general.
Obviously, that’s not true for me, but I understand that not everyone is as talented as I am.
Anyway, Kamel is clearly well equipped when it comes to understanding changes in the tech sector and shifts on the digital scene. Being a group of good entrepreneurs, Kamel Media is willing to apply this knowledge and experience to various company's marketing and promotional campaigns.
Data Entry Support
Data entry is easy but can be unbearably boring for some folks. Fortunately, Kamel has staff on their team who seem to live for these sorts of tedious tasks, which will free up you and your employee's time for more productive pursuits like applying your neatly organized data to a new campaign.
Do You Need Help Getting Leads?
Moving on, they also provide an impressive number of Call Center Services.
Cold Seat Leasing
It's always great to have a lucrative business and a lot of employees on hand, right? Well, if you don't exactly have the space to seat them all, that can be a bit of a problem. A more common issue is trying to find a location to expand into when your business is growing.
Kamel is one of those rare companies that provides a host of services and rents out space to anyone who can pay and needs additional room to expand into. This basic package gets you an entire room in which you still retain all control over your company, policies, and employee requirements.
By the way, I should note that this company is located in Angeles City, Philippines. So, you know, kind of have to live near there to take advantage of this feature.
Hot Seat Leasing
Having a space to move into can be great, but there is the issue of bringing in personnel and all of the needed equipment. The Kamel Cold Seating package only gives you the infrastructure; that's it.
On the other hand, Hot Seating is an all-in-one package that will get you the personnel to carry out the tasks you need to get done now. In addition to workers, they come paired with appropriate workstations covering an entire office floor.
I’ve heard of turnkey programs before, but this package basically gives you a turnkey business.
Managed Seat Leasing
This is another variation on employee outsourcing, which can include a single worker and station or an entire level of a building. You don't have to worry about managing your proxy employees since Kamel does all the groundwork for you. Indeed, you don't even have to worry about being on-site ever. As with the aforementioned package, employees have access to cutting-edge technology and a ton of Kamel support staff who are well-trained in the tech and marketing sector.
BOT Programs
Getting office equipment setup is something that virtually anyone can do. However, if you don't have the manpower, it can be a pain to get things set up and organized, literally. It's natural to think to hire a moving company, but those types typically don't have the know-how to set up tech and other office items in an efficient and ergonomic manner.
Kamel breaks down work space set up into three steps 1.) the initial build phase, 2.) the operate phase, and 3.) the transfer phase. The organization staff is highly trained, very flexible when it comes to scheduling, and have plenty of experience in this area.
This Team Can Crush It When It Comes To Tech Work
As you might expect, this firm provides a sweet series of Website Services. Really, as someone who knows all about how the web works, I was incredibly impressed by all that they offer.
Programming and Web Development & Software Development
We are well into the 21st century, so doesn't it make sense to incorporate some automated or improved programs into your business strategy? Well, guess what? Kamel can not only hook you up with support staff and office space, but they can also set you up with programming help.
In addition to coding in a number of computer languages, Kamel can provide data validation, integration, and generally improve quality. Got a glitch you’re dealing with but can’t figure out? Kamel’s tech wizards can debug and test whatever software you’re having a problem with perfecting.
Lastly, they can also optimize an application for a mobile device.
Web Design Outsourcing
I've written a lot about getting help with web design, and if you check around my site, you'll see plenty of endorsements for various services. This company isn't one to look past either. They not only provide a ton of services in this area, but the big selling point is the fact that they offer competitive rates without having to worry about managing a massive amount of staff.
Social Media Outsourcing
Everyone is on social media these days, as is every competent marketer. This is a great opportunity for any entrepreneur, but competing in such a saturated market can be intimidating, to say the least. Even if you do know what you are doing, trying to get a following will take a bunch of time and patience.
However, you don’t have to slog it out by yourself. Kamel's marketing acumen extends to social media campaigns as well. Not only that, but with this service, you also get access to this company's lead generation services as well.
They Can Outsource In Other Ways For Days
And no, for the penultimate set of services that Kamel Media provides, here are all of the general business work that they do.
Back Office Outsourcing & Quality Assurance & Accounting Outsourcing
Similar to customer support, this company can help out with all other various support functions you would have to spend time and extra money to get inside your office. For instance, they cover everything from account and finance to human resources and just about all office work you can imagine outsourcing.
Medical Outsourcing
Yes, that's right, you did read that header correctly. In addition to all of this, Kamel Media actually does provide help when it comes to the medical sector. Of course, they don't have any physicians or nurses on hand. But they can help you out when it comes to transcribing medical documents and the such like.
They Are Porn-Friendly, Too
Since this website focuses a great deal on applications, various tools, and web services that are meant to help out pornographers, of course, not all of them do. But when it comes to Kamel Media, you can rejoice! This site's staff are totally comfortable with helping those in the adult entertainment industry.
They Even Do Custom Campaign, Too
Did you not see anything which you think you would need? If so, you still might want to consider working with them anyway. Why is that? Because Kamel Media does do custom campaigns as well. I'm not entirely sure what stipulations they put on that, but given their firm's wheelhouse, I'd imagine they have yoga-expert pornstar levels of flexibility and versatility.
All you need to do to get started is plug in your name, email, phone number, and a brief description of what you want to accomplish on the Services page. The same is true for the standard work as well, and in either case, Kamel Media should get back to you relatively fast.
After all, they do operate at all hours of the day, every day of the week.
With Each And Every Service You Get A Guarantee Of Services
Of course, Kamel Media boasts that they have a highly-trained work team, and you get customer live chat support at all times of the day. As Kamel staff work with you, they will stick with you during your monthly contract with no hidden costs and at a rate that is industry competitive. Lastly, your initial consultation is completely free, which I think is fantastic – don’t you?
Here Are The Changes That I Would Make
There are somethings about Kamel Media that gives me pause, and it mostly is the way that they present their services and company in general. As we've seen before, they do list out some decent information about their services, but I would like more details.
For instance, it would be great if they listed specific prices (flat rates or at least starting prices), which would certainly eliminate some customer ambiguity.
Another example of something which comes off as a little unprofessional is the fact that there is a link to a blog. The problem is that there are no uploads to be seen. I see this not only as a failure of good web design but also a missed opportunity.
After all, a regularly updated blog would allow for a spot to make keyword-packed posts to drive organic traffic and be a lure to keep visitors on-site longer. Of course, the longer someone stays on a page, the more likely they are to convert.
If you ask me, this almost calls into question whether or not you'll get a response from them via their Contact Us page. As I suggested earlier, I'm sure you will, but in case you don't, try hitting them up on Facebook at Kamel Media MPO.
Through that page, you can directly chat with the staff and send them query messages. While you're not going to get the deluxe treatment if you paid for live tech support or something similar, but it is cool that they do provide this bonus assistance pro bono.
By the way, if you do check out this company's Facebook page, you will see a series of photos that hint at their services and the minutiae around their facility. That may seem like a weird thing to bring up, I know, but to me, that proves that this is a real company – not a scam or flyby night organization – comprised of enthusiastic and presumably skilled staff.
Now Do I Think You Should Start Riding This Camel?
To be clear, this is a younger company, and so they aren't exactly brimming with a pedigree of positive reviews from clients. Still, they certainly do provide a ton of services, operate relatively transparently, and have a modest but enthusiastic following.
I think this business will last and continue to expand thanks to all of those assets in the future.
I think that's enough to give an endorsement for this web service. If you ask me, this business is ideal for someone who needs help with copywriting, SEO, marketing, or other technical assistance to get your business off the ground or taking their venture to the next level. If that kind of criteria applies to you, then give it a shot and #RideTheKamel.
Happy trails to you all, and with that, I give Kamel Media four and a half hands.
PornDude likes KamelMedia's
- You can connect almost immediately with a copywriting firm
- They have a robust and talented team that seems to be very transparent
- You can get 24/7 support, and their turn around time is lightning quick
- There are multiple ways to get in touch with the company's staff
- All of their copy is expertly search-engine-optimized
PornDude hates KamelMedia's
- They don’t keep you up-to-date with happenings through a blog
- You can get a free quote, but they are not upfront about their pricing schemes
- This is a young company so be careful about how much you spend