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Web Money is an online global settlement service used by individuals and businesses across the globe. You can do many things with WebMoney, but today I will be taking a look at how it can aid your business for the most part. What you should know before we get into this review is the fact that WebMoney is over two decades old, having been created way back in 1998. Now, just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s dated as it has gone through many iterations. That’s why there are over 40 million individuals and businesses worldwide who use this system for making and receiving payments.
Many different processing fees as you might have expected
Let’s start this review off by talking a little bit about what you can do with a personal account as an individual who just wants to utilize the services of WebMoney. Well, you can top-off your account with money; you can deposit money, withdraw money, take a loan, raise funds, and, of course, pay for goods and services. That last one might even be the most important later in the text since we are going to be talking about the business side of things and how WebMoney can make itself useful in the business side of things from an entrepreneurial perspective. Anyway, WebMoney has many uses for an individual.
Of course, since WebMoney has to make money somehow, they are going to be taking processing fees with every transaction on the platform. However, this is to be expected. I don’t think there was a shadow of a doubt in anyone’s mind about these kinds of processing fees. But okay, besides all that, are there any benefits to using this kind of service as an individual? Well, it seems to be that this platform includes many services in one, so you don’t need to open twenty different accounts across the internet to get one job done. Instead, you can just do it all through WebMoney and get it over and done with instead.
Accept payments from your users and other companies
But we’re not here to talk about accounts for personal use now, are we? Instead, I think you are just about ready to learn how WebMoney can help you earn money off of your porn website, isn’t that right? Anyway, you’ll notice that WebMoney is good for many things business-related. Not only is it good for receiving payments, but it’s good for making payments and also work and budget management. We’ll go over all of these, but for now, let’s talk about the fact that you can accept payments. This is the most important one, in my opinion, since we are all here to make some cash and we are not here to fuck around and spend money on some shoddy B2B deals that will leave us in the dust.
So, if you want to earn money, you should allow your users to make payments to you in WebMoney. However, not only will you be able to receive payments from your users, but you can also sell your services to companies. Let’s say you opened up a firm that provides web design services to other porn websites. What better way to accept payments than through an all-encompassing payment system such as the one found through WebMoney. This one really ticks all the boxes for me and I just really love what it has to offer. It’s an absolute joy to use and I can’t say much wrong about the entire process.
Make payments to whoever with a rock-solid payment system
But okay, that’s accepting payments, and this is only one part of the equation which makes WebMoney a platform that many businesses are ecstatic about using. You can read more about the part about accepting money on, but now let me tell you how you can easily make payments. I know that you don’t think that making payments is what you’re here to do. After all, you’re in the business of making money, aren’t you? Well, you know what they say, you have to spend money to make money. And when I say spend money, I mean spend it on worthwhile expenses and investments, and not on bullshit that is just going to land you in bankruptcy. Be careful what you spend your money on.
But okay, let’s say you find a really good deal with another company in the sphere of adult entertainment and you want to make a deal with them and invest some money. Well, with WebMoney, you can very easily do that. It’s not a hassle at all and I’m sure the people you’re doing business with are going to appreciate how simple and easy the process is. I mean, the system is tried, true, and tested since 1998! That’s over two decades of experience that they have under their belt, so I’m pretty sure they know what they’re doing by this point in time. It’s definitely not some kind of new-age scam.
Many more uses hide under the Business section of
Finally, there is a lot of talk recently about many companies in the adult industry and outside of it being able to use WebMoney as a way to manage their budget and work. You can manage all your workers who are trying to do their best and make your website the best thing in the world. You can pay them en mass and not worry about missing anyone in the process. I mean, this shouldn’t be something that you should worry about because I’m pretty sure you don’t have THAT many employees and a lot of your work is probably outsourced to other companies too. I completely understand that since it makes things a lot simpler and easier. Still, you have the option if you end up growing your team by a lot in the future.
If you do end up growing your porn site by a substantial margin, then I also think that budget management might be something that you should look into. With WebMoney, you can do that too. Holy shit, is there something that WebMoney can’t do? Trust me; you would lose your mind if I told you that this isn’t even half the story of what this platform is useful for. You can go to and go to the Business section in order to see all of the various use case scenarios for WebMoney. I’m sure you’ll find yourself and your website in quite a few of those and that might compel you to start using this damn thing. I mean, trust me, I didn’t even know half of these things could be accomplished so easily.
Check out how WebMoney can help out your porn site business today
If I knew that you could do so much with just one tool, believe me that I would even be thinking about using this thing. Then again, I’m just one guy, and I don’t really need help paying myself. However, if you’re going to open a porn tube site, you will need an entire team of IT experts, web designers, programmers, data entry dudes, and so on. Not to mention if you want to start a premium porn network, you’re also going to have to shoot your own porn videos, which means getting professional equipment, getting the right pornstars, the right porn actors, the set for filming and so on.
So, if you want to save yourself a headache and not end up with sleep deprivation, then it might be a good idea to start using one of these payment systems to make life easier for you. You can read up more about the business side of things on their website There you’ll be able to read a lot about what you can use WebMoney for. And if you want to use WebMoney for personal use, then there is an entirely separate section for that which will explain how all the different wallets work and so on. Trust me, you’ll be a pro by the end of it. However, I cannot guarantee that you’ll be too happy about the design of their site since it does look a little bit old even though it was definitely updated since 1998.
PornDude likes WebMoney's
- Easy way to accept and make all kinds of payments
- Work and budget management made simple
- Various use case scenarios for your porn business
PornDude hates WebMoney's
- Their website definitely looks a bit outdated
- Not so easy to navigate all the countless website sections
- So many transaction processing fees to think about