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Listen, at one point or another; you’re going to need to pay people for services on your porn site. I know you think that you can do it all on your own, but at some point, I really do believe that you will need some help and then you’ll need to pay that person. Now, it could also go the other way around and you could be a freelancer doing jobs for porn sites and wanting to get paid. Whatever the case may be, probably the best option for you to try out if you aren’t from America would be to check out a site called e Pay Services. The domain name is actually and you can get quite a lot from this website.
Seems easy enough to register
One of the first things that is immediately obvious is the B2B aspect of it. ePayServices is not exactly the kind of site you go to when you want to implement a payment method on your website. It’s not really made to get people to pay you as far as your users go. No, instead, it’s a much better tool to be used for larger-scale transactions. You can use it for payrolls, for paying freelancers, and even for getting paid as someone who works as a freelancer. So, before we get started, let me just tell you how you’re going to be able to make an account of your own on this site and start using it to your advantage. It’s a pretty simple process.
It is made up of 4 steps, and no, it’s not some kind of guru magic or an alcohol rehab program. These 4 steps will be the key to unlocking all the potential that ePayServices has to offer. Anyway, let’s start from the beginning, which is just completing the registration form. You go to the site, you register, and then you’re ready for step two, which is to go through the ePayService Wallet activation procedure. That’s it; after you’ve done that, you’re ready to get paid and start paying. We will talk a little bit more about these things in the following few paragraphs, so stay tuned if you want to know more about that.
Withdraw your money with a physical card
So, in order to get paid, you have to give the other party (AKA the business which is paying you) your e Pay Service Wallet and they will be able to transfer funds to your account. Once the funds arrive, they’re pretty much yours and you can do with them as you wish. You should just know that it seems to be pretty hard for a person to get back their payments once they have made them, so you’re safe from fraudsters in the sense of getting paid, but you’re not so safe when it comes to paying someone. So it’s better to get the job done and then pay the person if you are looking to use ePayServices for that too.
Once you get paid, you’ll be able to use the ePayServices Mastercard in order to withdraw your money in whatever currency you want. Apparently, there are plenty of currencies that you can go for here, so it doesn’t really matter which part of the world you’re in; you’ll be able to enjoy yourself and see exactly what it is that you’re getting out of this website as far as your region is concerned. Yes, there are fees, and yes, I don’t think that they’re the best or that they are small enough not to consider, but this is just standard procedure with any payment provider, so you can expect to get fees just about anywhere.
European and US-based accounts
Now, one great thing about ePayServices that I will have to talk about that is great for your business is that you can create a US-based account as well as a European account with an IBAN. Let’s start by talking about the European account first. With the personal IBAN number all set up, you can basically control the sender and receiver accounts of the funds perfectly. These are also known as SEPA payments in the IBAN system and if you’re in Europe, these typically come to the account the same day. Whether you are paying someone else with an IBAN or you’re transferring your own funds for personal or for the use that your business can have from it, I think that you’ll find that e Pay Services is perfect for IBAN.
Then you have the option of getting an account based in the US. These have great benefits and the great thing about getting them through is that you will actually be able to have the name of yourself or your business on that account. The transfers for these bank accounts are also quite fast and you’ll wait no longer than 1 working day. With a US-based account, you can also get paid by just about any US company. And if you know anything about US companies, you’ll know that they are swimming in dough. You can start either one of these bank accounts (IBAN European or US-based account) for free!
Low and high fees can be found
Some other things to keep in mind which are great for that US-based account are things like transfers being possible to all 50 of the US states, and also wire transfers in dollars. You can even make international wire transfers in dollars as well if you’re looking to pay someone and look professional while doing it. Your Russian porn site can look like a lucrative US-based business. Now, you don’t have to be from Russia; you can be from anywhere. The important thing is that you will look professional and you will be able to start all of this for free and you’ll even be able to make several accounts on top of that as well. These can be used for business or personal needs and they’re great for all kinds of things.
You can also get a card from ePayServices and pay with it for pretty much anything. Here are only some of the great things that you can expect with ePayServices. For one, you don’t have to give any kind of commission fee to transfer anything between the customers of ePayServices. You also don’t have any POS transaction fees, so you can use this card at the store and so on. However, you will have a 1% fee to bank transfers and this fee can’t be lower than $25. There are also fees for withdrawals at ATMs and while e Pay Service claims that it’s just two euros, your experience may vary by a lot from that number.
Not really the easiest thing to learn
Now I will say one thing, and that’s that can be pretty confusing to a newcomer. If you are new to the business and you just started your porn site and are starting to get some traffic in and are looking to get paid, then I think it’s better for you to look into some of the more mainstream options out there. This site seems like a jumbled mess in terms of all the services that they have under that main dropdown menu and it seems like it takes a very long time for you to learn how to use this shit properly. I have to admit; I am a bit worried about how much this affects new users and how many go for this site.
The FAQ section is equally confusing and you can find many questions that don’t have satisfactory answers since people can actually vote on the answers with upvotes and downvotes. The site doesn’t really seem to care about these, so people might still have problems with some of the shit that gets mentioned here. I can’t say that it’s the biggest problem in the world, but it does make for a very bad experience for new people who are just getting into this stuff, so I don’t see how I can recommend this site and what it has to offer to someone who has just created their first porn site and is making money off of it. I would much rather recommend this to a hardened porn selling veteran instead.
PornDude likes ePayService's
- Great way to send and receive B2B payments
- IBAN European accounts and US-based ones
- Get a physical card or a virtual one instead
PornDude hates ePayService's
- Some of the fees can get quite high at times
- Not the clearest instructions in the FAQ
- Not that user friendly for newbies in the field