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If you need to create an online wallet account for your porn business, you might want to think about starting to accept cryptocurrencies. You see, some people really like paying for some of these dubious things with crypto, and so when you see someone pulling out their bitcoin and willing to pay for your porn with it, you don’t fucking turn them down! You tell them: “Yes, sir, we’ll be more than happy to accept your cryptocurrency as legal tender on your website!” Anyway, if you want to do that and do it properly, you can go straight to and see what they have to offer you.
Pay in cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies
First, we have to look at this website from a user perspective and after that, we will shift gears and look at it from a business lens. You see, this site is pretty good for users because of one main feature. People on this site can easily transfer their Bitcoin to fiat currency and transfer that fiat currency over to bitcoin as well! Now, you can’t do that all of the time, and there will be times when the transfer service will be unavailable in one direction or the other and it usually has to do with how Bitcoin is trending. Anyway, with that in mind, you will need to pay special attention to that as a user of this site.
But as a user, you will be able to pay in both crypto and fiat. The users can go to any site that supports these kinds of payments through Visa and MasterCard and pay directly through those mediums. The great thing about it is that you don’t even need a physical card. You can use a virtual one as long as you’re from the EU, Turkey, or Israel. The physical one also goes for these countries, but also Russia, though for Russians, they can only pay in Rubles. One thing I will say is that card payments go straight through fiat currency, so you can’t pay with bitcoin with the card, but only with direct transfers.
The Merchant API manual is pretty heavy
So, it seems that using the payment provider won’t be so easy after all. If you thought you could just use the card to pay with crypto, you probably haven’t been keeping up with the latest trends and protocols in the card business. If you want to get that crypto, you’re going to need to create withdraw invoices for your users that want to pay with crypto. Now, does have this as an option in their API and you can read more about it in their manual like I did, but if you’ve got shit for brains, you’re going to need to find someone with two brain cells to read it for you and to tell you what the fuck it all means.
I have to say that while they say that getting the Merchant API to work is simple enough, I haven’t had that kind of feeling at all. I mean, I’m a pretty smart guy, and I could probably figure out how to set it all up, but if they are saying that the API is easy to implement and then I have read through their 76-page manual full of code in font size 10, then I think we might have a problem. You will need some help with the API if you’ve never done programming before in your entire life, but it can be really important since you want to implement all these payment methods on your porn site and all that.
Account opening and maintenance are completely free
Now let’s talk a little bit about fees. For personal use, the fees can be quite high, which might be a reason for users not to use ADVcash. For businesses, the fees get quite low, and they are rarely in percentages and more often you will just have to pay a dollar or a euro if you’re loading your account. Withdrawing is the real killer since the fees there for businesses are usually around 0.5%. Those can get quite a lot higher for users though, so you should be glad that the rates are so low for your porn site because you would get mauled by all these fees if they were any higher (sometimes 7 times higher).
Now, it should be said that account opening and maintenance is free for users and businesses. These are great news since you definitely don’t want to be paying for maintenance and shit like that. Let’s be honest, who the fuck likes paying for account maintenance! I thought we were way past that at this point, but maybe we still have a long way to go with some platforms out there. Luckily, ADVcash is not one of them and you will be able to get all your uses out of this app without having to fuck around with any extra costs of upkeeping your account and other bullshit that they try to sell you at the bank. If I am to be completely honest with you, I don’t think anyone will trust banks in a few years’ time for sure.
Pretty good and robust security system in place
So, do all these direct ADVcash payments, Visa and MasterCard fiat payments, as well as Cryptocurrency payments have the same security attached to them? Well, offers the same security, but you already know that things are going to be a bit riskier as far as crypto is concerned. Still, you can use it, and I think that it makes sense for you to do so as well. At least on the side of everything seems to be in order when it comes to the safety and security of your account. Your account will be secure, that’s for sure, and there is 2-factor authentication going on here to keep all your data safe and sound.
Of course, the security systems vary per payment method, but the main ones, such as card payments, are going to be using all of the standard security protocols that you need. For me, this is good enough to warrant me using from a security perspective. I get that all of these systems are really important and serve a purpose, so when you look at the way it all operates, it looks like clockwork or magic even. So, with all this taken into account, I feel that you’re definitely going to need to check out and see if it’s the right fit for what your website needs and those payments.
Really nice design but kind of hard to realize which country it’s aimed at
Now, I can tell that they are focusing a lot on Russian users on this site and they have partnered with Russian IT firms too. I don’t know why that is since they have a physical card for them that can only support a Ruble's account while EU, Turkey, and Israel are using physical and virtual cards in order to make payments in fiat EUR and USD whenever they want to. There are also other currencies supported overall through the ADVcash system. Those currencies are RUB, UAH, KZT, and TRY. So, if you see a currency from your country on the list, the site and service offered here might be targeted at you as well. I certainly can’t tell you for sure, but you can read more about the service on their FAQ.
The last thing I wanted to just quickly comment on is the design of the website. I do like that the design of the website has all of the things that you need, and they are easily accessible. You can find what you need in seconds. Whether it’s in the FAQ or some other section, the site just seems to do a pretty good job at letting you navigate through it and explore all of your options. has an edge over many other payment methods out there since it has all of these features clearly presentable and you will be able to learn everything that you need to know (minus that giant API manual) in a matter of minutes.
PornDude likes AdvCash's
- Receive payments in fiat and cryptocurrencies
- Physical and virtual cards for various payments
- Low fees for businesses and free account maintenance
PornDude hates AdvCash's
- The API manual is massive and hard to master
- Can’t pay crypto through cards, only directly
- Unclear as to which country it’s aimed at the most