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We Chat! If you know about WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, and Snapchat, then you need to know about WeChat. This app is like those apps, except that it’s a Chinese app and mostly people in China use it. What does this mean? Well, it means that if you ever want to do business in China of any kind, you’re going to need to install WeChat since all these other apps are banned in China. Why would you want to do business in China anyway, you ask? Well, if you didn’t know, China is one of the juiciest markets in the world right now, and not to mention that you can do a lot of exporting from China for dirt-cheap prices as well!
Instant messaging and social media features in one place
Let me tell you a little bit about WeChat just so that you get to know the ap a bit better. It was first developed and released back in 2011 as Weixin, and it was a project by Tencent. If you don’t know Tencent, then you need to brush up on your business knowledge. The owner of that company is one of the richest dudes in the world! Anyway, if we are going to step away from that for just a moment, you are going to notice that there is a lot more to WeChat than just the fact that it was a project made for chatting in China. In fact, this app is in many ways much, much more than just those things mentioned.
One of the things that people mistake about WeChat is that they think it’s just an app made for chatting. Well, it isn’t. Sure, chatting is one of the main functions. Still, outside of that, WeChat is actually an app that will be able to help you with many other things in China, such as using it as a social media platform to post things and even to conduct business. Most people who do any kind of exporting out of China do it through the use of WeChat. They chat with business owners and make deals through the app, and then when the products arrive, they are either happy or angry because you just never know with Chinese people. They can be pretty bad at communicating since their English is so fucking bad, but yeah.
A huge problem with surveillance and monitoring
Now, other than the fact that doing business with people in China can be a nightmare at times, there are a few other issues that you should know of before you set sail on your adventure in making money in the adult industry, whether you are selling sex toys or trying to sell porn to the Chinese industry (which is illegal by the way). One of the main issues is the fact that there is a lot of surveillance going on within China, and this affects everything from CCTV all around the cities, to internet monitoring in apps like WeChat. This app has to give the Chinese government information about anything when they ask for it.
You might think that you’re okay with that, but we’ll see what you think when you go to China one day and you end up being sent to the gulag because they have been collecting dirt on you for the past ten years or so. And you might think to yourself that in that case, you just won’t go to China, but you also run into the issue that your business partner might get arrested because the adult industry is just a huge taboo in China. So yeah, think about all these things before you start using WeChat. I, for one, definitely do not want to have all my chat history looked at by the Chinese government through surveillance.
Be careful of scammers and shitty product quality
Another problem that you will run into is the fact that it’s really hard to find trustworthy business partners in China. Many of these guys try to scam people on a regular basis and they are real outlaws in China. So, you are going to have to pick your fights carefully and not get scammed by these fuckers. One of the things that really pisses me off in this sense is the fact that they often expect you to pay for the products and only then will they give you any kind of return information. But by the time you pay them, it might be too late, and you might already have gotten scammed! And that’s the worst feeling ever!
If you want to make sure that you won’t be getting scammed either by the person not sending you anything or the person sending you shit that isn’t made of good quality, then you need to know where to find the right people to do business with. There are portals out there that are meant for this purpose. However, they also have the problem that WeChat has in terms of surveillance, bad English and other bullshit that you have to deal with in China. In all honesty, at times, I just feel that it’s not even worth spending your time and trying to sell anything or buy anything from that fucking country at all!
Over a billion people in China and outside use this app
Now, there are some good things about WeChat too. For one, it’s a very functional app and it has all the things you need for a good time in terms of chatting and creating a social atmosphere while sharing things and being creative and all that. The only thing that you should avoid is saying anything bad about the Chinese government. That shit will get you in trouble really fast. Almost as fast as the response time you get from this amazing app! I know, it seems like I’m sending mixed messages here, but that’s just how things are when you try to do anything in relation to China. It’s always like that, without question.
WeChat also services many people. There are over a billion people who use this app. And while most of them are in China, there are many users outside of China too! Don’t think that you’re safe just because you are outside of China however, because sometimes you might end up getting really threatening messages and shit like that after you say something that you should not say on the app. And the power of Chinese hackers employed by the Government is so strong that you should really watch what the fuck you are doing in that regard. Anyway, with over a billion people on the app, it definitely functions well.
Somewhat dated design and doesn’t make sense to use outside China
The design of it is a bit stale; I have to admit. It’s good for the period when it was made back in 2011, but since then, other chat apps have become so good that you just can’t go on the market and serve up something that looks like this because you are going to end up getting stomped by the competition! Now, the one good thing WeChat has going for it is that pretty much all of the competition is banned in China, so the people there really have no choice but to use this app and nothing but this app. At the same time, I feel that it’s not like it’s the end of the world as far as the quality you get with WeChat.
This app still functions really well, and you get everything you need out of it at lightning speed. You get some pretty great features too that will help you share your stories with others and things like that. In all honesty, unless you are doing business with a Chinese person and you live outside of that country, then there is no reason for you to use WeChat. Okay, if there are any Chinese people reading this, you understand why this doesn’t apply to you. But to all of us who don’t live in China, I think that using this app doesn’t make sense since there are so many others to choose from. Maybe you could download their open-source code and do something with that instead, though that has its own risks too.
PornDude likes WeChat's
- Instant messaging and social media for China
- Do great business for the Chinese market
- It’s completely free for you to download and use
PornDude hates WeChat's
- Huge problem with surveillance and monitoring
- The Chinese government could ask for any info
- Many scammers and bad quality suppliers