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Winning people over in the porn industry these days is pretty damn impossible unless you’re using the power of porn tube sites. Today we’re looking at one of those sites that I’m sure you’ve heard of and even used back when you were just a porn consumer and nor a porn webmaster. It’s, and if you have ever seen this site, then you know that we’re dealing with a really high-quality porn tube site in this review. You should stick around cause if you use Porntrex to your advantage, you could end up having a lot more conversions and overall a much better experience as a webmaster on the internet.
Upload high-quality content to get more leads
Right now, I have to say that there isn’t a lot of room to create a new porn network if you’re just going to advertise it with ads and hope for the best. People feel like their lives are already oversaturated with porn sites, and many of them don’t even want to pay for porn since they can watch porn for free on sites like That’s where you have to play your cards smart and realize that you can actually use this website to your advantage and get people to sign up for your content and even pay for it. All you need to do is make the right kind of porn that people actually want to watch, and you’ll be all set.
So, the first thing on your to-do list should be to create some of the best porn that people simply cannot resist. If you can do this, then you’ve already done enough where Porntrex will probably be able to just provide you with plenty of conversions. I’ll talk more about what you can do to increase the quality of your content, but for now the best thing to keep in mind is to look at and its trending vids to figure out what kind of content gets noticed here. If you can mimic these porn networks and the kind of porn that they are creating then you should do just that or even try to surpass their quality standards.
Get the best possible video resolution badge
The first thing you’ll notice on the homepage of Porntrex is that all of the videos there are either HD or 4K in resolution. Now, it doesn’t mean that you strictly have to stick to the Full HD and Ultra HD quality, which means 1080p and 2160p. Instead, you can also go for regular HD 720p, or even lower 4K res at 1440p. This will still give you the HD and 4K badges respectively, and these tend to garner a lot of views on this site. People just like to watch high-res porn, and if they can do that without paying for it, then even better. The resolution just accounts for so much success on this website, and you’ll notice it too.
But one trick that I’ve found out is that you don’t actually have to have the video at 1080p or 4K to get the badge. It all depends on how you export and render the video. So, even if your video is filmed at a not-so-flattering 720p, you can render it at 1440p and hope that people won’t notice the difference. Maybe 720p to 1440p is too drastic, but going from 1080p to 1440p is barely noticeable, and you’ll still get the 4K badge which is worth a lot more than the HD badge since far fewer videos on Porntrex get the 4K badge on the thumbnail. Trust me, it might seem like a cheap trick, but those are the kinds of things you need to do in order to get as many people to pay attention to you on Porntrex as possible.
Add multiple categories and custom tags to videos
The next thing that you should try and use to your advantage on are the categories. How can you use the categories to your advantage here? Well, there are several things that you can do. For example, you can target different audiences this way. You already know which genres are popular with which kinds of people, so you can always try and get the right people to pay attention to your content on Porntrex. By using the categories, you’ll also make sure that the right people see your video if you’re doing it accurately. Uploading a video and adding it to the correct category increases the chances that it ends up on the trending page since it will be near the top of the newest uploads for that specific genre.
Apart from the categories, you also have tags. There are so many different tags on Porntrex that you can choose from, and you can even create your own. As a matter of fact, you can even add multiple categories to your videos if you think that it applies to more than one. All of these things are not features that you can expect to see on other websites. is one of the rare platforms that allows you to add multiple categories for example, and it’s also a rare one that allows you to create your own tags on the fly. This helps a lot when you’re uploading a lot of videos and want to categorize them.
Become the top rated channel on this website
Using more famous models can also help a lot here, as some people really seem to care about which models they are watching. They have their favs, and while these pornstars might be more expensive to cast in your video, they will certainly be worth the investment. And you can also try and get them to do photo shoots with you if they don’t want to shoot an entire porn video. Photos are a really big section on too, and so there are so many galleries and albums that you can check out on the website that contain some of the hottest models. Engaging with models for photos is much cheaper.
If your video and photo content is popular enough, you might end up being one of the top-rated channels on Porntrex. This helps a lot since your channel will be listed near the top of the page when you just click on the Channels menu item in the navbar. You will also be able to add an image to your channel and proudly have it displayed in the channel archive. Your channel name and logo will stick in the minds of all these viewers on like it’s a persistent tumor on a smoker’s lungs. They won’t be able to get rid of you, and at that point they might as well check out your platform as well.
Advertising yourself here is also an option
Of course, when you render the videos that you are going to use to upload on Porntrex, but also other porn tube sites, make sure to add your logo somewhere, or to watermark it with your domain name in a corner. It can be a subtle nod to where the user needs to go if they want to see more of your porn, and this can be super useful to spreading the good word about your porn site. The more of these tricks you use, the more success you’re going to have when you’re on You can also cut out certain parts of your releases so that you don’t give these people the entire video. They need to pay to get that.
There you have it. Now that you know everything there is to Porntrex, you can finally start using it to get more people to your website. If all else fails, you’ll notice that Porntrex has plenty of ads on the website, so you can always just pay them to get your name out there. This will be pretty expensive though, especially since all the biggest names in the porn business seem to be advertising on this site. They are probably driving the big of every ad to astronomical heights. So, I suggest you try to just upload videos at first, and advertise yourself on the platform only in the case that all else fails and you need to start getting people onto your website as fast as possible.
PornDude likes PornTrex's
- Get free exposure by uploading porn
- Add multiple categories and tags too
- Try advertising yourself if all else fails
PornDude hates PornTrex's
- Advert prices can be really high
- Hard to become viral and popular
- Many people here don’t want to pay