Show 3+ sites like is an indexing website for pornographic domains. You’ll find all kinds of porn sites on this platform, from free tubes and premium sites, all the way to specific genres of content that you can get in the form of a website. This place has it all, and the best thing about it is that webmasters can also use it to their advantage to promote their otherwise pretty invisible porn sites. People love using porn indexing sites, and these places do such a good job at SEO that they reach the top of the search results, even for regular porn queries and searches. This is the reason I’m in the porn indexing game too!
This porn indexing site has a high authority, in particular, seems to be a pretty big indexing website. They’ve been around for a long time now and have reviewed so many websites that you can count on them as a user to access whatever you can think of. Of course, no site can beat when it comes to indexing porn, but they can try to come close to my greatness. ThePornList is one of those sites that seems to be doing a fair job at that. However, we’re not here to look at porn sites and watch porn on them just to jerk off, are we? We’re here to earn money, so I’ll show you how you can use The Porn List to your advantage today.
In this review, you’re going to learn about all the affiliate marketing opportunities for advertising your site. You’ll also learn a little bit about how you will improve your SEO if you get featured on this porn indexing site and many others. You need to show up on many of these sites to really see a significant imprint on your SEO. Since there are so many sites on porn indexes, only some do a good job in reverse where sites link back. You should look for those sites since they will provide you with a lot more SEO benefits. ThePornList is among the sites that have a pretty high authority.
The reviews are a little bit too positive
Here’s the thing guys, porn indexing sites don’t really care about your porn site. They could gloss over it in an instant if they want to. Now, for me, I like to review all sites, even if other places might not see them as worthy. I am really proactive, and ThePornDude is a rare site for porn indexing that doesn’t discriminate between sites and gives everyone a fair shot. However, I’m also brutally honest, while most other porn indexing sites are not. Take ThePornList, for instance. This place seems to be full of reviews that you can count on to give you a good overview of the site, but they’re too positive.
I can’t believe that every site on this porn indexing page has all the good sides that porn sites usually have and don’t have any negatives. almost seems too lenient in their reviews. It’s almost like they are trying their best to keep positive about websites, but this isn’t useful for porn webmasters since you won’t know what to focus on when trying to make a good porn site. You won’t know what all the pros and cons are. You’ll only get the pros and while you can concentrate on those for a better experience, eliminating the cons is usually far more important. There doesn’t seem to be any cons in these reviews. So don’t count on those to be of any help to you.
Direct marketing opportunity and SEO boosting
However, that’s not to say that The Porn List doesn’t have some good marketing aspects that you can explore. For example, one incredible thing to do here is to get featured in the first place. This goes back to the reason that I told you before. This porn indexing site seems to have pretty high authority, which means that search engines will give your site a lot more love in the results if there is a link to it on I know it’s weird that search engines and SEO work like this, but that’s just how things roll, I guess. I don’t really mind it, but sometimes I think it’s a little bit too much for me to handle.
I mean, you have to get linked back even as a porn indexing site for any of this shit to matter, and The Porn List does that reasonably well. Anyway, going back to the entire list of porn sites, you will want to see the name of your porn domain here for a multitude of reasons. One of them is that it serves as a direct marketing opportunity, especially if you’re near the top of one of these categories on the site. Also, you can count on the SEO boost your site will get from being linked on this high authority domain. Both of these aspects are reason enough for you to get in touch with this site.
Affiliate marketing can also be quite beneficial seems to be pretty big on affiliate marketing. This works best explained by premium porn sites and the discounts you can find on The Porn List. You can get anywhere between 50% and 70% discount on membership on premium sites such as Brazzers and Babes. It will have huge implications on how many people will want to get memberships on those websites. With affiliate marketing, you’ll give a cut of your profits from selling premium porn memberships over to ThePornList, and that’s how they’ll make their money. In the end, you’re one membership richer, that site is a few cents richer, and everyone can go away from the deal feeling like they gained something.
Affiliate marketing also means that you’re going to be selling a lot more, which is the main point of any porn site. Like, if you aren’t here to sell, then you’ve got this game all wrong. I’m not going to bullshit you; making money is the number one priority for most porn sites, and so The Porn List is looking to do that too. The only problem with that is that sometimes they go about it the wrong way. We’ll get into that in the next section, but for now, just understand that there is a lot to gain from affiliate marketing on ThePornList. You can always use the extra influx of membership revenue, in my opinion.
Nasty pop-up ads and needs design improvements
If you’re not a premium porn site, you’re probably earning money through ads. That’s fine. What isn’t fine is that a site like The Porn List used for porn indexing does the same thing. In my opinion, porn indexing sites should never resort to ads, no matter how much money they want to make. That’s why you won’t see any ads on my site, for example. But yeah, you’ll notice that when you click around, you’ll occasionally get a pop-up ad to a cam site or something similar. I’m not too fond of this, and I’m sure that most people who come to this site feel the same way. So yeah, that’s about it.
However, when it comes to the site’s design, I think it looks relatively simple even though it’s not the prettiest porn indexing website. The colors are kind of off, and they don’t really give me a pleasant feeling. The dark mode looks even worse since they don’t invert some of the text colors on the process. This can make navigating ThePornList a nightmare for people who don’t like these kinds of colors. The thing I can say that I enjoy is the illustrations they have in their header. That’s also kind of their logo, and overall, I feel like it looks professional and nice.
PornDude likes's
- Huge opportunities for webmasters to advertise
- Affiliate and direct marketing to look into
- Explore categories and boost your site’s SEO
PornDude hates's
- Pop-up ads aren’t charming on this site
- The color scheme and design could be better
- The reviews of websites are a bit too positive