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Porn Geek
PornGeek! Alright, guys, get this straight. I have my main site which I’m sure you’re all familiar with. I don’t even need to tell you why that website of mine is important for Porn WebMasters. With that website, you can find out more about porn sites, see their strengths and weaknesses, and then make your website better than all of them. While my site is the best there is out there, I just had to tell you guys about as well. That guy is hilarious to read, and he will still give you some never before seen insight about many of these porn sites. He isn’t the best, but he is pretty funny.
Pretty funny free porn website reviews
So, before we begin the review, I immediately want to tell you to use on a regular basis. But if you ever want to see a second opinion on the matter of some of these websites, then is the place to go. He has the second-best site for these kinds of things. He’s second only to me because of how many more reviews I have and also because I am usually a lot more confident in my reviews while he is, well, how should I put it… He’s a little bitch. It’s really hard for him to form his own opinion, so he always has to steal from me and see what the latest trends are from my website.
If you need a porn list website right now, go to, but if you need a porn list website where you can laugh a bit and maybe get a second opinion, go to The guy might be a loser, but he might be able to spot some good things about shitty websites that I can’t! Who knows! For the most part, I feel that I have every review on lock and they are all as thorough as they can possibly be. At the same time, I can recognize that I’m not the all-knowing porn god (though this is sometimes really difficult to think about and a hard pill to swallow). So, I understand if you want to read
Constantly check on your competitors
But why would you even go to porn list websites if you’re a porn webmaster? Well, there is a myriad of reasons out there (and fuck yeah, I just used the word “myriad”, what are you going to do about it). One of the main reasons why porn webmasters go to porn list sites is to check up on their competition. With porn list sites, you have all the porn websites separated into their own different categories, and with those, you can always check on all the websites that serve the same kind of porn that you do. This can be pretty good because you can immediately see what they are up to and if they are serving any holiday discounts and shit like that so that you can be ahead of the curve when they do shit like that to you.
So, if you ever want to check up on a porn site and see what your competitors are doing, go to and then go to the category in which your porn site is. Look at all the other porn sites and then just conclude what they’re doing. That’s how you’ll be able to stay in your A-game while the rest of the porn sites in the same category begin to fade away. You want to destroy the competition; this is how you do it: by being two steps ahead of them at all times and checking what they are doing constantly. Luckily for you, is there whenever you need to quickly get all this info in one place.
Find the perfect untouched porn niche
I’ll be honest, guys. The porn market is saturated at the moment, so you really need to pick your fights carefully. Sometimes it’s not even enough to look at what your competitors are doing and instead, you need to look at which niche is the least invaded one. This is another thing that allows you to do. You’ll be able to go to that site and look at the various categories that he has to offer you. Then you look at the one with the fewest entries, and where even the entries he has aren’t that impressive. That might be a good segment of the porn market that you should target and profit from.
So, if you’re new to the porn market, then you might want to see where there’s an opening in the industry and then make a porn site that will provide that kind of porn. So yeah, by going to PornGeek, you can find the right porn niche. If you start smart and early, then you can become a first-mover in a porn niche that is seriously underpopulated. Of course, this might mean that you’ll have to stomach some of the shit that nobody else is brave enough to even touch. And I’m not even talking about scat and piss porn, though those are underrepresented. There are far worse porn niches than those two!
Add great features to your website
As for how many sites you can expect to read about here, it’s hard to give an exact number without wasting too much time. Plus, the site keeps getting new reviews on a regular basis. Right now, there are hundreds upon hundreds of websites to read about, and that can give you a lot of invaluable information when it comes to finding out what makes these sites good and what makes them, well, not so good. All of this info will be of use to you with your website, not just because you’ll be checking out your competitors, but also because I am pretty sure you want to know what the pros and cons of most sites are! With, you’ll finally be able to know and adjust your porn site accordingly.
With the pros of each site comes room for improvement for you. If you see something that is listed as a pro on, then you might want to implement that feature if you don’t already have it on your site. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t make sense to put all the shit on just one website, so make sure you stay in your lane of porn sites. This means that you choose the right niche and all that before you go any further. All in all, these pros and cons are going to be really useful when you look at all the things that you can change on your site to make it better and you can find it all for free on PornGeek.
Admitted to copying my website design
As far as the design goes, the site is pretty phenomenal. Now, it’s great, but I also have to say that the only reason has such a great design is because he blatantly copied me. I know that it seems a bit petty to quarrel over shit like that, so I don’t even care. The guy can copy me all he wants; he will still be a giant loser. You can see that in his reviews! He is so fucking sad; it’s incredible. Luckily, he admits to this blatant stealing and copying at the bottom of the website, so you can read all about that there. I don’t have to prove anything. So yeah, good on him for admitting it all right there.
So, because he copied everything, he does have one of the most phenomenal porn list website designs that I have ever seen. This means that you will see this place as a very modern approach to all your porn business needs as you look through new features to implement, your competitors and what they’re doing, great porn niches to get into in order to earn money and so on. All of this info will be available to you for free on PornGeek and it will all be packaged in this really nice design. I like it, so I think that you will too. There is so much useful info here that I think you should at least give PornGeek a fair shot.
PornDude likes Porn Geek's
- Big and free repository of porn websites
- Find good porn niches and great features
- Keep an eye out on your competitors
PornDude hates Porn Geek's
- Copied everything from my website
- He is one sad and miserable son of a bitch
- ThePornDude reviews are just a lot better