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Best Porn Games
Oh boy, how I’m primed to talk about BestPornGames. This website, which has an unfortunately generic name, is one of my proudest creations. I named it like this on purpose, because I wanted people to find it about as quickly and easily as they found PornWebmasters. Plus, I’m kind of trying to be as holistic as possible so generic names work really well for me.
It can be kind of hard to review my own creations, because I pride myself on being impartial and all that, but I’ve got some good ideas about BestPornGames and how you can use it to learn and grow your porn empire, though, you’ll have to have very specific interests in order to make use of this site. Namely, you have to be interested in porn games in one way or another. If you’re looking to dive into live-action porn, specifically, then skip this review and read about my porn related work. This is strictly for the gamer boys and girls in the audience.
BestPornGames started out with the same idea that I had for this site, but centered on gathering links to porn games and porn game related websites. The first decision that was a bit difficult to make was how I was going to cover games and game sites, when either of those categories would be enough to keep me busy for years. There are too many sites and there are too many games, especially in the porn industry. Well, I have a very basic formula for what goes on my site: If it seems influential or culturally significant in any way, I put it on the site. That’s not code for anything, I’m being genuine here. If a porn game serves a purpose other than scamming people for their money, then it’s on my site.
My Curation Process
As for the sites that I list on BestPornGames, well, those are a bit of a mixed bag. Some of them are very similar to one another, but if they’re curated by different people, I cover them, provided they actually have something to offer to the general public. In theory, if you just wanted a list of all porn games ever produced, you would just go to F95 and skip my site entirely. But my site isn’t a directory of all porn games. It’s a carefully curated selection of relevant porn games aimed at both consumers and webmasters, depending on the intent and the category. Either way, all of the games on BPG are carefully selected. They’re the hard and heavy hitters.
I’d say that there are three major categories on the site, that I keep in mind, even if they’re not outright stated. I’ve got games on there that are popular, games that are high quality, games that I personally believe to be culturally significant and of course the niche games that are so painfully original that I don’t want to give them a pass. It can be hard to find ultra-specific gaming content when you have fucked up fetishes and that’s exactly why I’ve got some fucked up games on there, even if some of them haven’t been finished or they look like ass. It’s not just about finding the best produced porn games. It’s about finding the games that stand out.
Using This Data
At this point you might be wondering: “PornDude, how does this help me at all? I’m not looking for porn games, I want to become a porn webmaster.” Good question. You can learn from my approach and consider my selection and curation process in order to see how you too can create an impactful website that deals in porn gaming. F95 definitely gets more traffic than me, but they’ve been around for much longer and they have active users. But, like I said, I’m not competing against them, I’m working alongside them. People don’t spend a lot of time on my site, but that’s a good thing. They find what they’re looking for and they move on until they need me again. It’s a waystation for horny fappers. That’s the whole idea behind the site.
You need to take this kind of logic into account when you’re creating your own site. You see, whether you’re dealing with porn games or porn videos or what-fucking-ever, all of your users come to you when they’re primed and ready. No-one’s browsing for porn games on their off time with a sandwich in front of them. They do it with one hand in their pants. So, you have a very time sensitive opportunity to reel them in, catch them and send them somewhere useful. To do that, you have to make sure that your site has been optimized for that kind of throughput.
Small Menu, Large Portion Sizes
Say, for example, you had every single porn game listed out on your website by genre. People could just sort through them and find exactly what they’re looking for, right? Wrong. There is such a thing as too much choice. If I covered every single Nutaku exclusive and slapped them all on the top of every single category I’ve got, I’d technically be doing my job, sure, but that would be a waste of time, both for me and for Nutaku. You see, those guys have a giant porn empire with a ton of games in the same niche -they make gacha games. I don’t have to constantly shovel people their way, when I can just have a section for that stuff and let people either avoid that category or gravitate to it.
Choice is great, but quality choice is even better. You don’t go to a restaurant expecting to be offered every food known to man. But you do get a menu with up to a hundred choices and that’s more than enough for a spread of variety. People easily find what they’re looking for when they have many categories that feature the best within that category. Don’t run a repository. Run a porn restaurant.
Learning from Developers
I can also share with you some information that I discovered during my time working on BestPornGames. Whether I was researching a Nutaku title, or some sort of third-rate indie garbage about a stork fucking an ostrich, I found the same kind of fan behavior across all of these. The fans of these kinds of games are very fucking passionate about the works that these developers are sweating over. I don’t just mean that they’re passionate about jacking off to the games. I mean they’re passionate to share their opinions and get involved in the process of the actual game creation.
They’ll offer unwarranted advice and all kinds of suggestions and even try to reach out to the developers directly in order to support them. You should also know about how pivotal Patreon has been for 99% of these developers. Most of them know that charging for porn is a losing game, so they release their smut games for free, then ask for donations. They make off like bandits. All of these lessons seem tangential, but they can be applied to your business.
Becoming The Next Best Porn Game Dev
And of course, if you’re a porn game developer, then you’ve basically found a treasure trove on BestPornGames. You get a long list of all the best places to put your games as well as a list of games that have succeeded at the same efforts that you are hoping to undertake. So, if you’re mulling over the idea of becoming a porn game developer, look no further. BestPornGames is where you want to end up and it’s also the best place to learn about how you can get there down the line. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Be like these other developers and you’ll end up alongside them, successful and happy.
BestPornGames is easily one of my most unique sites, considering that few of my other works focus so much on user interactivity. I mean, I talk about site interactivity a lot on this site, for example, but games are innately all about the interaction. There is no smut that just plays itself. The smut has to be interacted with and there needs to be quid pro quo between the player and the game. You can learn a lot about the give and take between the player and the game as well as the relationship between the game and the developer by analyzing these games.
And of course, if it isn’t painfully obvious, you can analyze all of these games to figure out how they succeeded and why the people love them so much. There’s a lot of variety so you can learn different lessons from different developers. Some of them succeed because of high quality production, others are original and provide something that hasn’t been seen before. You can follow in any of these footsteps or get inspired and carve your own path. Either way, BestPornGames will be waiting with an open spot for you should you one day create the next best porn game. Good luck.
PornDude likes Best Porn Games's
- All the best games in one spot
- An in-depth look into the industry
- Many successful middle-man gaming sites
- Sorted by category and carefully curated
PornDude hates Best Porn Games's
- It’s too perfect at times