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My Porn Bible
MyPornBible! Finding the right porn site can be a chore. And I’m not even just talking about finding one to blow your load to. Sure, it can be a pain in the ass to find the perfect site with HD videos and all of the fetish content that you so desperately desire. But looking at other successful porn sites is one of the first steps you ambitious webmasters need to take before you go ahead and hit the ground running. It’s not as simple as looking for random sites that appear in search results. You need to find a curated list of what sites people like and see what the fuck they are doing right or wrong. That’s how you make a competitive site of your own.
If you’re looking to start some lesbian fisting site and find that the top website in that niche has a shitty design and a lackluster catalog, you can come out of the gate with a lot of momentum by hitting those marks with your launch. One of the best ways to get that sort of quality data is by using porn list sites like The horny fuck running this site has been doing this shit since 2013 and manages to bring in right around half a million visitors every single month.
A Loosely Bible-Themed Porn List Site with a Solid Selection of Sites
The design and theme of this site are interesting, to say the least. It’s like I stepped into a horny Catholic slut’s bedroom. You see all of the religious shit on the wall, but the straps on the bed tell a very different story. Have you ever crossed yourself before going down and plowing some pussy? I have. And, fuck, I made sure to spin that bitch around when I gave her a facial. I didn’t want any splooge to rocket off and land on the Bible. I feel like that’s got to be listed as a sin somewhere in there. That’s one book you never want to pick up and find the pages stuck together.
Where was I? Right, this Bible-themes porn list site. It’s a neat design; I’ll give them that. But they could have taken the design a bit further. There aren’t any crazy cool graphics, and the site theme ends and isn’t entirely formatted to take up the whole site page, which leaves this ugly white space on the sides. It’s not like this site looks like shit or anything, but I expected a bit more from a platform that’s been cranking out recommendations since 2013.
No User Rating System & Infrequent List Updates
What sets most of these sites apart is the rating system. Some use user scores, others take the helm, and a few use a mix of both. Mypornbible acts as a definitive voice that deems the worthiness of each site on its own. There aren’t any user scores, ratings, comments, or anything like that. You can scroll through and check out different sections for all sorts of sites aimed at different fetishes and genres like lesbian, dating, tube, premium, and many more.
Well, not that many. They’ve got maybe 20-30 sections, but so many of these sections only have 2-3 sites recommended. Come on, are you really trying to tell me that there are only 2 Asian porn sites worth checking out? I can name more than that off the top of my head. Fuck, they list Amazon as the best adult shop out there. I know a fuck ton of fantastic retailers that sell dragon dildos, pocket pussies, and fuck dolls who would disagree with that assessment.
Slim Selection of Sites & No In-Depth Reviews or Notes
This site’s porn tube list is decent, but that’s about it. Only a few websites are listed for torrents, dating, fetish, amateur, and mobile porn sites. These guys need to step up their recommendation game and fill this site up with content. I would understand the slim catalog a bit more if they did full-length reviews for each site, but they don’t even do that. You can browse their recommendations by hovering your cursor over each site.
Once you do that, you’ll see a couple of sentences describing the site with a tag for if it has a lot of ads and another tag for the last time, this rating was updated. Right now, xVideos is reigning supreme at the top of the porn tube list and has been for the last 7 goddamn years. It’s a damn good site, don’t get me wrong. But I think it might deserve the #2 spot compared to the shit that Pornhub has been doing lately. Even Xhamster holds some stiff competition. Those ratings need to be updated more than every fucking 7 years. That’s why user ratings help keep things current and fresh.
No Ads Present on Desktop or Mobile
The short descriptions are fine but don’t really tell users much more than what the title of the site does. Like, who would have fucking guessed that MelonsTube would be full of horny sluts with massive milkers? I wanted more details. Tell me what the site is like, how easy it is to find content, if I can download videos and all of that good shit. If you’re going to take the minimal approach, then at least fill your site with thousands of porn sites with short reviews. As it is, there are only a few hundred sites to scroll through. And, trust me, they’ve missed quite a few heavy hitters that should be included in these lists.
The mobile version of Mypornbible is formatted well, but you don’t get much out of this site since you can’t hover over sites or read descriptions. You just get a bunch of ranked lists to click through. But, hey, it’s better than nothing. At least this site continues its trend of giving a clean, ad-free user experience. That puts them a step above some shittier list sites out there that are cluttered with annoying ads.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
This feels strange to say since this site is so fucking old, but this is a good start. They’ve got a decent number of categories with a few websites in each. Now, it’s time to expand that shit and develop it further. The ad-free browsing experience is nice, and the theme is fun. Don’t get me wrong, this list site is doing better than most and has a better design than most. I liked that you could hover over websites and get a short description and a tag if the site is cluttered with annoying ads.
While the idea that you can see how often they update their list was good, they kind of shot themselves in the foot with that one. If you’re going to include that data, then at least update every month or so. I bet sites are lurking in these lists that aren’t nearly as good as they were or have gotten even better since they found their place on these lists. That’s why they need to keep rolling updates out for this stuff!
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
This site could do better. The lists are lackluster. Add dozens of websites to each category! It’s only going to help your site in the long run. Full reviews aren’t required, but at least tell me more than the basic shit I’d get from simply reading the title. I wouldn’t even mind bullet points that go over some of the quick facts like ads, downloadable videos, required sign-ups, and all of that good shit. The design could use some work, too. Lean into that shit. Let me see some unique graphics, animations, and more. I want this site to feel cohesive and more put together.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, is on its way to being a great porn list site. It just needs some more care and attention. Update the catalog more frequently, add in more tags, and expand on the site theme. If they did that, we’d really be cooking with fire. It’s still a good site to check out if you don’t mind the slimmer lists and lackluster descriptions. You can still get a few details about porn sites that you wouldn’t get by randomly browsing, so at least they’re doing that right. I recommend popping over and checking it out for yourself. You may stumble across your new favorite porn site!
PornDude likes My Porn Bible's
- Plenty of fetishes and genre sections for porn lists
- Tags for if ads are present on the site
- Ad-free browsing experience
- No sign-up required
PornDude hates My Porn Bible's
- Infrequently updates rankings
- Not a ton of information about the sites
- They could do more with the site theme