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You Porn List! Options, options, options. Life is full of them, and so is porn. It’s hard to figure out which site or fetish content to jerk off to. Do you want to watch horny waifus get pounded mercilessly by tentacles or fap to something more softcore? It’s a tough decision to make. Hell, it’s just as hard to find the perfect site even when you know what sort of porn you want to rub yourself raw to. It’s like going to a brothel and getting to choose from a dozen different whores who will eagerly take a fucking.
Luckily for you sex-starved cucks, you can browse a complete list of the most highly-rated porn sites by genre and fetish over at They’ve got all of the big names on there, and you can be sure that you’re only fapping to the best options that the internet has to offer. This particular porn list site has been around since 2018 and has amassed a loyal following of right about 300 thousand visitors every month. That’s not too bad, but let’s take a look under the skirt and see why that number doesn’t have an extra zero at the end of it.
Bright White Site Design with a Couple of Banner Ads
It’s a decent-looking site, though the harsh white theme is a little hard on the eyes. Come on, the fucks running this site must know that you degenerates don’t come slinking out of your den to fap until the middle of the night. Your poor strained eyes need a night mode. That white design and the ads make the site a bit of an eyesore. It’s not awful, but there are porn lists that achieve a much cleaner design.
Plus, your whole site is built around linking horny fucks to porn sites. Do you really need an ad of a busty bitch taking some dick as your banner? If you spin this shit right, you can be swimming in dosh and boosting your site authority without a single goddamn ad in place. The competition is doing it. These fucks need to step up to the plate and make that shit happen if they want to stay in the game. But enough about the features I don’t like about Youpornlist. Let’s dive in and see what they’re doing right.
Large Image Previews for Every Fap-Worthy Category of Sites
I love that you can click over to a categories page and get sexy previews that fit each genre. I don’t see a lot of list sites doing that. Most tend to make you scroll down through the main page, and that’s that. Here you can see previews for their amateur, teen, interracial, VR, dating, and Latina porn categories. Of course, those are just a few of the many offerings that this site has for you eager fappers. Oh, and these sorts of websites are great for you webmasters as well. You can get the scoop on who your competition is and which sites are considered the top-dogs in their category or niche.
At least, that’s the excuse I use to browse porn sites all day. It’s research. You can’t prove otherwise. But you get these hot previews that make it easy to click over to that whole list of sites. Scrolling through the category will give you a nice big screenshot of each site as you browse. Yet again, a dope feature that plenty of porn lists miss out on. Don’t just give me a bulleted list with no full preview page or anything. If I wanted to judge a site by its title, then I’d go ahead and browse the search engine results like a chump.
No In-Depth Reviews or User Rating System
You can click over to an entire site page where you get to see a blown-up version of that same screenshot from before. I’d list the other things you’d get to fuck around with, but the pages are pretty bare. There’s a spot with a one or two-line description of the site claiming that a full review is coming soon. And it seems like that’s the case for every site on here. I couldn’t find a single one with a live review yet. If they’ve been doing this shit for two years, where the fuck are these mysterious reviews? I wouldn’t place too much on them uploading reviews soon.
There’s also a set of buttons where you should be able to leave a thumbs up or down. I say should because they don’t even function as buttons right now. Fuck, alright. It seems like they put the cart before the horse and uploaded a site that’s not finished yet. Down below the link to the site, you can view several similar sites or jump back to the main page to keep browsing. But that’s all that this preview page has to offer. The link does take you right to the site, but I wanted a lot more. I wanted actual user ratings and a short review. It still feels like I’m going in blind.
Sign-Up to Add Your Site to this Growing List Today
If you’re a webmaster who wants an extra backlink boost, you can submit your hot porn site and get it added to this list as long as you meet a few criteria. Yeah, it’s like trying to join some slutty sorority where you need to be able to deepthroat a banana to join. Here you need to have an Alexa rank of under 500,00, a quality site, no more than one pop-up, and it can’t be a local porn site for shit like finding escorts in a certain city. It has to be a porn site that fucks from all over the world can jerk their dicks to.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
It’s a solid list of sites. They have many big names and more niche sites that you likely wouldn’t find on your own. I liked that they had a decent selection. Many list sites out there barely come up with a few hundred websites to visit, while this one is packing thousands of fap-worthy pages. Plus, the image previews and screenshots from the sites in question make it easy to know what to expect before you go ahead and jump on over to it. And the image previews for the categories were a nice touch.
I was also a fan of how strict the criteria for getting on this list site is. You can’t be running some bullshit page cluttered with ads and all of that nonsense. They won’t give your sketchy website the time of day. Most sites get around this by having user rankings that make it so that the site doesn’t rank very high, but having the steep threshold for even getting on the site makes it a bit easier to manage. Also, it’s not much different from the desktop site, but Youpornlist has a solid mobile version that makes it easy to browse sites while on the go.
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
A few simple changes would make this site so much better. Add a dark mode and ditch the banner ad. How good can that single ad be for the platform anyway? If they did that and actually followed through with the user ratings and full site reviews, this would be a damn good porn list site. It’s so close! As it is, it’s just a bit boring. The lists don’t offer much information at all, and the site design needs some sprucing up. Some graphics and such would make it look more inviting and modern. But it’s still a good start. It’s leagues better than most cut-and-paste list sites out there.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, gives you more information than browsing porn sites on your own would. You get a preview screenshot of the site, loads of categories with super niche sites you may not have heard of, and a pretty clean user experience. There’s only one ad on the entire website, so I really can’t complain about that banner too much. While the site design does leave a little bit to be desired, it’s still a decent porn list full of hidden gems. I recommend checking this site out if you’re trying to find a new favorite site or want to check out what competitors in your site niche are doing.
PornDude likes YouPornList's
- Long genre lists of sites
- Preview images & screenshots of every site
- Easy to search the huge catalog
- You can add your site to the list!
- Decent mobile version of the site
PornDude hates YouPornList's
- No reviews
- No user rating system
- Bland, bright white site design