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Tube Porn List
TubePornList! There are so many porn websites out there and so little time to know enough about it all where to find the best of it. Even if you have the time to noodle around using the google machine, it’s still hard to whittle down which ones are worth spending money on or getting a free account with.
Well, there is one that pops into my mind, like Janet Jackson’s chocolate tit during a halftime show, but I’ll forego mentioning it. ;)
Another which I’ve been thinking about which I discovered recently is Tube Porn List. I have to say that at first glance, it looks like one of those clone sites that I've seen far too many of. However, upon further examination, I did find that this website does present more than other smut listicle websites.
This Is The Epic Porn Tube Mission
When it comes to the mission statement of this platform, it’s pretty obvious once you look at the homepage. But in the interest of thoroughness, this platform is supposed to host reviews and ratings of the best porn pages.
Further, it is intended to be a directory to promote sexy adverts and other arousing deals provided by these adult-oriented pages. On top of that, this website also has some special goodies to attract anyone who has a love of lovey ladies who just can’t keep their clothes on.
When It Comes To Looks, This Platform Is Rather Pretty
To start with the looks, this porn directory does look significantly better than most others that I’ve seen, and not just because the bar has been set so low. Compared to most competitors, the homepage and all other web pages on Tube Porn List has an aesthetic that is superior by a country mile!
The light robin blue background looks different compared to most other sites but is neutral enough to not be distracting or overstimulating. Furthermore, it makes the rest of the colored text, graphics, and other elements pop out to the viewer.
For instance, each of the categories has a unique color background giving them all a unique feel. All of the direct links are colored in hot pink, and those links have their respective brand icons next to them.
The ads clustered at the top and bottom of the page are a little distracting, but the non-spammy video previews (yes, they have those) use the same hot pink text motif and the dark grey text used on other parts looks great.
The Categories Covered Are Comprehensive
It is not as thorough as a certain porn directory I can think of, but the number of categories is respectable. There are thirty-six in total and most of them have several if not dozens of reviews each.
Beyond basic stuff like a compilation of the best tube, Asian, ebony, Latina, and amateur sites, this site has some more exotic categories.
To give you a handful of examples, Tube Porn List has devoted sections for trans and gay porn, more spicy stuff like incest smut, plus other sorts of fetish sites. And this website is not limited to traditional forms of online porn. They have reviews on live sex cam platforms, a couple of porn blogs, download, and streaming webpages, and official porn star websites.
Apparently, not afraid of the competition, Tube Porn List even has a category listing a whopping thirty-eight porn list and directories.
This Is What I Think About The Reviews
While the vast number of categories is great and all, but the reviews themselves leave much to be desired. In fact, most of the reviews only have a sentence or two, as if these epic erotica platforms could be summed up in less than two hundred characters!
It makes the extensive social media sharing buttons seem useless. I mean, who the hell would share this shallow shit?
To be fair, there are some things I did, like the rating feature that allows visitors to like or dislike a website. There is also a live Alexa rank tool that shows how popular a website is and has been over the course of a year. To be honest, that's something I've never seen before.
They Are Still Looking For More Things To Write On
As extensive as the number of categories is, they have not tapped the number of smut sites out on the web – far from it! They are, however, open to doing new reviews all the time. In fact, they have a form in which you can suggest a review that the writers do next.
So, if you own a porn site you want to be represented on Tube Porn List, scroll down to the bottom of their home page. Just make sure that your site is manually updated (not through automated scripts), then you qualify.
The Porn Star Page Is Pretty Cool, Too
Having designed several porn, hentai, and adult video game review sites, and thought I had designed and seen it all. However, this website has a few neat riffs on the porn directory theme.
One way this website does this is by having a link to an onsite list of some of the hottest pornstars in the business. In fact, there are nineteen pages with over thirty pornstars presented.
Click on a link, and you'll get vital details on the model and a paragraph describing her career. Further, you'll also be linked to the porn star's social media profiles.
You Can Get Instantly Linked To Free Fap Videos
Another feature that Tube Porn List has, that I don't see on similar directories, is the archive of videos. And not just any videos, but high-quality smut vids courtesy of PornHub. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge collection of erotic videos. But I’m not going to complain about seeing pages of free porn of all sorts.
This Platform Has Its Share Of Problems
As nice as it looks in a number of different ways, I have a few gripes about this platform. The first thing is a trait that drags down one of its best features. By that, I’m talking about the way the adverts screw up the look of web pages.
Not only are these click-through ads distracting, but it almost seems useless. After all, I can say from experience that you can create a massively successful and lucrative smut review platform without adding a single ad anywhere.
Then there are the reviews themselves – they don’t have anywhere near enough text in them! If I were the webmaster, I would make a plan to add to or completely re-write the existing reviews. The same thing with the pornstar bios – they suck ass.
I would also change the function of the links. Instead of directly linking the reader to the site via the hypertext on the landing page, I would have that link take the visitor to the review page. When the viewer is there, I would add a promotional picture of the site being reviewed.
I'm also surprised by the lack of reviews on websites that should clearly be represented based on their popularity. There is only a single NSFW Reddit review page, BLACKED is not represented in the ebony section, and the gay sites don’t reference or Corbin Fisher.
I understand that they are doing new reviews, but some of those websites should be obvious inclusions right off the bat.
In My Opinion, This Review Website Is So-So
When taking everything into account, this porn listicle platform does present some pleasant changes to the traditional format. Indeed, I do think that maybe I should incorporate some things into my websites. That isn’t to say that everything on Tube Porn List should be emulated. There are plenty of things to criticize.
In summary, I have to say that this is a fine website, but the improvements I would make force me to weigh my score down. I give it three and a half hands with the caveat that you should still give it a look, if only for the free porn.
You want my advice when it comes to finding thorough porn reviews? Go over and start reading ThePornDude archive along with the ever-expanding blog.
You will never be disappointed by either, guaranteed.
PornDude likes Tube Porn List's
- This website directly links you to free vids
- You can read hundreds of reviews on hot websites
- The site layout and aesthetics are not too shabby at all
- With each review, you get to see the Alexa ranking
- Users can rate each website reviewed
PornDude hates Tube Porn List's
- There are way too many ads plaguing the web pages
- The length of the reviews are abysmally short
- Not all categories are as complete as they could be