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We Know Porn! If you want to get into the porn industry with a video sharing site, a camgirl site, or any other kind of adult material, then you need to know what you’re coming up against. There are so many sites already for all sorts of adult content, and blindly going into it is pretty much suicide for any hope that you can actually get any kind of profit. Trust me, with big porn sites giving millions of free porn videos; you might find that it’s a bit hard to get noticed. It’s a saturated market, I’m not going to lie, and if you want to get into it, you’re going to have to know who you’re up against and WeKnowPorn lets you do just that.
Not all porn site genres are made equal is a porn site like my other site They review porn sites of all kinds and categorize them under different genres and so on. So, if there’s my site, why am I talking about this one? Well, I just want to be fair and tell you that there are other options out there as well. Still, my site will always be the best and there is no question about that whatsoever. But hey, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that there aren’t any other options. You can learn a lot on too and if you have already gone through all the reviews on my site for the genre you’re aiming at, then getting a second opinion on the sites is a good idea too. I still have the most reviews, though, so there’s that.
So yeah, WeKnowPorn is a porn list website that will gauge the competition in any particular field you want to get into. Trust me; you don’t want to create another porn tube site that will be completely inactive since there are so many of them to choose from already. With WeKnowPorn, you will be able to identify the potential genres that could use another porn site that is better and that improves upon all the aspects that other websites couldn’t. In my opinion, this is the kind of thing you need to look out for when starting a porn business online. That way, you don’t fuck up in the very beginning.
Find the ideal supply and demand
By the looks of things on, the genres they recommend you try out are Casting, BBW, Pregnant porn and so on. These are the genres that have the fewest sites and these are also not the best, so you can probably try and manage to create something that will be interesting to a lot of people. Just because you don’t like a type of porn doesn’t mean that you can't benefit from having a site in that genre. The fewer the websites, the better the opportunity. However, genres with few websites also indicate that there is a lot less demand for that kind of content, so you need to keep vigilant of that too.
You need to strike the perfect balance between supply and demand when you are looking for a good porn site to start. If you are unsure as to which porn site could be good, then you need to think about all the potential pros and cons of starting sites in a specific genre. Now, before you start really thinking hard about all these things, maybe you just want to create a porn site that you are interested in because you are also a fan of that kind of porn content. This can be fine for some genres, but some saturated sectors of the porn industry just don’t need any more websites, no matter how good it is! Trust me on that.
Not that many features to speak of
Now, if you do want to read about all the pros and cons of each site, unfortunately, WeKnowPorn doesn’t have that kind of info in their reviews. Their reviews are really short actually. It’s nothing like the fantastic reviews I have on I mean, on my site, I also give you pros and cons so that you can quickly get an overview of what these sites do good and what they do badly that you could potentially improve upon. On WeKnowPorn, you will only be able to read the short review and then just come to your own conclusions. This is fine, but I think you should probably check out my site first.
After you have done that, I think that you are ready to start looking into other sites such as this one. With We Know Porn, it just seems like a very good idea to look at the ratings of each site. Each review will have a rating on it from actual users. Now, I do like this feature, but the only thing that I wish was true for We Know Porn is that I would like to see more users rate these sites so that I know what I’m getting myself into. When you take a look at all of these things, it’s easy to see how some people might take just one quick glance at WeKnowPorn and deduce that it just doesn’t have enough features on it.
Find out how premium porn sites operate
That being said, the site is completely free, so it’s not like you’re losing anything when you go to it. If you do decide to check out in the end, you will notice that it really doesn’t cost you a single penny. You can be on the site the entire day and read through all the reviews and you won’t be asked for any kind of hidden payment or anything. On top of this, I couldn’t find any ads on the site either. I mean, this is to be expected from a porn list site since they probably have some kinds of affiliate programs that end up giving them a lot of money instead. This works through premium sites the most.
So if by any chance you would rather support instead of my site ThePornDude, then I think that you should go to that section full of premium porn sites and decide to get a membership on one of those. This can also be useful from a business perspective since you can see how the entire payment process works as well as what premium porn sites have to offer their users these days in terms of the quality of the content, the quality of the design and the user experience and so on. All of these are important things to consider if you want to make a premium porn site with paid porn videos.
Pretty regular design, but no dark mode
The design of We Know Porn is pretty standard for a porn list site and you can definitely spot the similarities with my site. However, I do think that my website is a lot better and that you will immediately be able to tell the difference. I believe that I have organized the categories much better while here; some of them are with a scroll wheel on the main page, some of them are really short, some of them overlap instead of ending at the same place and so on. On my site, everything just seems to make much more sense. At least, this is the feeling I get when I compare the two sites, but it’s your call in the end.
In my opinion, the design could have been a bit better, but I do like the chicks they have in the banner. On my site, you have a nice little illustrated picture of me, and I think that it also looks pretty good. This, however, I guess it appeals a lot more to some dudes. But these are just minor details that we are talking about at this point. Their site at also doesn’t have a dark mode, while mine does. These are really nitpicky reasons to go for one website over the other, but with so many porn list sites out there, it’s like this is a saturated genre for itself! All in all, you can use whichever porn list site you want!
PornDude likes WeKnowPorn's
- Great way to investigate porn site saturation
- Various genres and categories to explore for free
- Get insights of what users think of various sites
PornDude hates WeKnowPorn's
- My site ThePornDude is a lot better than this one
- No dark mode and a very bright user interface
- No pros and cons and much shorter reviews