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Sometimes you don’t want to pick porn for yourself. It’s like going out to a nice restaurant and having the waiter give you the perfect wine pairing for your meal. I want some cuck to do the same for my fap sesh. Believe it or not, that shit is a real possibility. Sure, you’re not going to find a service of some dude who offers to call you up and get your list of top fetishes and supply you with kinky sites to jerk your dick to. Wait. That’s actually brilliant. I’ll write that shit down. You cucks better not steal that idea! I’m calling dibs on it.
Anyway, the next best service out there is porn list sites where you can view full lists of porn sites by genre and user rating. It’s a great resource for finding new fap-worthy websites, seeing where your porn site stacks up and getting a sneak peek at what competitors in your niche are doing. takes that idea and runs with it, providing a robust porn list site with a few extra bells and whistles that set it apart from the competition. It launched back in 2018 and has quickly gained traction, with a little over 230 thousand porn addicts coming in every month.
Colorful Site Design & Clean Layout
It looks much better than most sloppy porn list sites that cut and paste a shitty template and call it enough work for the next 5 years. There are color indications for each category, and the whole site has a basic grey theme that makes it pretty easy on the eyes regardless of when you’re browsing. You can scroll down and filter through many different fetish and genre lists. There are options for sex cams, porn tubes, anal porn, premium, gaming, dating, and so much more. These guys have managed to cover most of the niches out there, so even you picky fappers will have sites to browse.
Unlike lesser sites, has full categories with at least a dozen or so websites in each one. You’ve got hundreds of ranked sites to check out, and users determine where those sites fall on the list. I’m sure they get set at an initial point on the list, but sites can climb and fall depending on what you fucks think of them. Fuck, that must be how Pornhub fell to 22nd on their free porn tube sites. How the hell did that shit happen? Did the visitors here get dropped on their heads as kids? But, hey, you get what you get when it comes to user ratings.
User-Rated Sites & Full-Length Reviews for each Site
Sometimes the users are dumb fucks who don’t know a top-3 porn tube site when they see it. But I’m getting on a tangent. This site houses reviews as well! You can click on the little “i” next to any site link to read a decently long review. While it’s great that this site has reviews, to begin with, the English proficiency of some of them leaves a bit to be desired. If you’re going to get a review site going, then you need fucks who can, well, write. And it’s worth investing the extra cash for a quality copy. Nobody wants to read shit that barely makes sense.
This site could certainly benefit from sprucing those reviews up a bit, but I’ll take this janky copy over websites that don’t even try and write reviews at all. But this porn list site doesn’t content itself with simply tossing some reviews on the page and calling it a day. No, no. This site has a category page where you can look at hot screenshots from related fetish genres, which will give you a solid idea of what the website you land on will have. And you can see full-sized screenshots from the site before you ever click over to check it out on your own.
Get a Bonus Porn Directory Site to Browse as well!
You also get a user rating out of 5, a list of related sites, and a link back to the fap-worthy categories. But what I was getting at regarding bells and whistles is that this porn list site also lists a bunch of porn to jerk off to. You can jump over to the popular, new, or top-rated video pages to see user-rated videos from what I assume are sponsored or affiliate tube sites. These sections work just like a porn directory site.
Fuck yeah, I’ll take it. Two kinky sites for the price of one. That’s like discovering the sexy slut you’re about to bang at the bar has an equally slutty identical twin who wants to get in on the action. Like most directory sites, there are millions of videos to browse from hundreds of hot porn tube sites. Man, it’s hard not to like this site when it doesn’t have ads, has a great list of porn sites, and contains great videos out the ass. You can sort the videos by popularity, date, duration, and rating. All of the previews are solid and show an HD screenshot and all of the details you horny fucks will want, like duration, title, source, and upload date.
Great Mobile Site
The mobile version of the site was surprisingly usable. The reviews’ text wasn’t too small, and all of the dope features you had on the desktop version were still present. You can browse videos, reviews, and lists without much issue. And the mobile site continues to be a sleek, ad-free experience. It’s a solid mobile version that makes browsing sites on the go easy. Plus, you get the slight bonus of having an entire porn directory to fuck around with as well.
Pornwebmaster’s Favorite Features
This is one of the better porn list sites out there. Don’t get me wrong; it’s still not up to the premium standards I hold my sites to. But, hey, these guys are doing something right. You can find decent lists with dozens of ranked sites, and the user rankings make it so that the lists are unique and mean something. Many websites list sites by what they think is the best and call it a fucking day. Sure, do that to start. But let your users interact with the site and influence the list. It’s much more fun that way and boosts your site’s engagement.
While I think the best move would be to break up the two different sites on here, it was kind of cool that you could browse a porn directory and porn list on the same page. It was unique, that’s for damn sure. Still, I think the directory site would perform well on its own. And two highly-trafficked sites are much better than one! At least you could browse both sites on mobile and desktop without dealing with ads.
Pornwebmaster’s Suggestions
Expand! Get more reviews and sites on here. I want to see these lists bursting with hundreds of sites under each one. Hiring some proficient English writers would be a good next step as well. Listen, just having reviews on here is fucking incredible. It’s much better than most list sites have. But they need to be snappy, well-written, and worth reading. Most of the ones on here are super short and sound a bit janky. Get those reviews polished up, and you’ll be cooking. Other than those gripes, I don’t have anything else to complain about. This site already goes above and beyond what most porn list sites do.
Pornwebmaster’s Final Thoughts
Overall, gives you access to loads of great content and reviews. This porn list got all tangled up with a porn directory site and birthed this combination of both. And it worked out pretty well. You can find great sites to browse and individual hot videos to blow your load to. This may very well be the next chocolate and peanut butter situation. It’s a damn good combination. The general site design is great. It’s an ad-free browsing experience. And there are some half-decent reviews to read through. This site has a few rough edges, but it’s still one of the better porn list sites out there. I recommend checking this site out and seeing if you can find a new favorite porn site!
PornDude likes's
- Plenty of reviews for porn sites
- Hundreds of sites placed in different fetish genres
- Clean site design with no ad clutter at all
- Great mobile experience
- A whole porn directory site tacked on as an extra feature
PornDude hates's
- The quality of the writing in reviews is poor
- They need more sites listed and more reviews