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If you want to join the many other porn webmasters who are already gaining free exposure through porn tube sites, you might want to check out This place is absolutely booming with the number of porn videos that it has to offer, and it doesn’t looks like it’s going to slow down anytime soon. So, you might want to get in on the action and start transferring viewers and leads over to your site as soon as possible by using Bravoporn. Today I’m going to tell you all about the site and how much success you can gain on it. I’ll also teach you a couple of things you can do to win even more people over here.
You’re competing with tens of thousands of videos
First of all, before we get into what it’s like to be a porn webmaster here, I think that we need to look at this site from a user’s perspective. You see, the thing that stands out as the most amazing thing with this site is the fact that it just has so many videos. It’s the sheer size of Bravoporn that has made people come back to it time after time again. With tens of thousands of videos in many of the categories, it’s just really hard to compete with this place. However, if you’re not competing with this website and are instead just looking to promote your porn site, then you might be able to make strides on this platform.
Let me just take you through some of these categories and how many videos each one of them has. There’s teens with over 38,000 videos, gay with over 23,000 videos, lesbian with more than 42,000 vids, MILF with more than 60,000 videos, big tits with over 62,000 vids, HD with 14,000+ videos and so on. So, as you can see, these are some really big numbers, and it can be intimidating to take a look at them and believe that you are going to be the one to stand out with your content. Luckily, makes it easy for you since a lot of the people who upload videos here do so without any regards as to the general quality of the video and the resolution. So, a lot of the stuff uploaded here isn’t that good at all.
Many category thumbnails don’t match the genre
There are some things that aren’t ideal with these categories though, namely the way Bravoporn shows them on the Categories page. As a user, you might be confused on this page since some of the thumbs on the page don’t make a lot of sense. There are categories such as Cartoon that just have some regular IRL porn video thumbnail on them. Why? I don’t know, but it hurts the UX on the platform and it also hurts your chances to score more conversions as a porn webmaster who uploads cartoon porn. This isn’t the only category that has this issue, but it’s one that is the most prominent because of the difference.
Generally the thumbnails of the genres and categories just aren’t that great. I don’t know who was put in charge of adding all of these, but they did a pretty shitty job at it. Maybe Bravoporn needs to find new people to do these jobs so that they don’t end up falling off a cliff in terms of how many people actually use the site to watch porn. The more problem a site has, the bigger the chance that it’s going to be a place where people don’t want to go to in order to watch porn. This one problem with the category images might seem minor to some of you, but it does count for a lot when it comes to the UX of a site.
Use a good thumbnail for your video
So, you’ve started to upload porn on Bravoporn. You start getting views on the site and it’s all going great. But how do you measure your success? Well, it’s going to be pretty apparent since there is guaranteed to be a spike in the number of visitors to your own porn site from this place once you have added a couple of videos and at least one of them goes viral on the site. Sure, it’s not easy to go viral, but I’m going to share with you a couple of things that you can do in order to maximize your chances of getting a lead and getting people to end up coming to your website to check it out or even buy porn.
The first thing that you have to do is you need to choose a good thumbnail for the video. The thumbnail is essential to make the porn video attract attention from people who come to But also, you need to have a good thumbnail to show people that the porn you have to offer is some of the best porn that is available on the internet. Then, you also need a good title. Granted, the title is a lot less important since it’s a lot smaller and it’s usually the thumbnail that attracts attention from people on this site. People just want to check out videos that attract their primitive brain when it’s in horny mode.
Earn money in two different ways
There are several other things that will help you as you upload porn here. One of those things will be the fact that users can sort according to the newest and the most popular videos on the website. If you start uploading videos right now, then you can have quite a few of those in the Newest section of Bravoporn. This can be really helpful as you try to get more people to watch your porn. If you are present in a few different places on Bravoporn, then you can rest assured that you will be able to cop a few leads extra in your search for more people to use your porn site. At that point you need to decide how to earn money.
There are two different ways for you to capitalize on all the new people who are going to be coming to your website via Bravoporn. One way is to simply put ads on your porn site as well and to reap the ad revenue from all the people who will be advertising on your site. Then, you also have the ability to sell people premium content. This will be a really good method for you if you are uploading premium porn on, since not only will you stand out, but a lot more people will be inclined to go to your site for more content if they have a need for premium content. It all works itself out in the end here.
Present a premium experience to new viewers
Since is a free porn site, having another free porn site for them to go to doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Meanwhile, switching people from a free experience to a much more premium one might just be the thing that will guarantee a sale for you. And if you need a bit of help with all of that, you can also pay to feature a couple of your ads on their site too. They have all kinds of ads for you to choose from, but the most effective ones at getting people to your site are the ones that put an invisible element over the entire screen of It’s bad UX, but it works so well.
And now you know all the different tools, tips, and tricks that can aid you as you post more and more porn to this website. I think that all of this is going to work really well for you as you try to get more and more people to use your site, so I hope that you end up exploding all over the porn industry like a hot load of cum once you start using The only thing remaining for you to do is to start uploading some of your videos on this site and seeing what this is going to bring you in terms of success. Check out and stay open for all possibilities on that website.
PornDude likes BravoPorn's
- Massive community to gain exposure with
- So many categories and tags to upload to
- You’ll instantly notice an increase in visitors
PornDude hates BravoPorn's
- Tens of thousands of videos to compete with
- Category thumbnails just don’t make any sense
- Advertisements also make the UX worse