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When you look at all the ways in which you can increase your reach with users on your premium porn site, there seem to be many porn tube sites that are great for that. However, at the same time, all of these porn tube sites are just platforms that rely on you editing your videos in order to get people to your page. What if you could have a site that integrates that process, and allows you to show your vids and provide users with a clickable link that will lead them straight to the landing page of your porn site where you will do your best to sell your premium membership to them? Well, a site like that does exist.
Upload snippets of your premium porn here
The site I’m referring to is called Vikiporn, and it goes above and beyond when it comes to providing you with a way to generate new leads. But before we get into that, we should cover the basics first. The first thing you should do when you go to is that you should create a free account on the site. This will only take a couple of minutes, and once you’re done with that, it’s time to start uploading your videos. Of course, a prerequisite to actually do any of the advanced stuff with this platform is that you have a premium site that is ready to sell, and not yet another porn tube site with a bunch of ads on it.
The main idea here is that you’re going to upload snippets of your premium content, where you’ll be able to then send users to your site and this in turn should increase your revenue as you convert some of those redirections into actual sales. And since knows that you’ll be doing this, and they want to give you more direct ways of sending the users to your site, they also want a slice of that pie. That’s why they will always ask for an affiliate program with you if you intend to use any of their advanced functions that have to do with the premium links and buttons below the videos you upload.
Get an affiliate button below each of your videos
The links and buttons I’m referring to are literally going to have your site’s name on them, and the user will know that they will be redirected when they click on the button. The button is also responsive, so users that visit the site on desktop or on mobile will be able to click on the thing and they will be sent to your premium porn site. Of course, the only caveat is that if a purchase does occur, then Vikiporn will get a piece of that revenue. This is a classic affiliate marketing partnership and so it will be based on a PPS (Pay Per Sale) or a RevShare basis. I’ll explain both of these a little bit further down in the review.
So that button is basically the main feature that this website has to offer, and it sure as hell is a great way for you to increase your sales potentially. This doesn’t mean that you should ever stop adding watermarks and intros to the videos though. If you manage to get a user to remember your logo and by effect your name as well, you will plant a seed in their brain and the next time they want to watch porn they might ditch the middleman which is and just go to your site directly instead. If that happens, then you don’t have to give a part of the revenue to the guys over at Vikiporn, which is great.
Set up affiliate program with PPS or RevShare
So, there are two types of affiliate deals that you can pursue with This largely depends on what you want, so you can freely choose any one of them and set things up with Vikiporn afterward when you start uploading videos. The first one is PPS which basically means Pay Per Sale. As you might guess from the name alone, for every sale that happens through the button below your video on the site, you will give a fixed amount to this place. This is good if you want to just have a fixed number that you know you will pay them for every conversion, and if you can get a good deal on that.
However, sometimes the PPS might be too steep, and you might be able to suggest that you do an affiliate deal that has the RevShare format. This implies that instead of getting a fixed amount for every sale, Vikiporn will get a percentage of the revenue you make. This is much better if you want to scale the amount of money you’re giving them down, since it means that you have trials and multiple types of memberships covered. Imagine if you had to pay these guys a fixed $5 for every sale, and you have a Trial that only costs $1. With RevShare, you completely avoid this problem and you are only going to give them a predetermined percentage of the revenue you earn from these links on that porn tube site.
You’ll also increase your SEO score
But apart from this increased traffic, there is one more good thing that will come out of this website. You see, even if the sale isn’t converted, you are still going to get the incoming traffic to your website. This will increase the authority of your site and it will mean that you’ll receive higher ranking from search engines. Basically, the more traffic you get, the better it is for your SEO. But it doesn’t end there either. With every link to your site available directly on, you are also increasing the number of backlinks to your platform, which has an immeasurable impact on your SEO score. This is important stuff, so if you can get more backlinks just by uploading videos here, you should do it.
Basically, if all it takes for you to get more traffic and backlinks for better SEO is to upload a couple of videos to Vikiporn, then you should have started doing this a long time ago. Of course, it can be a bit tedious to get everything set up in the beginning since you need to manually send an email with a list of all your websites to Vikiporn, and then they need to let you get the functionality, and then you need to make sure that you categorize the videos correctly, but after you’ve set it all up, it’s basically going to act like free money. You don’t even have to pay these guys directly, just a percentage of the sales or PPS.
Other things to keep in mind
But if you want to go down the more traditional route of advertising your website, you can also go for the digital ads that are available on Vikiporn. With these ads, you’re going to be able to present your website through banners which are going to get plastered all across Vikiporn. These ads won’t exactly perform any miracles, but they will definitely drive up traffic since these aren’t affected by which video the user is watching. When it comes to the affiliate button, this will only show up on your own videos, and the ads are going to show up on pretty much every video offered on this site, which can be great.
But this can also be expensive, and so I don’t know how much I recommend that you do this. Maybe the best thing would be to try the affiliate thing first and see how that goes. It might be hard to get your video to go viral on Vikiporn, but if that happens and you have those premium buttons set up, then you can expect a lot of people to visit your site. And as we all know, at least some people are going to buy into the porn if you serve them with a really nice landing page that will work on their primal sexual instincts. They won’t be able to resist you content at that point, and you’ll get your way with them here.
PornDude likes VikiPorn's
- Affiliate button below each of your videos
- Choose between PPS and RevShare program
- Increase your SEO through traffic and backlinks
PornDude hates VikiPorn's
- You still need to get content to go viral here
- Advertising can be quite expensive on this site
- Setting things up in the beginning is a manual process