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Mr Porn Live! In this day and age, there are many different ways in which you can gain exposure for your website. You can pay for ads, post your videos on online forums and porn tube sites, spread the word through affiliate links and so on. One more way to get the word out is to be present on as many porn list sites as possible. These kinds of sites are known to hold a lot of links to many different porn sites, and a lot of people like to use them as a comprehensive method of finding porn content that interests them. Introducing the site called This is exactly that kind of porn list website that you can use for yourself.
Become featured website for extra exposure
Now, many sites such as MrPornLive will feature reviews of all of these sites, but to this place it seems that this doesn’t really matter. just wants to dish out as many porn sites as possible, as long as those sites want to have some kind of affiliate deal going. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a premium site to get yourself featured here. As a matter of fact, there are separate categories for porn tube sites as well as free sites in other subgenres that are present on MrPornLive. This means that you can have just about any kind of porn website and you will be able to get yourself featured on this place.
Of course, it helps if you can get in touch with the admin here and they are able to feature your porn site in one of the top spots of a genre. This helps since you will be present on the homepage without the user needing to go through any additional clicks to reach you. That’s why premium porn sites like Brazzers get featured on the homepage and why new sites have such a hard time competing with these massive premium porn giants. The only way to get to the top is to get a deal going with and that could be harder than it looks with all the other deals that they are getting from porn websites.
Reach out for some affiliate deals
To tell you the truth, every porn list site sees things differently, and so you might be able to get away with a much better deal if you reach out to MrPornLive instead of reaching out to other porn sites. Truth be told, I always think that you should be on as many sites as possible, and that just means that this place will be one more steppingstone for you. It won’t be a definite end to your site’s promotion and its free exposure, but if you can get featured on, then that will seriously help out the authority of your site as more and more visitors are going to check out your platform every day.
You can tell what kinds of deals these guys have when they have some coupons that allow people to get premium porn content for as little as a dollar. Those kinds of affiliate deals don’t usually earn this place anything upon that $1 purchase. Instead, the user has to keep paying for at least an extra month before the RevShare kicks in. Basically, these kins of deals rely on the customers staying loyal to porn brands, but this is something that changes all the time, and so I don’t think that MrPornLive gets a lot out of that kind of deal, which means that it might just be the ideal one to go for when you want more exposure. If you can be on the winning side when it comes to paying these guys, then always take the opportunity.
Be wary of bad affiliate deals
However, if you make really good porn and a lot of people decide to stick around and you’ve offered the guys over at something insane like 60% of each sale after the first month with recurring payments, then you’re in deep trouble. I mean, don’t get me wrong, if the users stay another month, then you’ll be riding that wave of green straight into the sunset. But if they end up leaving you in that month and you end up giving most of the revenue to MrPornLive, then you just got fucked up the ass. You still have to pay for all that hosting space that you’re using for all those fucking videos you have.
This is why I think that you need to be careful with the kind of deal you want to take up with MrPornLive and I think that a lot of it rides on the facts that concern your content. Is your porn better than what the exclusive porn market has to offer right now? Are premium videos not up to par with the kind of stuff you’re making? Are you creating tremors in the industry when it comes to the new quality standards and production levels that you are putting into the videos? If so, then I think that a smaller RevShare on the first purchase might be a better option for being displayed on a site like Mr Porn Live. It’s just a smarter decision and I think that you will keep more of the revenue in that way in the long run, so try it out.
Research the most trendy porn categories
And it’s not like Mr Porn Live will be complaining or anything like that. If they can get that much money from just featuring your site on the front page, then they’re going to be ecstatic. But what if you can’t offer them RevShare since you rely on ads to give you money? Well, in that case you might have to pay them per impression or per click. Since every new and unique viewer on Mr Porn Live is going to earn you money from ads, the admins over at Mr Porn Live might ask for some kind of compensation if you want to see your porn website featured on the front page here. This is like paying for ads in a way.
If there is any way for you to avoid this kind of deal, then you better take it. Paying Mr Porn Live every time that your link is clicked on just because you earn money from ads doesn’t mean that you will be able to turn a profit. As a matter of fact, the bididng prices of clicks in the porn market have gotten so huge that you might even be at a deficit if you decide to go down that route. It’s much more important on sites like that you do the appropriate market research and take a look at which genres of porn are the most popular and where you have the strongest chance of being featured at all.
Reviews for websites are not avaialble
So not only can you use MrPornLive for its affiliate deals, but you can also use it as a tool to research the market. Sure, you might not get any reviews of the sites to see what flies and what doesn’t in the eyes of a reviewer, but I guess you can still get a good idea of what kind of content is the most popular just by looking at the number of sites featured in each category. This is a fairly simple website, so I don’t think that you will have to spend a lot of time just doing research. You will quickly and effectively be able to use all the info you gather here to decide which kind of porno you’ll be filming next in your network.
As a general rule of thumb, you should always go for things that are trending right now. Sometimes that might be a niche category or genre that doesn’t seem to have that many websites on, but if you can sniff out all those trends, then you won’t just jump onto the bandwagon, but you’ll actually start the damn bandwagon to begin with. You’ll be like the Belle Delphine of OnlyFans girls. Anyway, I hope that you get what you’re looking for with this porn list website. Check it out and see if is the right place for you.
PornDude likes MrPornLive's
- Plenty of opportunities for an affiliate deal
- Get featured on the front page of the website
- Both premium and free sites are welcome here
PornDude hates MrPornLive's
- Hard to strike a good deal with this website
- No reviews are available from this platform
- Number of users tends to fluctuate here