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Many porn webmasters have the feeling that they can get a lot from advertising their content if they just do it heavily enough and if they invest a lot of money into it. Well, I’m here to tell you that this isn’t enough and that you are going to need to have your porn featured on some porn tube sites as well if you want to achieve the best possible effect. With this in mind, it’s time to check out a porn tube site that I think is really good for this purpose and the domain name of this site is I really like the name, since it reminds me of all the times I used to beat my cousin in Mortal Combat. Okay, maybe that’s a weird analogy, and I just have to mention really quickly that I’ve never had sex with my cousin.
Upload some of your porn for free
Alright, that took a weird turn and brought us to a really strange place, so let’s get on with the review and see just how Fapality is going to be able to help you when it comes to getting your porn more exposure, recognition, and everything else that you need in order to get more traffic, better SEO, and all the other good stuff that we are all basically looking for. Are you ready to get started? You are? Great, so let’s start off by talking about the general idea of what you will be aiming to do with a place like Keep on reading cause this is going to have a huge impact on your success as a business.
Obviously, with a porn tube site you need to be aware of the fact that you are going to be giving away some of your porn for free for people to enjoy and watch only in the hope of getting some of these viewers so interested in the quality of your video that they end up going to your premium porn site and end up deciding that they want to buy your porn content. Obviously this is easier said than done since you have to convince a person who is on a free porn tube site to purchase porn, usually for the firs time in their entire lives too. So, when it comes to doing this properly, there are a few rules to follow here.
Get conversions and new premium leads
The first rule that you always have to follow as a premium porn site posting porn on a site like Fapality is that you need to make sure that you leave some kind of curiosity gap for the users who are watching your content. Why is that? Well, you want to basically get some people to wonder what else happens in the videos that hasn’t really been featured in the version that you upload to Things like cutting out important transitions where the girl goes from sucking dick to getting fucked is a popular way of doing this. You’re still giving them the raw sex material, but it still leaves room for some curiosity.
With this, users are going to want to know how the girl went from sucking dick to getting fucked, or even more importantly how she agreed to have sex in the first place. You guys know how important story telling is in porn videos, and the first part of the video is what really gets people going. Especially if it’s something taboo like a cheating wife, a lost hitchhiker teen, or even a student looking to make a quick buck who agrees to suck dick for a hundred bucks. So yeah, context matters, and people are usually willing to pay the extra buck just to see the full context of how it all really went down.
Target the perfect porn lover audience
Obviously, it’s not just going to be enough to simply upload your porn like this and be over with it. You see, another thing that you need to keep in mind is that people need to know about you, and they need to know what brand they’re watching when they click on your porn video. That usually means putting some kind of network or studio logo in the corner of the video, and this should be subtle, but obvious enough so that people know where they need to go to when they want to see more of your porn. And so, with all this in mind, I really think that you need to concentrate on doing this part with the editing.
At this point I’m sure you will notice that a lot of your success on Fapality depends on how you edit your videos, and this is in no small part due to the fact that you are going to need to wow the users when they actually click on your porn, but also because you are going to have to keep in mind that the users here are looking for ways to jerk off without having to pay for porn. Of course, not every user will just jerk off, be done with it, and just turn their laptop off. Some of them are going to be curious and these are the ones who you are really looking to target when you upload porn to the website.
Get many views with good practices
And how are you going to properly get their attention anyway? I mean, how are they going to know that you put all of this effort into editing the video for them and posting it to Fapality? Well, that’s where the thumbnail and title come into play, and these two are going to really determine how much attention your porn videos get on this platform. If you manage to do a good job with the title and the thumbnail, then you will surely find a lot of people who are going to be willing to click on your porn and who are going to give you the views necessary in order to really grow and so I suggest you do a good job here.
One more way in which you are going to make sure that you target the right people is if you select the correct categories and make sure that all of the people who need to see the appropriate videos you make, do so in the end. So, think about this the next time you are uploading to Fapality, and don’t forget to select the correct categories, because if you do this part correctly, then you probably will not have to worry about anything else since most other things are going to fall in their place. Just be realistic with the categories and I’m sure that your porn is going to do well here. There’s not much else to it, really.
Pretty active and competitive porn environment
Well, I guess there is one more thing to consider with this site, and that is the possibility of posting ads. If you are really looking to boost your porn game to the next level, you should think about putting some ads on this site as well. Ads can really be a really important factor when it comes to getting your porn site to the next level, so if you’re already getting plenty of views on and you want to turn your already successful premium porn site into a massively successful one, then you should really think about getting some ads into the equation as well. It’s an investment but it’s really worth it in my eyes.
Of course, you need to be aware that you aren’t the only one on this website and that there are many other porn networks who are doing the exact same thing when it comes to posting their own porn videos and getting a lot of exposure and visibility for it. And with all of this in mind, I think that you’re ready to jump into the competitive sphere of posting porn videos on this site and so I think that you’re really going to be able to get a lot out of Just start doing things, start posting videos, and eventually think about getting some ads on the board as well, and you’ll have plenty of success.
PornDude likes Fapality's
- Upload your porn videos to get free exposure
- Easily convert people interested in your niche
- Target a massive audience with ads as well
PornDude hates Fapality's
- Ads might not give the best returns sometimes
- A very competitive place with many networks on it
- Requires some time and effort to be invested