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Indie Nudes
One of the things that many porn webmasters get caught up in when they are trying to promote their porn site is trying to get a lot of SEO and a lot of direct traffic through link exchanges and traffic trades. Well, sometimes you need to forget about all of those technicalities and just go back to your roots. You need to think about why you started the porn site (other than the fact that you wanted to make money) and what actually drew you to the world of porn in the first place. After you’ve answered these two questions you are going to be ready to go to and see how you can utilize this site too.
Email them a suggestion of your site
Why do I say all of this? Well, might look like a regular link exchange website at first glance, but they’re anything but that. They are actually a site that values quality above all else, and all of the content that they feature here seems to be connected to indie porn content on various websites where they just want to see people enjoying stuff made by amateurs. Basically, as long as it’s an amateur video but it still looks like a decent porn creation, you can expect it to be featured here. So, does your site actually fall within the confines of this description or does it not really fit that mold?
Whatever you answered to the last question of the paragraph, it doesn’t hurt to try and get your site on this platform. It might seem like you’re wasting your time, but in fact the procedure of submitting a site is so hilariously short that you won’t really have a lot to think about or do in that regards. Basically, the only thing you really need to do in order to get featured here is to send them an email with a suggestion of which site they should feature. And you can already tell that they already get a lot of suggestions from users, so why not throw in your hat in the ring and see if you can get something out of it. And if not, you are still going to be more persistence than some other webmasters who don’t even try.
Don’t mention link exchanging or traffic trading
The only thing you need to keep in mind when sending them the email is that this place is not about link exchanges, and this place is not about traffic trades. They don’t care about any of that bullshit and the admins of this site just see it all as technical mumbo jumbo for porn sites that aren’t good enough to attract their own users. If that is the case with your site, then you might have a hard time actually getting any kind of recognition here. But getting a feature on a site like that can be a really good thing for you since you will be rubbing shoulders with some really big porn sites that also get organic traffic.
So do you have what it takes? Does your porn site get the attention it deserves since you think so highly of it? I mean, even if you don’t think that this is the case, simply sending one email won’t hurt you. Just remember not to mention anything about links exchanges or traffic trades to Indienudes. If you do that, then that’s an automatic rejection and they won’t even consider you in further features. They just don’t care about that crap, and to them it’s all about the quality of porn that you bring to the table and it’s all about fitting the niche that they are trying to bring to their users here. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.
Get more direct traffic and better SEO
Let’s consider for a moment what you’re getting if you are featured on this website. First of all, you are going to have a lot of users clicking on your link and checking out the content that you have to offer. Second of all, you’re also going to have a lot of big sites here, so the fact that you are being listed alongside them is going to be a real boost for your credibility with users. So even if they don’t click on your link per se, the name of your site might stick and they might search for your porn site name the next time they want to watch some quality indie porn. But you need to get that feature on here first.
Another thing that you can expect to happen is that your SEO is going to have a heck of a time as it grows larger and larger, ensuring that you get more recognition from search engines, and as such get more clicks from organic traffic from people who are just searching for indie porn. This kind of traffic also increases your site authority, which boosts your SEO yet again, and this kind of cycle is really going to help you cement your position at the top of the search results for many of the keywords that have to do with indie porn and the likes. It might seem hard to believe this to be the case, but it’s 100% true.
Not the finest user experience on their part
You just have to work your way up and as soon as you reach a certain threshold, you will see that the tides are going to shift and that you no longer need to exert so much effort into getting people to come to your site by going to places like Indienudes for help. Trust me, if you can get your SEO up, all of the problems that you might have experience in the past will be magically gone. You just need to get that initial hit of adrenaline that your site desperately needs in order to be taken seriously, and it’s all just smooth sailing from there. It’s all about starting things off right and Indienudes can help you with that.
However, I’m not going to sit here and lie to you that this is the most important site to be featured on. Sure, it’s exclusivity with the featured links is great and all, but the site still kind of sucks when you take a look at it from afar. I mean, it has this ugly font with this ugly color on a black bar background, and on top of that it also has this sort of giraffe pattern used as the website background that I’m pretty sure no sane person would think is sexy or cool. Maybe they were watching too much tiger king on Netflix and they got confused with which stripes represent the tiger and they just put whatever on their platform.
You should try to get featured anyway does seem like the kind of site that would make these mistakes and that would not really provide one of the best user experiences out there. Still, it might provide you with a lot of benefits if you are able to convince them that your site is worth the consideration for a spot on their list, but if you don’t get the feature, I don’t want you to be all down in the dumps about it. If this happens, just forget about Indienudes and move on. There are many other similar sites where you should also be concentrating your efforts, and on those sites you will see that traffic trades are a lot more important.
While Indienudes doesn’t seem to put a lot of emphasis on all of these things, you can rest assured that they are still going to appreciate if you send some traffic their way as well. At least in the back of their heads they are going to think that they owe you something, and maybe that will result in your site shifting its position on and getting a much better spot on one of their lists. Still, I don’t want you to get all worked up about this, and if it happens, it happens. If not, then who cares. What matters is that you try and so I suggest that you send them an email with a suggestion right now.
PornDude likes Indie Nudes's
- Suggest your porn site in a few seconds
- Get plenty of high-quality targeted traffic
- Your SEO will be improved by so much too
PornDude hates Indie Nudes's
- They don’t like traffic trades or link exchanges
- Might be harder to convince them for a feature
- Not the best user experience for their followers