Show 1+ sites like TheCamDude:
The Cam Dude! Before we start this review, I know what you might be thinking. “Porn Dude, is this guy ripping you off?” And to that, I just have to say: Relax, there’s no need to get our panties all up in a bunch. Sure, we could see the many similarities, but at the same time, we don’t have to see this as a bad thing. Instead, as a porn webmaster, you should always see sites like this as a good thing. Why? Simply put, these kinds of sites are going to help you on your quest to get more people to your site, and they will do so in many different ways. That’s why I think that you should always see these sites as a good thing for yourself.
Many kinds of sites are featured on this platform
One of the first things that you will notice with these kinds of sites is the fact that they have all of these different websites listed out, and you’re probably wondering how the heck those sites are even added to the list? Are they chosen at random? Are they chosen based on popularity? Maybe some other forces are at play here? Well, as it turns out, it’s basically all of the above. The sites are chosen in many ways, and one of them is also affiliate marketing believe it or not. Now, when it comes to sites such as this one, you can’t expect to get a promotional piece. You will always get a review, whether you’re an affiliate site or not. So, that’s also the case with TheCamDude, so you should keep this in mind as well.
Now that we have that out of the way, why would you even want to be featured on a site like this one? Well, let me tell you this much, users just love these kinds of sites since they make a good compilation of all possible sites that are related to adult entertainment. And with TheCamDude in particular, you can expect a site that is all about showing the best of the best when it comes to cam sites. But it’s not just cam sites featured on this platform. Nope, these are just part of the equation, and you can actually expect many more sites to be featured here, and that means your site could also have a spot on the list.
Very long and detailed reviews are featured here
The thing to remember when it comes to these kinds of sites is what the users think. If you have a healthy user base flowing in on a regular basis, then you can expect this kind of site to be more than enough for what your needs might be in terms of how many users you expect it to send you and also how big of an SEO boost you can expect to get out of the platform. And the fact of the matter is that this place actually does get a lot of users on it. And it’s not like the guy who made this place cheated his way to having so many users on the site. Nope, he actually has some great content that users love to read.
What draws people in the most on this platform is the fact that the reviews are so long and detailed. They go into the nitty and gritty when it comes to every single website and you basically know every aspect about the site by the end of the review, which I find to be quite phenomenal. So, because of these detailed reviews, actually gets a lot of attention from users all the time. This is a fact that we can’t ignore, and so I’m definitely going to talk about it in the remainder of this review since it will have a profound effect on what you are able to do as a webmaster on
It’s always a two-way street with TheCamDude
And I’m sure that the first and most important thing many of you are interested in is actually using TheCamDude as a tool that will generate more traffic to your website. The math is quite simple, and it involves taking a look at how much traffic you’re receiving now, as well as how much traffic you’re receiving once you have sending you extra people down your lane. To measure this, you must first get on the list, and to do that you can either wait if you’re a popular cam site or if you fit into one of the other categories while being popular enough, or you can contact TheCamDude yourself.
If you decide to contact TheCamDude, you could be expected to give something in return to them, and this can be either a deal with traffic trading, or it can be a deal in just paying them directly. Additionally, if your site has paid services, you could make some kind of affiliate deal where will earn a percentage of the revenue from all the people who spend money on your site in case they sent them to you. Seems pretty reasonable to me, and it’s also one of the best deals you can get. I even think it can be better than traffic trading, since you’re actively investing in attracting more people to your site.
Bring your SEO to a decent level
A thing to remember here would obviously be that you’re not just investing in getting some traffic to your site. Getting this traffic is only one thing that will happen if your link is featured on TheCamDude, but another thing that is quite important is that you will actually get an SEO boost, which I have mentioned a bit earlier in this review. When you look at all the best porn sites out there, whether they are in the business of cam girls or otherwise, you will notice that there is a strong correlation between where they are on Google’s search results, and how much money they are making at the end of the day.
So, if you would like to be a part of the big league, and you want to enjoy all of that sweet mullah that is just waiting for you in the porn industry, then I suggest that you up your SEO game. If you do that, you’re almost guaranteed to get the results you want, and one of the best ways to get your SEO to a decent level is to be featured on as many sites as possible. And there is one more thing to remember about being featured on in particular, and that’s that this site has a pretty good site authority as well. The higher the site authority of the platform, the better the SEO is that you’ll attain.
Absolutely essential links feature for cam sites
Don’t forget that is mainly a porn list for cam sites, so if you don’t have a cam site you might get somewhat lower SEO and traffic metrics from being featured on the platform. However, if you ARE a cam site, it’s almost essential that you are also featured here. Just having a link here will mean a lot for your cam site, and the brand-awareness surrounding your cam site as well. In a way, you can look a this site as one of the best ways to start up your cam girl website with a decent enough audience so that you can justify all the time and effort you have invested into this thing. It’s definitely worth it.
At the end of the day, the first step is to get in touch with TheCamDude and see if you can work something out. Your end goal should always be to get your site’s link on the list and to get as many new people to check out your site as possible. And seeing as how cam sites have exploded in popularity over the last couple of years, you will definitely have a much easier time with getting people to check it out than if you had a regular porn site I can tell you that much. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey on becoming one of the best cam sites in the world by being featured on
PornDude likes TheCamDude's
- Essential if you have a cam girl website
- Get more direct traffic and better SEO
- Many ways to get featured on the list
PornDude hates TheCamDude's
- Worse effect on sites that aren’t cam girl platforms
- You are always expected to give something in return
- Might take time before you see concrete effects