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Jumping onto the adult scene can be pretty tough with so many players in the game who are already there and who have been playing the game for a really long time. However, there is a market out there that is far less developed where you can make an easier breakthrough if you know how to position yourself with your online porn business. That market is the Chinese market and I’m sure you have been thinking about penetrating it with your own content when you saw how rapidly that entire part of the world was advancing when it comes to how well people live and how much money they have as well.
Put your porn project website on a list
So, if you want to have a really successful porn site in China, there are a couple of things that you need to pay attention to and one of them is the fact that you are going to have to have your porn site mentioned on a couple of outlets in order to really make a big stir in the industry. Now, I’m not saying that success will come overnight to you if you just make sure to get the appropriate links on different sites, but it’s definitely a start. One such site where getting a link to your platform would be really useful is called This place is like a porn list but containing only websites in the Chinese market.
Making sure that your site is visible and talked about in the Chinese porn scene is really important, and so this place is going to be a real treat when it comes to achieving that goal. You will, of course, have to tell Qingse that you exist, so communication between you and the admin of this website is going to be a crucial part of the entire arrangement. It might seem like a lot of work, and honestly I would prefer it if it was more automated and you didn’t have to talk to anyone, but that’s just the way it is. Hopefully this will not pose a huge problem for you and you will be able to get your site to be on one of the lists here.
Get plenty of organic direct traffic
But why even go through all this trouble? Is it just so that your site is on the map and so that people can start talking about it? Well, no. You see, one of the reasons why you want your site to be up on one of the categories of is the fact that people actually come here and click on these links in China. I know that porn list sites in the west are not visited as much, but hey still get some direct traffic and all that, but in China it’s a completely different story. Because these sites keep getting blocked and put down by the government, Chinese people need to find new platforms to watch porn all the damn time.
If you manage to get your site on Qingse, then you are guaranteed to get some clicks from the website. And trust me, these direct clicks are one of the most important things in my opinion. If you can get enough of these clicks, it’s going to be enough to really get your site moving forward and to really push it as one of the go-to platforms when it comes to Chinese porn. Trust me, having this kind of thing on your side is going to be a life-saver and getting all of this extra attention is going to be worth it in the very end if your site manages to last long enough without being banned in China (be careful of that too).
Plugs and backlinks increase your SEO
Another thing that might pique your interest when it comes to this entire arrangement is the byproduct of being on this website. You see, having a backlink to your site on such a high-traffic website such as Qingse is going to inadvertently give you a lot of SEO power as well. What is SEO power? Well, SEO stands for search engine optimization, and while China might not have Google that you can rank high on, it does have Baidu. Granted, adult results are basically banned on Baidu, but every now and then something might slip through the cracks, and it’s not like Baidu is the only search engine used in China.
If a user has a VPN, then he can access Google without an issue, and that’s where you’re going to have to present your SEO power the most. Getting to the first page of Google’s search results is one of the most important things when it comes to having a successful porn site, so the fact that you might be able to do that by being on Qingse and having your site generate passive search engine optimization is something that you really need to take into consideration. And to get the appropriate dose of SEO, you really need to take into account all of the things that the platform is going to be able to give you. It might seem like a small step to have your website featured here, but it’s actually a pretty big one.
What you need to get featured here
Apart from getting your site in one of the categories, you can also get your website to be on the right-hand side of the website where you can find a list of all kinds of platforms. These are more exclusive backlinks and they are worth more since there are fewer links in that list than in other ones. The fewer the number of backlinks in a specific list, the more it’s worth to you in terms of getting the most out of search engine optimization. So, it’s in your interest to try and get your link to be on that side of the site as well as it can provide you with the necessary traffic boost that you need to move further forward.
But how do you even get your site to be featured on this platform? Well, you’re going to have to offer something in return to Qingse. That something can be either traffic trading if you already get a fair bit of activity on your site, or you can just flat-out pay this place and get your link to be featured. And since we are talking about a Chinese site, a plug probably wouldn’t actually be that expensive. You can get one going and then reap the benefits from it along the way without much of an effort. So, I do think that it’s worth it, but then again you definitely have to think about the fact that you’re investing real money.
Start penetrating the Chinese porn market today
And there you have it. That’s the guide you need in order to get started in the Chinese porn market. Just one site like is enough to get the ball rolling and after that things should just fall in their place if you let them and if you put enough time and effort into taking care of your plugs and making sure that those backlinks are doing their job. After all, if you end up paying for those, you want them to actually work and you don’t want to pay for something that won’t do jack shit. So think about all of this before you venture into a business deal with so you don’t end up regretting your decision.
At the end of the day, breaking into the Chinese porn market is no easy task. However, if you want to get a piece of this growing pie, then you need to be ready to make sufficient sacrifices and to do what it takes to make the most out of the situation. Chinese porn site making is highly unpredictable as you never know when you’re going to be placed on China’s shit list. So, just try to keep your chin up and take any punch that comes your way with added enthusiasm as you try to launch more domains and get those backlinked on as well in order to keep earning money from your porn site project.
PornDude likes Qingse's
- Penetrate the porn site market in China
- Get backlinks for all of your porn site projects
- Direct traffic and Chinese SEO as a byproduct
PornDude hates Qingse's
- You either have to trade traffic or pay for plugs
- The Chinese porn site market is highly unpredictable
- Your hard work could be nullified with a state ban